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We really do need a better way to deal with waste materials

Why is UK recycling being dumped by Turkish roadsides?

How we got to a point where the 5th richest country in the world can't invest properly in waste management is beyond me, there are small companies here, that can take old plastic and turn it in to something useful,. e.g kayaks. Why can#t we put millions in to expanding these.

I have a pencil case made from old tyres. we have to start to think differently.

It will take a number of years, but #microsoft will 'kill' #github like it killed Nokia, Skype, LinkedIn, Mixer and countless other things. "Anything they touch..."

Don't plan for contingencies. #deletegithub now.

🐦 RT:

Webinar on writing an article with excellent supporting data

This presentation will introduce ways to interconnect your article and data in ways that make them most readily understood and useful by others.

Topics include, how to:
· prepare data for presentation
· ensure data is well stewarded
· provide fair credit/access through citation.

🔗 Register:

#Science #OpenScience #OpenData #DataScience #codata #FAIRdata

Pharmaceutical giants have added $51 billion to their market value in 2020 as they scramble to develop a coronavirus vaccine


Illustration from Openclipart

I have deleted you from faircam, as you are / were interacting with the diversity thread on Discourse do you still want your account deleted?

Pickles, done. Kimchi, done. Prepping cloth for kefir.

The only small positive thing to come out of the pandemic is how much more fermenting I do.

Just want to give a shout-out to Audacity, which as far as I'm concerned is the open source creative tool that actually achieves the promise of open source creative tools. It gets significantly better every release and releases every few months, and the UI gets better and better (the key thing most open source tools don't achieve). If you tried Audacity a few years ago or more and decided it was unstable or clunky to use, download the latest version. You might be pleasantly surprised.


Just found this on Twitter

Sacha Baron Cohen
These are the companies that spend the most $ on Facebook ads.

Will you join the boycott and tell Facebook to stop spreading racism and hate?!


I am really really struggling with some of the tutorial bot stuff, partly as it seems to get stuck and I don't know what to do

How do I get passed adding a poll

@design_RG @freemo

I think I am going round in circles, what is the exact command I need to type in to

to start the advanced / licensed tutorial please.

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Just tryimg tp start up the advanced tutorial

"The recruitment of hundreds of tribal girls without parental consent for an immunisation study sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation"
People who say #ArrestBillGates often don't know he was already arrested (sources say several times). As for #ExposeBillGates he was already exposed for many years, but he bribes the media to keep most people in the dark.

· 53m
For the first time ever, Skyrora are looking for a Micro mission patch design to signify Skyrora’s Skylark Micro I launch. Send us your design and you could be given the chance to view our production facilities and meet and greet the team!

I am sharing this to try and help promote the area, it is not intended to be seen as advertising..

I also replied on Twitter to say I shared here, so cross promotion.

Pasted from twitter.

We had a lovely Walk & Sunbathe at Ansteys Cove
Beach with umbrella
this morning (ONLY a 45 min Walk from us) & some great

Visit & Stay


'Lawful access' bill would allow feds to legally bust into encrypted devices. "This is the full-frontal nuclear assault on encryption we've been fearing would come, but which no lawmaker previously had dared to put forth," @Riana_Crypto
tells @NBCNews

Would I be right in thinking, that as e-commerce relies on encryption to work (so transactions are secure) this law could have implications if people lose trust in the system designed to make transactions safe.

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