#Polesia, the green lungs of Poland. Mind you, if you suddenly get lung cancer here you won't be able to drive to a hospital in time to be saved.
End of a very exhausting day. So exhausting I don't even know if it's Wednesday or Friday, and should I buy beer or whisky.
Shades of green. In the foreground fresh light-green leaves of a horse chestnut, behind it a small-leaved linden, without any leaves yet, but dark-green from common mistletoe growing on it.
This snek stuck its head out from beneath the leaves and wants to know if it's spring already. Our answer is "complicated".
The part of Poland we live in is about two weeks, climatewise, behind the rest of the country. It's not winter, but not yet really spring. We expect spring to come tomorrow, or the day after.
The #snake is Natrix natrix, European grass snake. The green plant in the upper left corner is Oxalis acetosella, wood sorrell, which was once used to make soups, salads, and refreshing drinks. We just pluck it and chew it and hope foxes didn't pee on it.
A storm is coming, but they're just calmly grazing. Like we all.
Slowly moving to https://circumstances.run/@Szescstopni. This account will stay up for a while.
Living in the #wetlands of #Polesia (#Polesie in Polish) in #EasternPoland. Surrounded by #bogs and #forests, trying not to fuck up surrounding nature too much.
Taking care of a small pack of #dogs (most of them rescue dogs) – #IdąPsięta.
#RuralBroadband provider by accident. Starting a small #LoRaWAN project to monitor our wetlands. Coding, mostly in #Python. Luddite.
#Atheist. I don't believe in #science – science is our defence against belief.
Fuck nazis.
I check facts before I toot.
I sometimes toot in Polish.
Zdolny, ale leniwy.