@scottwilson @b0rk I remember when people who wrote in Visual Basic were scoffed at but there was a lot of industry-specific software written by subject matter experts that wouldn't have been written at all without access to easy-to-learn and understand languages.
If you are drafting figures for a scientific paper or presentation, remember that https://scidraw.io/ exists: a repository of free SVG cartoons for science.
#SciDraw is supported by the Sainsbury Wellcome Centre.
All content on SciDraw is shared under creative commons license (CC-BY) unless stated otherwise.
Vaults are the most mysterious things inside the cell. This profile of Leonard Rome - the Vault Guy - is fascinating.
Check it out, the #Shiny extension for #VSCode now supports both Shiny for R apps *and* Shiny for Python apps in everyone's second favorite IDE!
Along with the updates come a few neat features for deploying your Shiny apps as serverless ShinyLive apps using https://shinylive.io, or for saving a ShinyLive app as local #RStats or #Python files.
Learn more and see the extension in action in our release post: https://shiny.posit.co/blog/posts/shiny-vscode-1.0.0/
I collected all my writing on PCA into a free long-form math book.
It's called "Unraveling principal component analysis" and it contains a narrative explanation of PCA all the way down to the foundations.
That means it discusses eigenvectors, singular value decompositions, the spectral theorem, low-rank decompositions and much more.
The solar eclipse inspired our new puzzle design! It's double-sided: the sun on one side and the moon on the other. By flipping pieces over, you can gradually eclipse the sun turning day to night https://n-e-r-v-o-u-s.com/blog/?p=9636
Few things bring home how much big tech caring about diversity was a zero interest rate phenomenon like Women Who Code shutting down due to lack of funding.
Wow, after 25 years of Unix experience, I learned that you can filter output in #less.
Press ampersand (&) and enter a regex to show only lines matching the regex.
Press ampersand (&) and then exclamation mark (!) to apply an inverse filter.
I have programmed a small #rstats script combining the web-based #API of our SolarEdge #photovoltaic system with the local API of our go-e #wallbox.
If the car charges, the script looks up the production of the PV system and increases/decreases the charging current for the car accordingly. This makes the most of the collected #solar power. What now runs on an old #Raspberry Pi would’ve easily cost us 500 EUR + installation costs – and I have full control over everything! 🤓🤩
We're hiring:
Lecturer, Computational Sociology. Come work at Edinburgh.
Do you like to teach? Open to a range of digital and computational methods? Maybe even some interest in social theory?
Then apply.
#statstab #64 Using tidybayes with the posterior package by @mjskay
Thoughts: Going #bayesian means a lot of wrangling the posteriors to get the info you want. A crucial skills I'm still learning, but invaluable.
#bayes #rstats #tidybayes #brms
Professors: you can use yt-dlp to download YouTube videos and add them to directly your presentations.
I've seen so many lectures get derailed by an embedded YouTube video breaking in PowerPoint. Or they minimize their presentation, open up a browser and navigate to YouTube (revealing embarrassing personal recommendations), then make a lecture hall full of people sit through an ad for some fly-by-night home security system or whatever.
Dans "La vie de laboratoire", classique de #sociologie des #science de Bruno Latour, une note en bas de pagelnous rappelle que le web scraping et les techniques de #MachineLearning ont finalement assez peu évolués en 45 ans...
We have two tenure track #lecturer positions available at the #University of #Edinburgh, to support and develop #teaching and #research linked to the undergraduate Dual Award Honours programmes in Integrative Biomedical Sciences and Biomedical Informatics jointly developed in partnership with Zhejiang University, China.
For more info and to apply see the ads here
Senior lecturer at the Zhejiang-Edinburgh Joint Institute (ZJE) and Edinburgh University.
Undergraduate Programme Coordinator, Biomedical Informatics at ZJE.
I teach #imageanalysis & #dataanalysis with #RStats & #python. I study #heterogeneity in #pituitary (and other) cells.
I'm also very interested in #reproducibility and #openscience.