#physics #weather **Back to the future**
*San Bernardino County lies east of Los Angeles County, where the first mountain blizzard warning since 1989 was scheduled to take effect at the same time.*
My hypothesis has us travelling back in time to 1970-1997 when the first monster El Nino took place. Then we zoomed up in temperature to 2016, and crashed after that. In 1983, the pipes froze in my old house.
#physics #earthquake **S. turk develops its own mechanism** It has its own right-angle fracture mechanism, like the big one, but on a smaller fractal scale. This area should have another m6 or 7 soon.
ps. I think the sea level data will go yearly now, as well. It's best to hide all this stuff in the basement and go with the fantastic stories. :(
**qoto to become more addictive** Yes, that rich guy will incorporate all this new stuff to make us all post endlessly....
**Better than a kick in the head** That's what I usually say.... but...
#physics #earthquake **Ontario Earthquakes** The CBC turned it into a climate change thing. No physics whatsoever.
Descended from Unix freaks, I evolved to Linux. Some people might consider me old at 60+, but I'm suing the world to get my age down to 30.
I have a blog https://ontario-geofish.blogspot.com/
and it is read by 8 people. My formal education is in an extinct branch of science called geophysics. Since there was no money in it, I went to engineering. I've done tunnels, radwaste thingies, etc.