I don't usually share stuff in Icelandic but I want this to be seen.
My friend Ásgeir, poet and cultural critic, died last week. We had known each other since 1991 when I was twelve and he was fifteen. I tried to paint a picture of him and our relationship.
Traditionally such obituaries are published in the newspaper Morgunblaðið. Ásgeir used to work there and one of the last thing he published was a scathing indictment of the incoming editor, and former Prime Minister of Iceland, Davíð Oddsson. While most people kept their heads down hoping to be spared Ásgeir rose to the occasion.
I wonder what is the history of this little slice of building. Seen on my little walk into Long Melford.
@Shoshika Cześć, nie jestem tu, jestem tam :) https://circumstances.run/@Szescstopni
6 December 1921 | A Pole, Marian Kołodziej, was born in Raszków.
Deported to #Auschwitz from Tarnów on 14 June 1940 in the first transport of Poles to the camp.
No. 432
He survived.
After the war he was a painter & stage designer.
Author of monumental „Negatives of Memory”.
@CStamp Hope so too :) Now back to my primary account at circumstances.run
@CStamp I have a bit less interactions here now. I guess I shouldn't have added "old white man" to my bio a couple of weeks ago :)
@CStamp Same problem here. No easy solutions.
@Researchbuzz :) I have to post this om my current instance
@adamczyk Racuchy?
Open letter from a group of sleuths re problems with editors/papers at Scientific Reports
They've published 23K papers in 2024 with APC of £2090, raising £48 million from this journal alone, so should be able to put resource into cleaning this up.
Kojarzycie tych obcych / duchy / hatifnatów naklejanych na znaki drogowe?
Trafiałem na nich w miejscach odległych od siebie, często zadziwiająco dalekich od głównych dróg. Te z podpiętych zdjęć były złapane w województwie kujawsko-pomorskim i wielkopolskim, ale widywałem je też w zachodniopomorskim i pomorskim.
Slowly moving to https://circumstances.run/@Szescstopni. This account will stay up for a while.
Living in the #wetlands of #Polesia (#Polesie in Polish) in #EasternPoland. Surrounded by #bogs and #forests, trying not to fuck up surrounding nature too much.
Taking care of a small pack of #dogs (most of them rescue dogs) – #IdąPsięta.
#RuralBroadband provider by accident. Starting a small #LoRaWAN project to monitor our wetlands. Coding, mostly in #Python. Luddite.
#Atheist. I don't believe in #science – science is our defence against belief.
Fuck nazis.
I check facts before I toot.
I sometimes toot in Polish.
Zdolny, ale leniwy.