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tripu boosted

I criticise from a place of love for , and gratitude towards @dansup and the rest of developers. I even contributed a tiny fix to the codebase myself a while ago.

Perhaps it’s just that I dislike and its UI so much that a copycat (even a free, open and federated copycat) simply isn’t for me. I understand I should find an image-sharing project that better suits my preferences, and contribute to it, either with money or with code (my problem is: I haven’t found any!).

Still, I felt like sharing my frustration about Pixelfed here — either to find agreement, or to be corrected.


@anonymoose @tripu I’m curious about the disappointment with #pixelfed as well.

’s major shortcomings, IMHO.
I realise some of these derive from the very proposition (ie, cloning ’s horrible UI), and perhaps others are configurable or specific to my instance (.de). Still.

0️⃣ No distinction between “title” (short & descriptive; shown on media previews and thumbnails) and “description” (long text; on post pages only).
1️⃣ Images are too small (on my laptop, limited to 732 px in width); no “open largest size by default” or “full screen mode”.
2️⃣ Can’t navigate between adjacent images; ie swiping or pressing →/← to move within a collection, tag, or profile.
3️⃣ Small thumbnails (mosaic on collection, tag or profile pages) don’t show the (beginning of the) description.
4️⃣ Small thumbnails always indicate zero comments, even when there are comments.
5️⃣ Large thumbnails (entries on home page) aren’t clickable; one has to click on tiny “x days ago” in footer.
6️⃣ New comments don’t appear under “notifications” (/account/activity).
7️⃣ Collections are limited to 18 posts.
8️⃣ “Edit” action fails consistently.
9️⃣ Even short descriptions and comment threads are truncated/hidden (eg, 4 clicks are needed to reveal/expand everything on; text is squeezed in that narrow column.

@tripu never used Flickr, or really ig. What's wrong with pixelfed?

I’m as delighted with (specifically with ) :blobhappy: as disappointed with :blobsad:
Isn’t there a decent free and open alternative to Flickr, 500px, Instagram? :fediverse: 🖼️

«En 2019, la mediana del mensual real de los entre 18 y 35 años era menor que en 1980, con caídas que van desde el 26% para aquellos con edades entre 30 y 34 años hasta el 50% para los de 18 a 20 años. Estas caídas se deben principalmente a una reducción muy acusada de la duración de sus empleos y a un aumento del peso del a tiempo parcial.»

— Fedea: “Lost in : and Earnings in ”.

tripu boosted

Orwell and Huxley were both geniuses ahead of their time but their views of a future dystopia were a bit different. We illustrated author Neil Postman's words.

Learn More:

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#TheFreeThoughtProject #TFTP

tripu boosted

This DuckDuckGo audit by @purism is a sobering read:

Remember that DuckDuckGo is venture capital-funded which means that they must exit—either become a publicly-traded multi-billion-dollar company (sell to the public) or sell to one of the incumbents.

(What we need is a publicly-funded but independently run search engine. The EU could create such a thing… if they didn’t have they heads firmly entrenched up Silicon Valley’s bumhole.)

HT @koherecoWatchdog

tripu boosted

The excuses being given by MobileCoin/Signal for keeping their code changes secret for a year is plain BS. @polarhive @Seirdy

tripu boosted
tripu boosted

Things that are EXTREMELY my shit: this adorable form

true story: my wife-to-be gave me this form to finish filling out, long before we started dating. I still have it in a drawer somewhere.

Normalize piecemeal relationship building!!

🏃 (yesterday)
6.04 km / 35′49″ @ 10.1 km/h ≡ 5′53″/km
~426 kcal

This is bad. Two wrongs don't make a right. Not to minimise the seriousness of , but sharing with the world intimate/sensitive data/media without the consent of the other party is reprehensible (too).

tripu boosted

@phooky All aboard the 20̶:3͘3 t̸r̶̷͜a͞ì͘ń̸͟ ̷̵d̦̭͖͍̤̤͇͙͚ì̶͖̗̜̘̞͝r̝̟̩̬͍͉̺e҉̭̬c̵̵͖̩̮̞͇͖͚͡t̘͙̰ ̡̗͇͓͉t́͏̥̟̟̮̘͓o͓͓ͅ Z̀͟͡͞҉͇̺̤̝͉̘̫͙̩͇̣̭̫̯̥̩̙ͅa̧̛̤͕̤̬̺͙̰͔͉͔l̶̵̷̵̛̼̙̦͔͎̫ǵ̢̛͍͉̹̹̯̱͈̻̘̮͓͉̘̻͘o҉̴̛̟̹̤̱̩ ̨̡̘͔͇̹͉̜̝͉̙̳̝̝̻̘̜̥͘t̵̷̘̜̞͇̙̤͙͉̦̫͙͝͡͝ͅơ̸̗̤̱̟̥̤̫͘ͅẁ̡̢͘҉͓̟̳̳̹̝̝̬̖̩̜̝̰̗̭͕̮̙ń̮̗

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tripu boosted
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