Abstrahując zupełnie od polityki - ten artykuł pięknie pokazuje, dlaczego wrzucanie czegoś prywatnego do sieci może być zgubne lub narazić nas na śmieszność. Oczywiście, dotyczy to nielicznych sytuacji i głównie osób znanych, ale to też przestroga dla zwykłych użytkowników, aby w miarę możliwości ukrywali przynajmniej część prywatnych informacji nie tylko w opisach, ale też na zdjęciach.
#CyberSec #Cyberbezpieczeństwo #OSINT #Obajtek
@nomadbynature Building a filter for that right now :)
CrowdStrike broke Debian and Rocky Linux months ago, but no one noticed https://www.neowin.net/news/crowdstrike-broke-debian-and-rocky-linux-months-ago-but-no-one-noticed/
@nomadbynature Yes. I keep on making very effective filters which should completely protect me from it.
This is a big deal. As a member of my family so astutely put it, "insurers and banks are shaping environmental policy for the better, rather than our own governments."
Brown antechinus (Antechinus stuartii) captured on the camera-trap on Sydney’s northern fringes.
This is probably my most successful antechinus photo from this location so far. I like the body language.
#wildlife #WildlifePhotography #CameraTraps #CameraTrapping #CameraTrap #marsupials
Wczoraj w #OkoPress pisałem o spowodowanej przez #CrowdStrike globalnej katastrofie informatycznej:
Opisuję, co się stało (na tyle, na ile wiemy), co mogło złożyć się na taką katastrofalną awarię, i jakie wnioski warto, byśmy z niej wyciągnęli.
Dotknięte są m.in. szpitale. To zagrożenie dla zdrowia pacjentów.
Gdyby to była katastrofa budowlana, spodziewalibyśmy się śledztwa prokuratorskiego i być może zarzutów karnych.
Czas takie awarie zacząć traktować podobnie.
So...anything happening in US politics today??? I have been busily watching the Grazer bear family on Explore. So precious are these littles! OH, and I am totally supporting #KamalaHarris for President. #KatmaiNationalParkAK #GrazerFamily #GrazerCoy #SummerInAlaska
The church next door has three WiFi access points sitting not 10' away from our place. They channel hop constantly jumping over each other so the channels are constantly being trampled on by god knows what.
Today I figured out how to use a pwnagotchi and let's just say, if god wanted them to have a sound system that doesn't cut out every five minutes, he would bless them with a hardwired system.
When their routers have the same signal strength as mine, there is a problem.
I thought about talking to the pastor but him and I have already butted heads and I know for a fact he would try to exploit me for free tech support. Never mind blame me for every issue his dumb sound system has till the end of time.
Who wants the under on the sound system being hardwired by Christmas? I bet they hold out till next summer at least lol.
Make no mistake, if an outage similar to Crowdstrike would have been caused by OpenSource, there would be calls across the entire industry and at the government level to ban OpenSource from critical systems. But since it was caused by billion-dollar publicly-traded companies, nothing to see here, move-on.
Wetland Wonders Unfold: Aerial Systems Shed Light On Ecosystem Services https://www.eurasiareview.com/22072024-wetland-wonders-unfold-aerial-systems-shed-light-on-ecosystem-services/
While doing a thorough cleaning of my room, I found this anatomical embroidery I did a while back with red silk thread on white cotton. #embroidery #textile #TextileArt #AnatomicalEmbroidery #EmbroideryArt #IndigenousCreatives
Cosmos in front of my favorite mountain shrine. It's going to be another scorcher today. Stay cool and well hydrated everyone.
🌸 ⛩
#SakakiTown #Nagano #Japan
@wikt Had my own darkroom decades ago. This is fun.
Slowly moving to https://circumstances.run/@Szescstopni. This account will stay up for a while.
Living in the #wetlands of #Polesia (#Polesie in Polish) in #EasternPoland. Surrounded by #bogs and #forests, trying not to fuck up surrounding nature too much.
Taking care of a small pack of #dogs (most of them rescue dogs) – #IdąPsięta.
#RuralBroadband provider by accident. Starting a small #LoRaWAN project to monitor our wetlands. Coding, mostly in #Python. Luddite.
#Atheist. I don't believe in #science – science is our defence against belief.
Fuck nazis.
I haven't deleted my account on Twitter, for good reasons, but I'm not using it anymore. https://twitter.com/szescstopni
I check facts before I toot.
I sometimes toot in Polish.
Zdolny, ale leniwy.