Co powiecie na głupią internetową zabawę?
Odpowiadacie na ten wpis zdjęciem nieba z miejsca gdzie jesteście i podbijacie tutka. Chce zobaczyć Wasz kawałek nieba.
Biję sie z kolejną siecią kmórkową. Virgin Mobile. Na ulotce w prepaidowej karcie BOK jest czynny i od 0800 do 2200, ale po dodzwonieniu się dowiaduję się, że do 1800. Przynajmniej działą od kopa, w odróżnieniu od T-Mobile, ale zapewne przy doładowanie bez telefonu (karta w ODU na dachu) będa żądali konta w Virgin Banku, posiadania oposa wirginińskiego, palenia tytoniu z Wirginii, oraz bycia pełnoletnią dziewicą. Będe musiał sporo kłamać.
Network engineers, I'm confused.
I have a Linksys Velop mesh network through Community Fibre - out of the box and with IPV6 turned off I can listen to streaming radio from Rayo/Planet Radio or Global without an issue, whether though a browser, dedicated app on a phone or via a smart speaker (don't hate, I'm in a mixed security awareness household).
However. As *soon* as the smart speakers are assigned a reserved IP in the DHCP table the radio stream drops after between one and three minutes. And not just on the smart speakers - on any device. Something is polling and blocking the stream but why over HTTP *and* direct? Why would an IP reservation cause this when there are no conflicts? No other service is affected - BBC Sounds plays fine - so maybe it's due to the services having advertising streams? My PiHole isn't affecting it at all.
I just can't understand how it behaves like a port block (the firewall isn't doing this) even over web services.
GOP Is Most 'Dangerous' Political Force in The World,
I see one of our #LoRaWAN devices reporting -22.1°C and have a mindfuck and then remember I moved it from the greenhouse where it's 32°C to the freezer.
In other news – whoever made this site is a genius:
Slowly moving to This account will stay up for a while.
Living in the #wetlands of #Polesia (#Polesie in Polish) in #EasternPoland. Surrounded by #bogs and #forests, trying not to fuck up surrounding nature too much.
Taking care of a small pack of #dogs (most of them rescue dogs) – #IdąPsięta.
#RuralBroadband provider by accident. Starting a small #LoRaWAN project to monitor our wetlands. Coding, mostly in #Python. Luddite.
#Atheist. I don't believe in #science – science is our defence against belief.
Fuck nazis.
I check facts before I toot.
I sometimes toot in Polish.
Zdolny, ale leniwy.