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robryk boosted

Sitting on a train delayed at Paddington. Waiting for the train manager. Who is on a train waiting outside Paddington for a free platform....

@paytonc Do you have some references to the requirement? I'm curious how they define "meal" (in terms of making it of a non-infinitesimal size, actually palatable, and potentially not a bad basic meal nutrition-wise).

@rcz @kravietz @chlopmarcin @timorl

> Ściśle rzecz biorąc, transkobiety na starcie faktycznie mają _taką samą_ przewagę jak mężczyźni, bo mają po prostu męski fenotyp.

Chyba jest ciekawiej: Praca którą cytowałeś twierdzi, że tak nie jest: że patrząc np. na siłę dłoni transkobiety _przed_ HRT mają ~10% mniejszą niż mężczyźni (patrząc na cytowane prace, chodzi o porównanie ze średnią po mężczyznach w tym samym wieku).

Cytowane prace sugerują (bez statystyk), że może to być spowodowane innym trybem życia. W sumie to może troche wyjaśniać zaskakująco duże różnice między badaniami wziętymi do tej metaanalizy: w różnych okolicach powszechne podejście transkobiet do np. ćwiczeń fizycznych może być inne; badania wzięte do tej metaanalizy (te badania wydają się patrzeć na pacjentów co najwyżej kilku różnych ośrodków).

@rcz @kravietz @chlopmarcin @timorl

Nie za bardzo rozumiem, czy chcesz sie ze mną zgadzać czy polemizować. Narzekałem na stwierdzenie, że transkobiety mają _taką samą_ przewagę jak mężczyźni (w sportach w których mężczyźni mają przewagę).

@kravietz @chlopmarcin @rcz @timorl

Nie no, z tym że ma taką samą przewagę bardzo przesadzasz. Gdyby tak było, doping testosteronem nie byłby skuteczny. (Nie twierdzę, że stan hormonalny przez ostatnie dwa lata determinuje wszystko, ale twierdzę że jego wpływ na wartości oczekiwane wielu istotnych parametrów jest dużo większy niż wpływ ustalonej podczas dojrzewania budowy ciała.)

To co wydaje mi się nie zostało to jeszcze wspomniane, to że potencjalnie sytuacja może być bardzo inna na różnym poziomie wyczynowości: to samo przesunięcie wartości oczekiwanej rozkładu Gaussa daje coraz dalsze od 1 stosunki gęstości im dalej jesteśmy od centrum.

@rcz Czy chcesz móc wysyłać tym mechanizmem dowolne pliki audio do odtworzenia?

@trixter Wouldn't it also stop new accounts there from following people here? (My naive read of documentation was that `limit` causes any messages from the limited source to users who don't follow the author to be ~dropped, which technically would include the follow request, even if it's normally responded to automatically.)

@rcz @timorl @chlopmarcin @kravietz

Z kategorii dzielenie zawodników na kategorie: z kategorii używanych w zawodach, poza kategoriami płciowymi i wiekowymi, kojarzę tylko wagowe w niektórych sportach walki i amatorskie/profesjonalne (kiedyś stosowane w nowożytnych Igrzyskach Olimpijskich; nie wiem, na ile praktykowane gdziekolwiek teraz). Kojarzysz może jakieś inne podziały, lub jakieś sporty inne-niż-walki gdzie kategorie wagowe są używane?

@brouhaha @rmi

That reminds me of the reasoning that a stopped clock is nearly the best possible clock you can have: it's accurate twice a day, whereas most reasonable clocks aren't accurate even once a day (if the clock has a constant drift, however small, it will cross actual real time <=once after each time it's set).


In case you didn't already, I recommend reading Chaum's papers on digital cash from early 90s. They provide a delightfully simple approach to preventing double-spending.

@delroth @Ash

It's sometimes even more bizarre in the left-hand-doesn't-know-what-right-does way: My bank once got me to confirm a transaction via their app and then denied it due to suspicion of fraud.

@CarolineMalaCorbin Do I understand correctly that this is only important for public school teachers, because there's no controversy whether a private school can fire teachers who misgender students (as opposed to public schools, which are for part of the government for some value thereof)?

robryk boosted

Actual poll: overwhelming majorities support laws prohibiting discrimination against trans people.

WaPo headline and reporter's tweet: "Most Americans support anti-trans policies favored by GOP."

Just straight-up lying.


I think this is exactly the kind of reasoning described in wiki for why mixed strategies are a thing (see the choosing how to pitch in baseball example there).

The thing that might be interesting is also exploring what "optimal" means. For simplicity let's assume the game rules itself don't randomize anything and that the game has a binary outcome (A wins or B wins, no scoring).

In battleships, if each player was forced to be deterministic, for each strategy for player A there is a strategy for player B that defeats it and v.v. This means that the standard approach of "optimal strategy is one that wins whenever it's possible to win" would imply lack of optimal strategies at all: after all, it's always possible to win but no strategy wins always. This is still true if you admit nondeterministic strategies: it's possible to win against each deterministic strategy with p=1, but there's no strategy that does that for all deterministic counter-strategies.

The reasoning you described is similar to looking at changes you'd make in your strategy in response to knowing that opponent's, then doing the same for your opponent, and iterating this. So, it seems that you describe looking for a fixpoint of that: a pair of strategies s.t. neither you nor the opponent would want to change theirs upon learning what other player's strategy is. Note that this necessarily speaks about pairs of strategies (IIRC there are games where you have multiple such pairs, but I sadly don't recall examples). It's been shown that every game with finite sets of moves has at least one such pair.

NB if you are after such pairs of strategies, then instead of iterating it's often easier to directly look at the fixpoint condition and infer what such a pair of strategies would need to satisfy for both players not to wish to amend theirs.


That would mean that it's not an optimal strategy, no?

This reasoning makes me think of probabilistic strategies: for some classes of games there is no best deterministic strategy, but there _is_ a best probabilistic one. See for something related.

robryk boosted

To the best of my knowledge there is no evidence on the internet of anyone having ever used a snake (the animal) to pull a cable through a conduit.

I'm not saying that anyone should fix that, but...

good trans legislation 

@sugarynips Does the definition of deadnaming they use include only behaving as if the old name was the canonical name of the person, or also making statements of the sort "X was previously known as Y"?

@8petros So those 300 participants are always passive/usually passive/...?


I don't get what their setup is. They have 300-1000 people sending video to a chat room? If so, who views which of these streams? (I don't think I could fit 300 streams on my screen at more than a thumbnail size.)

@tqbf I think it's a good exercise to consider whether Cramer's Rule is a numerically sound way of solving equations.

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