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RT @pavel_klavik
@maximehugodupre Just learn with Now you can target Java, JS (both browser and NodeJS), and many other places (C#, Python, ...). The language is awesome and 10x more powerful than anything else.

I understand how those foreign to Lisp and can find things like this scary, but when it becomes associated with the ease of structural editing and scope clarity, you might actually find it beautiful.

developing, editing dirty HTML produced by a Word Perfect export, is so much better with hiccup and structural editing. This is a powerful, easy, much less repetitive solution. As someone who has done his fair share of HTML editing (even with good tooling!) I can definitively say, this is how HTML was meant to be.

- syntax far cleaner. `[:div.someclass ,,,]` instead of `<div class='someclass'> ,,, </div>`
- Clojure comment syntax, #_ for commenting out an entire branch of the dom, or just an arg of an HTML element
- Lisp structural editing: lisp syntax is ideal for manipulating trees like the DOM. Add, remove, translate DOM sections, easily moving a complex many-branched element to/from within another many-branched element, never worrying about missing a tag closing or misplacing an opening.
- Reagent bonus: have React.js' help informing you about problematic structures
- Reagent + Figwheel/Shadow bonus: watch your html changes instantly shown in your other browser an the side

RT @the_lazy_folder
I'm not going to do a year-in-review blog post. I'm just going to say.

changed my life.
It was the one of the best decisions I made in my life.

My only regret is that I didn't learn it sooner.

RT @enigma2a
has been life changing for me too. I’ve been on the Clojure path for 6 years and counting. The benefits of immutability run far deeper than I would have guessed when I first started. It changes how you solve problems, and that affects all aspects of development!

It isn't mentioned much, but Clojure's form comment syntax is absolutely fantastic. With a `#_` you can comment out a sexps which are valid syntax, but no good for some other reason. It makes regexp find-replace great for removing things breaking my reagent (reactjs) manufactured code.

Although is inspired by use with Tailwind, I just used it to easily, rapidly import an arbitrary CSS file into my Garden files. Beautiful!

Also, it was my first project in which I've used deps.edn instead of Leiningen. Cider started it notably quickly. Success on two fronts!

To watch :
RT @scicloj
On the Visual Tools session of the @reClojure Special, we had demos by @mauricio_szabo @djblue_live @v1aaad @metasoarous @daslu_ jsa-aerial & awb99, then a panel discussion.

The ecosystem never stops innovating in this area.

RT @kraulain
" has a learning curve that leads to expertise, not better-beginnerness." — Stuart Halloway

Our project meeting began with a recruiter question: "Why functional programming?" Also, awesomeness of HoneySQL and REPL.

This was the moment I realized I like this guy
RT @lambduhh
I would just like to highlight this key moment from todays keynote. @reClojure

Such good talks ,and the Polis project is an inspiring piece of social activism
RT @metasoarous
If you're interested in helping modernize the @UsePolis code base, we've started a GH Project to help us track issues:

I'll put together a higher level Roadmap in the coming days, but please reach out if you'd like to help.


Sussman on a different curse: lisp is its own operating system. Programmer's don't want to leave it, so they have not been motivated to make/use external APIs. But doesn't win at this interop game? @reClojure

RT @reClojure
Only 30 minutes to go before the closing keynote for re:Clojure 2021 by Gerald Jay Sussman. Live stream here: Hope to see you there! .

Between whatever Markus Kloimwieder's cljtiles and @ella_hoeppner Vlojure, we have some absolutely excellent learning tools at our finger-tips. I think I will use these for myself to master linear algebra. Can I wrap Neanderthal? @reClojure

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