The GSM terminal was set down for a moment on the side roof. The parameters were much better. A storm was coming and there was no time. It was just stuck to the roof with duct tape. We'll fix it properly in a couple of days, weather allowing. 40/4 Mbps right now. Those people's life and work changed dramatically. I'm starting to believe that radio technology is magic, not science.
Old #RuralBroadband technology has to go. The terminal at the top of that mast was four metres higher a moment ago, before it was lowered. It wasn't working properly. 5 Mbps at most on a good day, and good days were rare. Putting the new GSM terminal on the mast gave poor results. Those people were cut off from the world, and they had serious sciencing to do.
@Emily You're asking for a technological miracle… Oh, wait, we're numbers anyway. Username change is easy.
@m_hundhausen Es geht immer um Geld. Man musste Politiker fragen warum die Schulen Photovoltaikanlagen nicht kriegen. (sorry, my German is a bit rusty). I know of a few environment-friendly projects in Poland that got killed because they cost too little – the cut for those who profit was too small.
@szern Chyba nadal tak to brandują, skoro dzisiaj kupiłem starter. Ale dzięki tobie zaczynam łapac, czemu terminal jako operatora podaje T-Mobile(PLAY) – zakładałem błąd systemu :)
@antygon Zabawa nie głupia. O mało co przez to słowo się nie wycofałem :)
Co powiecie na głupią internetową zabawę?
Odpowiadacie na ten wpis zdjęciem nieba z miejsca gdzie jesteście i podbijacie tutka. Chce zobaczyć Wasz kawałek nieba.
@CStamp Yes! Thanks a lot.
@LukaszHorodecki Tak, ale tylko z oliwek technicznie extra virgin.
Biję sie z kolejną siecią kmórkową. Virgin Mobile. Na ulotce w prepaidowej karcie BOK jest czynny i od 0800 do 2200, ale po dodzwonieniu się dowiaduję się, że do 1800. Przynajmniej działą od kopa, w odróżnieniu od T-Mobile, ale zapewne przy doładowanie bez telefonu (karta w ODU na dachu) będa żądali konta w Virgin Banku, posiadania oposa wirginińskiego, palenia tytoniu z Wirginii, oraz bycia pełnoletnią dziewicą. Będe musiał sporo kłamać.
Slowly moving to This account will stay up for a while.
Living in the #wetlands of #Polesia (#Polesie in Polish) in #EasternPoland. Surrounded by #bogs and #forests, trying not to fuck up surrounding nature too much.
Taking care of a small pack of #dogs (most of them rescue dogs) – #IdąPsięta.
#RuralBroadband provider by accident. Starting a small #LoRaWAN project to monitor our wetlands. Coding, mostly in #Python. Luddite.
#Atheist. I don't believe in #science – science is our defence against belief.
Fuck nazis.
I check facts before I toot.
I sometimes toot in Polish.
Zdolny, ale leniwy.