RT @pavel_klavik
@maximehugodupre Just learn #Clojure with https://orgpad.com/s/clojure-tutorial. Now you can target Java, JS (both browser and NodeJS), and many other places (C#, Python, ...). The language is awesome and 10x more powerful than anything else.
RT @ikitommi
Clojure looking good with Malli + Cursive + Clojure Extras + Clj-kondo. Which syntax do you prefer? https://github.com/metosin/malli/blob/master/docs/function-schemas.md#defining-function-schemas
I understand how those foreign to Lisp and #Clojure can find things like this scary, but when it becomes associated with the ease of structural editing and scope clarity, you might actually find it beautiful.
#HTML developing, editing dirty HTML produced by a Word Perfect export, is so much better with #Clojure hiccup and structural editing. This is a powerful, easy, much less repetitive solution. As someone who has done his fair share of HTML editing (even with good tooling!) I can definitively say, this is how HTML was meant to be.
- syntax far cleaner. `[:div.someclass ,,,]` instead of `<div class='someclass'> ,,, </div>`
- Clojure comment syntax, #_ for commenting out an entire branch of the dom, or just an arg of an HTML element
- Lisp structural editing: lisp syntax is ideal for manipulating trees like the DOM. Add, remove, translate DOM sections, easily moving a complex many-branched element to/from within another many-branched element, never worrying about missing a tag closing or misplacing an opening.
- Reagent bonus: have React.js' help informing you about problematic structures
- Reagent + Figwheel/Shadow bonus: watch your html changes instantly shown in your other browser an the side
RT @the_lazy_folder
I'm not going to do a year-in-review blog post. I'm just going to say.
#Clojure changed my life.
It was the one of the best decisions I made in my life.
My only regret is that I didn't learn it sooner.
RT @enigma2a
#Clojure has been life changing for me too. I’ve been on the Clojure path for 6 years and counting. The benefits of immutability run far deeper than I would have guessed when I first started. It changes how you solve problems, and that affects all aspects of development! https://twitter.com/the_lazy_folder/status/1476746158793900033
It isn't mentioned much, but Clojure's form comment syntax is absolutely fantastic. With a `#_` you can comment out a sexps which are valid #Clojure syntax, but no good for some other reason. It makes regexp find-replace great for removing things breaking my reagent (reactjs) manufactured code.
Although https://github.com/tristanstraub/garden-mower is inspired by use with Tailwind, I just used it to easily, rapidly import an arbitrary CSS file into my #Clojure #Clojurescript Garden files. Beautiful!
Also, it was my first project in which I've used deps.edn instead of Leiningen. Cider started it notably quickly. Success on two fronts!
To watch :
RT @scicloj
On the Visual Tools session of the @reClojure #DataScience Special, we had demos by @mauricio_szabo @djblue_live @v1aaad @metasoarous @daslu_ jsa-aerial & awb99, then a panel discussion.
The #Clojure ecosystem never stops innovating in this area.
RT @kraulain
"#Clojure has a learning curve that leads to expertise, not better-beginnerness." — Stuart Halloway
Our #Clojure project meeting began with a recruiter question: "Why functional programming?" Also, awesomeness of HoneySQL and REPL. https://orys.us/yfunctionalreplsql
RT @borkdude
I just completed "Syntax Scoring" - Day 10 - Advent of Code 2021 in #clojure and #babashka https://adventofcode.com/2021/day/10 #AdventOfCode
#Clojure interop, reagent forms, and some d3js in our team meeting. https://orys.us/uh
This was the moment I realized I like this guy
RT @lambduhh
I would just like to highlight this key moment from todays keynote. @reClojure #clojure #emacs #theonetrueeditor
Such good talks ,and the Polis project is an inspiring piece of social activism
RT @metasoarous
If you're interested in helping modernize the @UsePolis #Clojure code base, we've started a GH Project to help us track issues:
I'll put together a higher level Roadmap in the coming days, but please reach out if you'd like to help.
Thanks! https://twitter.com/reClojure/status/14671570…
Sussman on a different #lisp curse: lisp is its own operating system. Programmer's don't want to leave it, so they have not been motivated to make/use external APIs. But doesn't #Clojure win at this interop game? #reclojure @reClojure
RT @reClojure
Only 30 minutes to go before the closing keynote for re:Clojure 2021 by Gerald Jay Sussman. Live stream here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8q8110rRTCA. Hope to see you there! #sicp #scheme #lisp #reclojure #clojure #DataScience.
Between whatever Markus Kloimwieder's cljtiles and @ella_hoeppner Vlojure, we have some absolutely excellent #Clojure learning tools at our finger-tips. I think I will use these for myself to master linear algebra. Can I wrap Neanderthal? #reclojure @reClojure
Full Stack Clojure web app engineer