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@mitch you have to tarof a bit for politeness though.

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It’s all fine as well to thank a veteran for their “service to the country”. But when was the last time you thanked an accountant in your local government for stewarding your tax dollars? When was the last time you thanked a teacher for creating a future American? When is the last time you thanked the guy that’s paving the road you drive on every day? Those folks spend their entire lives serving their country and, quite frankly, they are ignored. They all serve. Their contributions are many. 

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@freemo it's great, for sure. I just have a funky network setup on account of some physical and historical limitations of the property. So I generally expect that, at some point, I'm going to have a segment of the network become unreachable until I go over with a patch cable and reconfigure some setting that got overwritten or needs to be renamed for the new version or whatever. My upgrade plan succeeding without any such contingencies feels very strange.

Just upgraded multiple nodes on my home network to the new @OpenWrt version... and nothing broke. I did my homework and tried to avoid known pitfalls, sure - but that never happens. It feels like the laws of nature are suspended today.

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Some differences between 🇺🇸 American Football and 🇨🇦 Canadian 🏈 Football:
🔸️Canadian football has 3 downs as opposed to 4
🔸️The Canadian field is larger with a playing length of 110 yards and 20 yard endzones
🔸️Canadian Football allows one more player, which must play the backfield
🔸️The entire backfield can be in motion before the snap
🔸️The goal posts are at the goal line
🔸️Kicking the ball through the end zone results in a single point, known as a Rouge. #CFLOM #GreyCup

@ceoln I tracked down why it’s doing this, but it’d take a code change to fix it and I’m not really knowledgeable enough about the codebase to figure out how. It’s a problem in the web frontend, so if you use something like Halcyon or Pinafore it won’t show up (but then you don’t get the extra features that have been added to QOTO’s frontend, of course).


@ClaraListensprechen4 @freemo

@NunavutBirder Your second idea's a good one, but the first one opens a pretty big loophole.

Suppose there are two teams that are both in the market for a head coach. Both have enough to spend the full coaching cap on their staff, but Team A has a substantial excess that Team B does not (that is, in the absence of the cap, Team A could afford to spend much more on coaching than Team B). If fired coaches are exempt from the cap, Team A can offer longer contracts to outcompete Team B for talent. The downside to a long contract - you have more dollars left owing on the books if you fire him - prevents Team B from matching Team A's offer, because Team B would need that money to pay the replacement, while Team A can afford to pay both the fired coach and his replacement.

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:greycup: US and international sports fans can stream the #GreyCup for FREE tomorrow at 6:00 pm EST on CFL+ #CFLOM

@freemo I wasn't sure of the scope of your question, so I didn't answer. Suppose a paramedic refuses to provide lifesaving care to a person injured in a car crash, because the injured person was clearly at fault. In a sense, the paramedic "let someone die" who was "unwilling but otherwise capable" of following the rules of the road, which in this case is "what was needed to stay alive". That's quite a different situation from the decision to, say, force-feed a hunger striker.

@trinsec I love this stuff! But it's hard to come by in North America.

@mitch you can pick and choose the servers you want to see by using domain subscribes.

@Bahais_Mexicali Paul was a member of our community for many years. It's nice to see people remembering him.


@mitch that doesn't mean they were low alcohol. If I did the math right, even the weak grog they served to sailors with drunkenness problems was 9% abv.

It's actually a pretty interesting part of human evolution. By coming down from the trees, our ancestors were picking fresh fruit less often and eating fallen, overripe, fermenting fruit more often. So we self-selected for the ability to metabolise alcohol, which enabled us to take quantities of drink that wouldn't spoil on journeys where potable water wasn't available.

@mitch eh, prior to pasteurisation the safest way to keep drinks from spoiling was to make them alcoholic. It's the same ethanol we use for hand sanitiser today, and not many pathogens can tolerate it. Imagine having your row house packed shoulder to shoulder with dudes who've fallen ill from some fungus growing in the non-alcoholic juice or whatever, and they all desperately need to take a runny dump. And you have one toilet from 1700something for them to share.

@mitch apps that steal focus, and if you alt-tab back to what you were doing, the program hangs and needs to be force-closed

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