#physics #weather **World heat flow** Due to attacks on geophysics (not me) I am in a funk, and will only do these when the ocean currents come out. Summary - Europe cold, Australia wet.
ps. the American demand for cocaine has destroyed every country to the south. We Canadians can make a lot of money on this.
**Canada to produce cocaine** No more cocaine bears! This is rational and makes me happy.
#physics #weather The gulf stream is still erratic, but the Pacific is stone-cold solid. We're not hearing any more on how El Nino will come any day now. I think they'll just slink away, as usual.
#weather **The weather always changes** The weather is changing - I say cold, they say hot - to-may-to to-mah-to. However, new areas will suffer drought (and blizzards). This is a good GMO, that never gets into the grain kernels. It's a good moral dilemma for the moralists.
#physics **Of soot** This is neat stuff, but very basic physics. The nanoparticles of soot are nastiest stuff in the world, but humans evolved with it, since they invented fire. That's why I always laughed at the nanoparticle doomer stories.
**Everybody sending their stuff to Ukraine** Lots of money here. The Swedes sent their cheap anti-tank missile, which everybody dismissed as too cheap, and it took down Ruskie tanks like nobody's business.
#physics **Harmonic resonance** Or you could just call it resonance. This is the cause of most failures, because it isn't easy to analyse. I find most people treat it without the laws of physics.
*Engineers with the company and other organizations developed a solution to mitigate “a rare system phenomenon involving harmonic resonance” in the engines, which is expected to clear the way for newly-built F-35s and other affected fighters to fly again, the JPO said in a statement Friday.*
Descended from Unix freaks, I evolved to Linux. Some people might consider me old at 60+, but I'm suing the world to get my age down to 30.
I have a blog https://ontario-geofish.blogspot.com/
and it is read by 8 people. My formal education is in an extinct branch of science called geophysics. Since there was no money in it, I went to engineering. I've done tunnels, radwaste thingies, etc.