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Wow we finally reached 1200 followers, we couldn't have done it without you, we love each and every one of you here at Sick Of It.

To celebrate here's us talking about E3 from ages ago...

My rss file is up.

I need to switch to a different file hoster though, so I won't share the feed url until I have the episode properly posted and can confirm that the rss feed has been updated.

"Thinking is itself struggle, while nothing is more self-assured than ideology." - @1791l

Reminder: Racism takes many forms and some are more obvious than others for both the person expressing Racism and the person observing it.

Not every Racist is out there saying "Eff all of them!" some just think a Guiding Hand needs to direct "them" towards something.

It is #HolocaustMemorialDay.

The Nazis targeted

Romani people
Disabled people
Queer and trans people
People with the “wrong” political beliefs
and others.

Never again means we all have to stand together when any of us is under attack.

Never again is now.

I've just migrated my mastodon account on to, looking for a little more freedom and perspective. I hope I will enjoy a good time here.
Thanks to @freemo for upgrading his qoto mod to version 3.

"For Gandhi, criticism implied 'the desire to improve the object criticized.'"

I ate similar meals at McDonald's and Carl's Jr. and saw why one is the dominant burger chain - From Discover on Google

I people post articles, or start digging!! like I am who were the other 4 on the plane who died is fine. But it was one after another Bryant dead, we know. Articles that show a thread that needs to be pulled what Bryant did, or who he was with in the helicopter is fine. Research on the issue is great! Death notice is overkill. Make sense? @MooseJive

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Casey Rollins :verified: 🔵's choices:

Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.