#Java-style object-orientation leading to this funky code, aka #CallbackHell
InputBuilder builder = InputBuilder.create(io).add("disk", size).push("holds").add("on", peg.getName()).markWme("peg").add("disk", size).add("above", getAbove(below)).markWme("above").top();
Finally used fnil in #Clojure: to extend a function to support nil case without NPE-ing you! My use: a function that needs to handle strings, collections, or nil, and doesn't know which it will get.
I use the excellent #emacs #Telegram app; then it's easy to open a given link in a text-browser is pretty nice for avoiding annoying ads (could also use Spray mode to speed read it, if I want, instead of the two-pane reading view). #FollowMode #W3M
Gotta say, this is pretty cool. Finally some nice #json viewing in #emacs! https://github.com/iwahbe/jsonian
Good grief! #SQL
RT @SergiiKirianov
Is it normal? 🤔
#clojure Logic: "if it's not an atom, make it one." Note that `atom?` is not in core.
I'm not ashamed but can anyone think of more elegant way to do this?
Ah! It was specced . On anchors, you can use name as if an ID.
Studly is from before public internet, and is still in #emacs! What?
RT @neeasade
@Endless_WebDev hey, studly.el is (c) 1986, which I think proves time travel is real
RT @parensofthedead
We're kickstarting the new season of http://parens-of-the-dead.com by releasing two new episodes this beautiful friday. Have a nice weekend, everyone!
Full Stack Clojure web app engineer