I have been annoyed at the informal prevalence of proprietary MatLab among some of my colleagues, and didn't realize that R is a direct alternative for most problem-spaces. I much prefer the opensource mode of R. Some useful comparisons:
There are methods of coding that are complete paradigm shifts. Algol-style was my default, such as Java, C, JavaScript, and distantly, Python. Then I learned functional programming, completely changing my approach to problems.
And then there is CSS, which is itself a completely different experience. Different debugging, development, and problem[solving] space.
Two types of simplicity: the monolith (emphasis MONO) and the Linux approach, single-purpose composable. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1555760740652371968.html
Back to a language with state and syntax -- #css "how do I linebreak within flex display?" Answer seems to be `flex-direction "column"`
Comparing visual git tools -- because how could you compare with #emacs #magit?
Looking into https://gitea.io/en-us/ to see how it compares to GitLab and SourceHut. Anyone have details, particularly for the non-git services offered?
While we're talking about online pay grievances, on a lighter note, who decided to swap "make and model"? I mean, no one says "I drive a Forester Subaru" or "Ranger Ford"... why would you do this?
So, if I have one account, do I just get do use that anywhere on the Fediverse? Is that the way it works?
"not" failing matching #css:
Struggling with some #css here. I need a selector, ":before me, unless I have some class"
RT @daslu_
How many people here are new to #Clojure and would find it useful to have an Intro to Clojure session as a preparation for the #ds4clj #DataScience course?
RT @hewrin_10
@Endless_WebDev @_jonesian Similar to how omakase is a meal curated by a chef, Rails is contains libraries curated by the creators/maintainers.
To self: do I "fold" cases or do I "flatten" them? language problems in #emacs mnemonics.
#clojure goals
RT @_jonesian
Rails is just as productive 😉 https://twitter.com/chris__sev/status/1554515237981679616
Full Stack Clojure web app engineer