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The () conundrum might be solvable by throwing these propositions into the mix:

  1. He’s “earning to give”
  2. He’s an utilitarian
  3. He thinks that “the end justifies the means”
  4. He’s explicitly risk-neutral

He simply computed the probability of getting away with financial engineering and deception times the potential increase in well-being (by tossing billions at causes), and that seemed to him higher than the odds of being caught times {investors and customers’ funds lost plus the huge reputational damage that would inflict to the cause}.

So he pressed the red button and bet the world. And he lost.

It’s not trivial to find the flaw in his reasoning, though.

In your inbox:

In light of recent events, we think it’s an appropriate time to remind you that, unlike our competitors, WE DO KEEP YOUR CRYPTO ASSETS IN CUSTODY. We don’t trade with them. We have them. That coin of yours? Right here, see? You can have it back whenever you want. This is for real. We are ranked no. 1 in the industry by such-and-such due to our outstanding transparency. Furthermore, audit blah blah attested that our customers’ funds and our operational accounts exist in entirely separate universes. You are safe. Like, TOTALLY SAFE.

— every

Note to self about #online #diagrams and #charts: for sleek hand-drawn diagrams (just a few shapes, but great UI) app.diagrams...


I’m looking forward to seeing what you do with the source code!

fwiw, my instance, @QOTO, uses its own fork, which adds lots of cool features.

tripu boosted

So someone messaged me privately and asked how absolute this is.. like would we block an instance calling for genocide. I feel my response is import to reiterate here, so here it is:

Its not just about the authorities, it is about the people whose lives are at risk by that call to genocide having the right to see those posts and use that information to look out for their own safety... If someone is doxed, they should know, if someone is threatened, they should know, and they should be able to take action.

Someone saying violent things online doesnt guarantee some police officer will meander by and take them down. The law only tends to get involved once someone is reported, and sometimes not even then. No one will be reporting a site if no one can see or know it is there.

The question is, if someone is being physically threatened and having their life in jeopardy how are you helping them by blocking the privileges of the **victim** and disallowing the victim the right to see the threat placed against them?

In short, I refuse to take away rights from the victim simply because there is a violent bad actor out there. If the victim doesn't want to see it they simply need to import the block list and the problem is solved for them, so why not keep the power in the victims hands?

🎓 Doc Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱  
I mentioned this in a private message to someone recently about why a small handful of servers block qoto. I wanted to reiterate it here for the ne...

I stand by what I have said in the past:

Don’t boost simplistic and divisive political memes. Hold your judgement until there’s enough evidence. Presume innocence. What you stumble upon on the web isn’t trustworthy by default.

And still…

tripu boosted

@tripu The four cardinal virtues of stoicism are derived from the virtue ethics of Plato, Aristotle, etc. The Christians did the same (and there even is a Stoic strain of Christianity, look at the beginning of the Gospel of John; "the word" is "logos.")

But; what the Christians added to the mix was the three theological virtues: Faith, Love, and Hope.

I, as an aspiring Stoic, don't see "hope" as a virtue; hope is really the same as fear: I hope I it will be well/I fear that I will not be well.

It feels nice seeing so many familiar faces joining (or coming back to it after having paid little attention in the past)!

Here is @Gargron explaining exactly why and how the constellation does a much better job at moderating (or not moderating!) than :

#ContentModeration: IT’S COMPLICATED. (And that’s why smaller, independent, decentralised servers — like those running #Mastodon — have a much bett...
tripu boosted

I have been using Mastodon since 2017 and it makes me happy how many people are here now. That vastly increases its usefulness for me (as someone who works on his own).

Given that Mastodon’s protocols are open, that user base will never be fragmented because people can easily move to other apps and services (as long as they support these protocols). I hope so! :)

tripu boosted
tripu boosted
tripu boosted

Hey, so, we've hit 1,028,362 monthly active users across the network today. 1,124 new Mastodon servers since Oct 27, and 489,003 new users. That's pretty cool.


No irony there? I feel about the same way I feel about : love some of their reporting, but find their political stance quite worrying.

/cc @ImperfectIdea

Oh — and by sheer coincidence, I see that was my toot number 2,000 — exactly! (counting the two instances I’ve used).

My posting frequency has been one toot a day, almost exactly too. (I’m happy with that pace: not too much, not too little. I surely hope not to bore my followers.)

5½ years on #Mastodon, and still loving it
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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.