@piggo i can't express how much i loved you!
Thank you so much. The link you gave had so much valuable info that i've never knew before.
@blinkwarp just start with the official handbook.
you'll definitely learn a lot about unix-like operating system.
And most importantly. You'll be a demigod amongs men.
@stux woah! It looks surreal af
>You can always download the latest kernel source...
...deb packages out of it.
absolutely sir.
This post was meant to be a parody of commercial ads.
@hansw thank you Mr. Hansw !
That means a lot
I can't deny that i should revisit those site. Especially debian and arch docs
"Apparently" you can setup a local web server on linux using python (apache and nginx also a possibility).
I wish i knew all of this a whole lot sooner!!!!
I guess thats's what i deserve for not getting a new laptop and keep using linux
My 4 years of linux "experience" results nothing.
@blinkwarp you gotta try gentoo for once man
@piggo woah! Thanks a lot! I mean it!
@piggo could you give me some webdev related tips for complete beginner ?. I literally starting from scratch.
@sean isn't that the purpose tho' ?
@Ivan hi! Welcome to the club!
Umm. That must be a no fun process
@mur2501 your follows count increased steadily for the past couple of minutes.
Is that you manually follows people or it's the mastodon migration process ?
i based my political and religion view on morals (means "do whatever you want, if it's not harming others or your environment, it's all good for me")
There's no "past". it's only "now" and "your choice". So think wisely