RT @borkdude
This escalated quickly: Calva already published a new version where the #nbbjs nrepl-server works as expected.
See https://github.com/borkdude/nbb#nrepl.
#clojurescript #clojure #nrepl https://twitter.com/pappapez/status/1444234821912436739
These puzzles just disappear when you used immutable data. Problem solved. #ClojureScript
RT @ravinwashere
JavaScript Quiz 🏆
Comment the output of this code?
let x = 5;
let y = new Number(5);
console.log( x == y);
console.log( x === y);
Also, let me know the reason for your answer below!
A: true and false
B: false and false
C: true and true
How long will #ClojureScript last? A few reasons in may stick around a while:
- great syntax
- good ideas, like immutable data and namespaces
- easy to use its host, so JS changes so it doesn't have to
- community culture of NOT BREAKING THINGS (just ask @stuarthalloway )
RT @CicmilJovan
When I started freelancing, jQuery was the most popular thing in the Javascript world.
When you asked Javascript questions on StackOverflow, …
This is a good thing. In #Clojure and #ClojureScript, all spaces are equivalent to one space, and that includes commas. I am not a fan of Semantic Whitespace like Python.
Need some extra space displayed on a page? For Heaven's sake, use #CSS!
RT @chriscoyier
how much space is a space?
i like how html is like...
one space? one space
2 spaces? one space
50 spaces?! one space
100000 spaces??? one space, bruv
What a triumph of interface design and #ClojureScript! Not only a very, very cool UI creation, but a great way to explore some of the core library and to get a a visual understanding of Reverse Polish Notation (RPN). First-class work!
RT @ella_hoeppner
Here's a video that shows how it works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OcAUhe3E1E
RT @ella_hoeppner
I've been working on a cool little #ClojureScript app for a month or two now, and it's finally ready for an initial release. Check it out here: http://vlojure.io
Basically, it's a visual interface for writing an evaluating ClojureScript.
Now have HTML5 local storage working in my #clojurescript app! I guess it is possible for the front-end to handle sessions, as long as they aren't anything confidential. Thanks to old mostly-finished things like https://github.com/alandipert/storage-atom. Transit had a couple loose ends, and now to figure out session timeout...
Question of the day: do you use any macros that have you write otherwise-invalid code in #ClojureScript? IE break the (function args) syntax?
Only one I can think is reagent, [function args]. But that barely counts.
RT @iamsegunajibola
Question of the day:
Do you still use semicolons in JavaScript?
RT @cemerick
all these parentheses in javascript are annoying af
Someone recently suggested that beginners spend a year "grinding every day" to master the language. Putting in the time is critical, but I don't think #Clojure #ClojureScript are ever a grind. They are too fun for that!
Good tip. And before jumping in to #Clojurescript, complete at least 5 more in #Javascript.
This is the curse and the blessing of the #clojure philosophy -- know a little of your hosts first, but then reap the benefits
RT @mdjunaidap
Are you an aspiring front-end developer?
This tip is for you!
Before Jumping into Javascript, try to complete at least 5 Projects using plain HTML and CSS.
or we use immutable data and never have the question, "wait... did this get emptied?"
Interesting how the concept itself goes away.
RT @VladPasca5
JavaScript tip💡
You can use the syntax "array.length = 0" to empty an array
Here is how it works
The #webdev community is largely single-line promotionals (mostly about the glories of #javascript) and threads of handy gee-whiz info. So, in proper #Clojure fashion, I've decided to use that community as Host and do all those same things, but #ClojureScript. Join us in the fun!
The Twitter Webdev community is largely preoccupied with single-line promotional texts (largely about the glories of #javascript) and threads of gee-whiz info that I actually find quite useful sometimes. So, in proper #Clojure fashion, I've decided to use that community as Host and do all those same things, but Clojure[Script]. Feel free to join me! #ClojureScript #webdev
I thought that, too. So I implemented a user app in raw html and css. I learned 3 things --
1. #emacs is really good at this repetitive, basic stuff
2. even so, the boilerplate was too much!
3. It took MUCH longer than #ClojureScript.
It better last 20 years.
RT @TreciaKS
HTML, CSS and JavaScript are enough!
Frameworks come and go, but those 3 stay because they alone are what make web development!
I think I may need to start putting more time into learning the interop ecosystems: Maven, Apache on the #Clojure JVM, and React stuff, NPM on #ClojureScript. Then, soon, Python, too #clj-python. Probably an hour of reading each day.
RT @borkdude
ClojureScript ff-ing rules. Thank you @swannodette, @mfikes and everybody involved. Also @thheller for making CLJS builds "easy".
RT @activeXray
I did it! @PlutoJL notebooks with embeddable #ClojureScript using @borkdude's #scittle
RT @borkdude
Nbb, a scripting environment like #babashka, but for Node.js, v0.0.75 now has built-in integration with applied-science/js-interop!
Thanks @mhuebert for the library and help.
See https://github.com/borkdude/nbb#js-interop for more details.
I got an image previewing component working in #ClojureScript Reagent (that's with react.js, for the uninitiated). https://orys.us/ub
Full Stack Clojure web app engineer