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Netflix's decision to end its DVD rental service marks the end of an era, highlighting the ever-evolving landscape of the entertainment industry and the shift towards streaming as the dominant medium. Farewell, and may it find eternal rest alongside Blockbuster and VHS tapes.

It's been a week since I found out I was being laid off. No replacement job yet, but several bites.

Italian: A hand is male. The table is female. That is just science
English: WTF?
Italian: You know. A table. It’s feminine. Like a car.
English: What?
Italian: la macchina, it’s a car, of course a girl.
English: …
Italian: Unless you call it l’automobile, then it’s a boy
English: This is DERANGED
German: Ha ha ha! I agree! So, how you say, dumbkopfenscheissgebalt.
English: How does it work in German?
German: Well, in German, coffee is male, a sandwich is neuter, and a pizza is female.
English: Get the fuck out of my house.

I haven't had wine in years... Sure goes down differently... Meh.

-had water
-fixed some things
-scheduled some job interviews

@thatguyoverthere @freemo @lmrocha @pj well the ancient Greeks summarized the logical fallacies. And probably about 90% of the media's content would fall into one of these categories.

@lispi314 @Hyolobrika from what i saw of the lawyers it's more that the language of the bill is vague enough that its very easy to apply it to these things, while the fact checkers scream it doesn't if only because they aren't directly named.

there was recently a crypto court case where they ruled every token holder was basically liable for what some firm did, based on complete technical illiteracy and motivated reasoning, so idk

Hey folks,

I've had some groups have to bow out of playtesting CAPERS Cyberpunk. So I'm putting the call out again. More info in link below.

Can you and your group playtest 2-4 sessions of CAPERS Cyberpunk between now and the end of June? If so, please sign up at link below. #rpg #ttrpg #cyberpunk

Two year old chips. Unbelievable. They could've been swimming in cocaine if they used their new CPUs, but I guess we'll have to wait for two more full years to have a RISC-V CPU with vector extensions.

Only we don't, because YOU CAN'T STOP CHINA!
XuanTie announced their C908 in December, the follow-up to their C906, which 2.5 years ago shocked the world with the first RISC-V Vector implementation, which was still a draft spec, and sold it cheap enough to buy 16 dollar boards with the CPU!
And unlike certain Intel-funded yuppies, they're actually producing their CPUs right now. Canaan announced their Kendryte K230 development board practically the day C908 was announced, they're mass-producing their boards so there's supply, and are going to release them within probably a month or two. And they're fully open-source hardware too, and they'll have RISC-V-V, and they'll be affordable!
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Alright, I applied to a bunch of tech jobs. One of you may end up getting stuck with me. If that's the case, let's not make things any more awkward than it already will be.

As it seems the birdsite is pushing yet more folks away, time for another #introduction post!

Hi I'm Kevin, a #puppet #builder by trade and maker of fun online media. I do #livestream builds, run my own shop(s) and love it here on #mastodon. Small sample of my work.

All links in the linktree in my bio, feel free to follow and don't forget to boost other people here! There's no algorithm, just people! #twittermigration

Back when I was working on the board of the CBLDF I got very used to the idea of material for adults being challenged by people who thought comics were for children. The idea of books aimed at children being challenged just because they had positive black characters was unimaginable. The world's changed.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
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