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Gas engine car sales fast declining. EV sales fast replacing dirty cars.

Build all the New Energy. Build manynmassice offshore wondfarms, install many, (MANY) vast battery systems. Lower energy costs.

EVs have little to No maintenance, cost SIX dollars to drive, not ninety.

No shifting, no horrific noise, no poisonous exhaust, no grime on your clothes.

No visits to gas stations, no gas station hot dogs.


The ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ or shruggie.

Best as original. is unclear 🤷

The central character "ツ" is the character tsu from Japanese katakana.

Some more examples;

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ (◕‿◕✿) (ʘ‿ʘ)
ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪ (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿) ༼ʘ̚ل͜ʘ̚༽
(•_•) (⌐■_■) ლ,ᔑ•ﺪ͟͠•ᔐ.ლ (~_^)
^̮^ (>人<) ◔̯◔ ಠ‿↼ (ʘᗩʘ')
(。◕‿◕。) (ง°ل͜°)ง ╚(ಠ_ಠ)=┐

“Saints don't turn water into wine, saints turn tears into cheer.”
― Abhijit Naskar. #quote

"Love all, serve all.
Together we can make the world better. Get involved."

- jimmahar :fediverse: @jimmahar

"If people is not at the center of your development process, you can't be a good developer."

- Curioso 🍉 🇺🇦 (jgg)


Nelson Mandela audio about #war: 

"...The fight against ... lack of... etc...

" may prove to be a more difficult battle than a battle fought with arms"


Solving on poverty etc might be harder than achieving independence as only one part of 'freedom' and should be an ongoing thing... not oppression from internal forces...

Winning ⚔️ independence and peace 🕊️ on home different.

====== ALSO ======

Mandela Almost sounded against US at one point and actually explained it well "some consider the world their battle field" so I thought that was interesting too until he welcomed US companies to South Africa which was going backwards for me :skull_cross:

Government and political parties often claim to manage and improve things... but mostly "profit" is the "economy" definition they mean.

> >

Would you Buy $19.99 for $20.00 !? (Money / Banks) 

Would you Buy $19.99 for $20.00 !?

Would you pay for ?
(because that's what the system is making people do!

YES - because you probably are and if you accept the banking system then OTHER PEOPLE PAY for money itself ?


Imagine people PAY for money itself ?

- paying for loan
- pays fees. % etc...

So you too are reducing the worth of money...

Paying to get loan or paying slowly 10,000 for 100K is still making it it worth 90K overall (even though it will say 100, it's worth is 90).

I understand there is all this tomfoolery in logic that "you are investing" a house (also getting more expensive)... or in a company... but while loans dilute the money "market" everyone is losing and devaluing the money itself !

This is a comedy clip video example of what I mean just literally a second or two...

"Buy $19.99 for $20.00" !

Do you see it possible to improve people more than devalue money between us ?


Do you see it possible to improve people more than just tech?

Many coding geniuses, except maybe Linus Torvalds himself, seem to be happier with programs than people.

What is your experience of programmers and tech folk in general (without any hate here in mind other than "what about improving the people skills" a bit more)

people more than tech?
+ ?

"Democracy" is a word but maybe not reality... My Definition and Disclaimer... 

The word "Democracy" I'm not sure actually exists in practice. It seems more a word than something actually done (being represented properly by elected oblivious stay-in-lane representatives I wouldn't trust with conversation let alone represent me).

❓ Is "Democracy" just the many also oblivious, even the cleverest who might also be "hoping" for logic and "balance" to come to the surface when it doesn't?

❓ Is "Democracy" actually trying to achieve, through millions of unique voices, what is impossible to do the on a large scale as representation and care?,

❓ Is "Democracy" the 3rd meaning in my dictionary so the people have the 1st meaning in mind while 2nd and 3rd meaning is what state / government uses all-the-while ?

Noun: democracy

🙍 1. A political system ruled by the people, either directly or through elected representatives
:google: 2. The doctrine that the numerical majority of an organized group can make decisions binding on the whole group
:google: 3. A state under the direct or representative rule of its people


⬆️ The :google: = Government (which is slowly becoming the same thing!)

Just saying words might not actually work as a system but exist in the dictionary). Words can mean something but doesn't mean they need to work in reality.
Also words can be taken over to mean whatever people mean today so it's own context of "today" anyway it seems it's far fetched and perhaps just another words used by politics to make people think they are in a Democracy (again words twisted by those in it toward the largely uneducated public).

Democracy in it's best case, as I see it, needs smaller pools of people and more dynamic style of "system" because of the unique differences of individuals themselves and their locality.

Democracy is not a one-size fits all system called "Democracy".

Part of it are good like "good communication" and other components but MILLIONS REPRESENTED BY A FEW PEOPLE ? NO.

Elected or not by today's standards of politics, Democracy seems like a label used but if you talk to the average persons they might not even know what it is...

"Democracy" as a word - My Definition as a Disclaimer...

Democracy is supposed to be dynamic. . . 

(Although disclaimer, I'm not sure if Democracy even exists (is it just many voices hoping for logic to come to surface?), just in it's own context anyway, it needs to be a dynamic style / improving hopefully).

Words have 2...3...4... meanings
Dictionary / Language is therefore by nature misleading...

Collectivism (as example)

= 1. Soviet communism
= 2. A political theory that the people should own the means of production

So if I say I don't like "Collectivism"
❓ Do I dislike 1? Soviet communism


❓ Do I dislike 2? A political theory that the people should own the means of production

❓ or dislike BOTH?

Multi-meaning words are therefore by nature / full of ...

growth = success? (Mastodon critique) 

growth = success (usually)

however growth in just numbers without mindset growth is dangerous.

for example is growing and so are the :youtube: youtube links which is Google.

So YouTube Google :google: on Mastodon or linking to making a kind of Advert Farm for them here - which is not the aim but often comes first with users and is not acknowledged or curbed enough (or at all) by admins and users to do different or try something else (filtered links or firefox plugin etc)

Those who might have come here for similar reasons (non adverts) put links with adverts! Crazy!

So we grow the SAME cancers here / allow links tracking users or just link to non-Mastodon and expect that to work?

A least people could filter their links to videos like this

or video channels linked like this:

☯️ Karma - "What goes around comes around.,."

Ask Government THIS!

Targets are for 2050 ⚠️ ❓
But that year is at least 6 or 7 governments away!

Does government have conservation or demand reduction targets for this year? And next 5 years?

(otherwise projections are meaningless and legally NOT binding!)

A binary choice of either big or big .

(Two choices, same choice or result)

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.