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@allochthonous Looks like our best chance to protect such zones are insurers and banks. I wonder why CNN didn't mention this.

This is wild! "Dark" oxygen produced at the bottom of the ocean, possibly by natural electrolysis associated with the polymetallic nodules that are the major talked for deep sea mining.

So crazy that for years, the scientists who discovered this refused to believe their sensors were working properly.

#geology #DeepSeaMining

i think "it's my party and i'll cry if i want to" might be a good song choice for Harris to walk out to at the DNC jk

W książce Awantura o Basię na wolnych lekturach: brakuje sporego fragmentu pod koniec drugiego rozdziału. To jest dziwne, że zdarzają im się takie błędy.

Ustawa przewiduje przy tym, że zwolnienie takie nastąpi w każdej sytuacji, niezależnie od stopnia oraz rodzaju naruszenia reguł dotyczących użycia broni palnej lub środków przymusu bezpośredniego.

Oznacza to np. brak odpowiedzialności karnej funkcjonariuszy państwa, którzy w okolicznościach wskazanych w ustawie użyją broni palnej i ranią śmiertelnie innych funkcjonariuszy. /2

Pluralistic: Unpersoned (22 Jul 2024)

about the implications of putting critical infrastructure into the private, unaccountable hands of tech giants:

#Switzerland mandates #OpenSource software for all public software!

This makes perfect sense. Public software should be transparent. #India could have taken a lead on this, but our digital public infrastructure is mostly closed-source - with predictable consequences. 🙄

Polska powinna zmienić Prawo telekomunikacyjne w zakresie zasad dostępu „uprawnionych podmiotów” do danych objętych tajemnicą telekomunikacyjną. Obecnie uprawnienia wymiaru sprawiedliwości są zbyt szerokie - uważa UODO, powołując się na orzeczenie TSUE w sprawie C- 178/22.

#prywatność #inwigilacja

TIL that when only men propose to women (and not the other way around) in a completely binary hetero model (yikes, I know), it can be mathematically proven that this is only beneficial for the men, even if the women choose the best proposal that they receive (at least in the algorithm in this paper, maybe there also exists a solution that is beneficial for the women, ref: I tried thinking about expanding the model to be a bit more realistic, but one can trivially construct problem instances in which already the introduction of homosexuality into the model would already make it not satisfiable, let alone stable. But maybe If one were to introduce some additional restriction on the input sets that would then guarantee that there is at least a possible matching, this would make for an interesting problem (so guarantee satisfiability, and then look at stability). Anyway, I should really get back to learning for my exam, I got slightly side-tracked reading one of the references in the script ^^.

@rdarmila Dla ZUSu kluczowe jest to, w której grupie prędzej się umiera po przejściu na emeryturę

Here are your @makershour #MakersHour questions for this week, Thursday 25th July, at 8pm UK time.

Questions will be Tooted every 12 minutes throughout the hour.

Please remember to follow and tag @makershour  in your responses, and use the #MakersHour tag, if you are taking part.
Thank you.

1) Welcome! Introduce yourself and tell us about a project you've not yet finished (if you are completely up to date at the moment, tell us a project that took a long time).  #MakersHour

2) We’ve been too busy to make much recently. How long can you go without being actively creative? #MakersHour

3) Tell us about (or show us!) your main work or creative space. What makes it great, or not-so-great, for your project needs? #MakersHour

4) What is your best piece of advice for somebody setting up a new space for making or creating? #MakersHour

5) What’s the success you’re proudest of? For the purposes of this question, you are free to boast without having to feel arrogant. #MakersHour

I’ve been looking for an antenna for a permanent #meshtastic node in my attic and I found this one, along with 5m RF200 low-loss cable.

I know that this setup will most likely render me ‘excommunicado’ in the #meshtasticcommunity: “thou shalt always install thy node right below the antenna!”, but here’s the thing: I want to experiment with different hardware, I want to do some interference measurements at night (ever heard about the ‘Mammotion’ lawnmower which illegally jams 868MHz?) , AND I have a powerful 2m/70cm transmitter close to it, and I don’t want EMI issues on a sensitive 5V line.

Besides, the antenna has 3dBi gain and I measured the cable loss to 1.4dB at 868MHz, so given its better location, the numbers still come out positive 🙂

See that dip near 145MHz btw.? Need to do a test to see how much signal it’ll pick up from my VHF rig - don’t want to damage my LoRa module 👌🏼🙂

#lorawan #electronicsengineering #rfengineering #rfengineer #hamradio hamr #testandmeasurement

One thing I haven't seen mentioned with Crowdstrike is that, although this isn't malicious, a company has just shown off that it has kernel level access to a bunch of critical systems around the world and is willing to just run code with that access on everyone's computers without even giving it a once-over glance.

So if you wanted to get a bunch of backdoors into things because you're a nation state cybersecurity team/hacker group/bored troublemaker who wants to see the world burn/etc they've just shown themselves to be a great firm to do so with.

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