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illandan boosted

Discord is valued at 1.65 _billion_ dollars.

What kind of person can look at that and go "ah, yes, this free chat service is totally not gonna screw us out of private data for profit"?

@pcrock A bit of both for me. Lately, I am consciously aware that I should put the phone down and go read a book or enjoy the surroundings. This is mostly when I'm travelling or walking around. When walking, I used to occasionally pause, check the phone and keep moving. I find that my use of the phone is a rather deep rabbit hole I should just dig myself out of. :D

Think this is similar for a lot of folks too πŸ™‚

@blinry Ah, starchy water. Sorry, didn't read - but chocolate flavoured hummus sounds like an idea to try! (or a bad one) :D

@blinry So, uhm, chocolate flavoured hummus? πŸ˜€

illandan boosted

ΩˆΪΎΫŒΨ±Ϋ’ Ψ§Ψ³ Ω…ΫŒ کافی ؟

@realmaxkeeble Only 3 reads? So, you mean to say you were startled WP did an amazingly better job than, uh, a book? πŸ˜†

I was somewhat bemused reading this news article on CNN:

I'm also surprised to see nobody even questioned him, looking at how woefully out of touch he is with reality. US folks, what's happening here? :O

"To frighten the EU into believing we are serious about no-deal Brexit, the country has staged a fake traffic jam all the way to Dover" -- Seriously? You can't make up crap like this and have the voting public pay for it!

@iankenway I think most governments in the world are lulled into a sense of security thinking that their people will *NOT* revolt against them. That is absurd and governments, as they stand, should be very afraid of their people - like how you would be wary of a sleeping lion. You wouldn't try poking it, would you?

The same with Brexit. The UK parties seem very confident that people won't revolt. Time to change that, I guess.

lewd joke... 

@freemo What'd he say to a mocktail, then? πŸ˜†

@freemo dunno, man. Here I was thinking, "moobs" are a thing too, right? πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

@freemo Keep going! BTW, did you know that there are specialist nibs, specifically meant for calligraphy? Here's one example:

@freemo So close, they only missed an apostrophe! And, they still had to go shutdown? πŸ˜†

@freemo Just something I noticed, typing out emojis like :smile: or :wink: do not automatically translate on here, unless I tab into it and select the emoji. Expected?

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