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Wow, we've reached new heights... just got a email from a journal using anti spam-filter techniques straight out of the 90s... (which obviously work with the crappy spam filters our uni uses...)

I have created a little R interface to deconvolute assay data.

This is based on Brown 2008 - Inferring gene expression dynamics from reporter protein levels (but does not include volume correction)

The app also reports initial rate, maximum and decay rate

It is available here, for anyone to enjoy, modify etc

Anyone know a good review paper / learning resource for building gene regulatory networks #GRN from #scATACseq #ATACseq and/or #scRNAseq data?

It's time to vote for Inkscape's 1.3 About Screen Contest!

We're proud to present an amazing gallery of entries: 🖼️

54 entries by 43 #Inkscape artists!
Thanks to all who entered!

Community vote open from
Mar. 20 (0:00 UTC) to Mar. 26, 2023 (23:59:59 UTC). 🗳️

#ArtWithOpenSource #InkscapeAboutScreen

At the local primary school, the children sing a Mother’s day song with the lyric

“My mum’s ever so clever. She may not have a degree,
But she can help with my homework and that’s what matters to me.”

After many complaints the school have agreed to change the lyric (hooray!). To:

“… even though she’s got a degree,”

Which simultaneously makes having a degree sound bad and also shaming Mum’s without degrees.


Further damage to the dysfunctional academic career system in Germany: The government has just presented its reform of the fixed term contract law (#WissZeitVG).
After years of #IchbinHanna protests, the max. length of fixed contracts for postdocs has been reduced to 3 years. The cynical argument: Careers become more predictable, because 3 years after your PhD, it's either professorship, third party funding, or exit.
The lack of a broader tenure track system makes this a devastating development.

Oh, man. This comic — from 1993 — could NOT be more relevant today. As usual, Bill Watterson hits it out of the park.

#Banks #Banking #Bailout #AntiCapitalism

Random first trial post: today, March 14th, is the 29th anniversary of the Linux 1.0 announcement.

Of course, there are other arguably more important dates in Linux history, but this is one of them.

RT @Apeer_micro
Learn how feature learning works in CNNs

Want to know the technique that gives #DeepLearning an edge over #MachineLearning?

Read our blog to find out.

#AI #research #microscopy

Just finished reading this very interesting about of data from different .

"Cross-Species Analysis of Single-Cell Transcriptomic Data" - Schafer - Front. Cell Dev. Biol 2019

I hoped this bingo card would have become outdated because people would have started to know that these are myths. Sadly, this isn't the case.

""The honors thesis must be a *single author* document written by the student."

Rules like this represent an antiquated approach to #science and harm the undergraduate researchers involved by teaching them that science is done by isolated individuals & that it's appropriate to not credit all contributors to a project.

Of course students should lead the work & writing of their honors thesis, but there's a difference between leading & doing it alone. We should teach science as it is practiced.

There is people out there thinking that computational biologists spend less time on scientific projects (not true) and therefore deserve less credit or even no authorship in papers, compared to wet lab people.

They clearly have never seen all the years and work that takes to gain the knowledge to do it. Just like they clearly do not value such a knowledge on lab work, since they only care about how many hours someone spend doing something.

Just reading this very interesting paper on how many are needed for appropriate analysis of bulk data and comparing tools for DE gene expression.

From the abstract

With three biological replicates, nine of the 11 tools evaluated
found only 20%–40% of the significantly differentially expressed (SDE) genes identified with the full set of 42 clean replicates.
This rises to >85% for the subset of SDE genes changing in expression by more than fourfold. To achieve >85% for all SDE genes regardless of fold change requires more than 20 biological replicates.

Big thanks to all who contributed to these initial guidelines, including the helpful reviewers and editors!

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If your on linux and you dont already know this command, check it out:

> curl

‘According to the Retraction Watch database, the 200 authors with the most retractions account for over a quarter of all 19,000 retractions. Many of the most prolific fraudsters are senior scientists at big universities or hospitals.’
#fraud #science #academia

Check out our new commentary piece in @NatureEcoEvo - Better incentives are needed to reward academic software development software is critical for synthesizing & modeling big data in ecology and evolution … but current incentive structures are lacking

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