Pop!_OS by @system76@twitter.com reimagines their application launcher, gives improved recovery tools and much more in their latest release. https://youtu.be/YR8-ev1kw8w
Geminds of the South: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap211216.… https://twitter.com/apod/status/1471351902537404421
Have been away for some time to reflect of the current state of the society, by talking to real people, face-to-face, firnds, family, doctors...
I'm afraid it might be too late, everyone is hypnotised with this COVID Vaccine bullshit! Everyone wants me to take it and as soon as I place the smallest question I get shutdown with MSM-tier prayer
This is heppening now. The normies are getting radicalised to hate us (vaxxed or unvaxxed), the ones who dare to question this lockdown/vaccine/anti-tradition woke bs
I know there's a few vaxxed people out there who now see this massive lie unfold and get more and more frustrated with the pandemic.
In the end they'll round us up against the wall and shoot all of us. They'll exterminate us bros.
For those of you with ADHD or difficulty focusing in noisy/distracting environments, a pair of noise cancelling headphones, along with mynoise.net is an absolute blessing (it's free btw).
I really like the distant thunder paired with music, or the "medieval library" sounds as well.
Finally, cleaning up my desk seems to help a lot too, so don't overestimate how a change in your environment (even small ones) can impact your productivity and creativity!
Today marks the 31st anniversary of the #tiananmensquaremassacre The world has not forgotten what the CCP government did.
Raspberry Pi 4 Beta Firmware Brings True USB Boot for High-Speed Storage, No microSD Required - Hackster.io
Thank you Tawian for you generous gift of face masks to Canada! Even if our politicans ignore you and won't say thank you in favour of currying Chinese favour, the Canadian people won't be so easily manipulated. #Tawiannumba1
Regardez "One day, a computer will fit on a desk (1974) | RetroFocus" sur YouTube
I can only look in amazement and wish I could relax. So. Completely.
Awesome. Way to go.
#cats #mastocats #catsofMastodon #meow #xp
RT @MissCinnamon6@twitter.activitypub.actor
I am SO LONG #BlackCats #CatsOfTwitter #CatsOfTheQuarantine
@IOcase @freemo Just used some of the paprika I purchased (supermarket generic branding) and it was a big let down; nothing like the Spanish Smoder Pimentón I enjoyed so much (which adds a true smoked flavour to any dish with a little sprinkilng of it).
The real mcKoy is "Pimentón de la Vera".
This is the one I used and now miss..,
"Eric Yuan founded Zoom nine years ago after he defected from Cisco Systems and took about 40 engineers with him"...
STEM/Trade student soon to be graduate