[ Aspects of China’s new policy direction are certainly destructive, yet their colonial intent ultimately seeks to transform – not exterminate – the physical and social landscape of Xinjiang and other peripheral regions under the government’s control. They work to actively alter the thoughts and behaviors of what Chinese authorities perceive to be a “backward,” “deviant,” and innately “dangerous” sub-section of its population by uplifting their “bio-quality” (suzhi, 素质) and overseeing their rebirth as loyal, patriotic, and civilized Chinese citizens. ]
[ In a recent article, Haisam Hassanein of The Washington Institute wrote that Xinjiang region “has been of strategic importance to China because it served as a bridge to Central Asia and the Middle East.” After 2011, however, “China began to worry that the unrest sweeping the Arab world could have ripple effects in Muslim areas of northwest Xinjiang, encouraging the province’s existing separatist movements to push harder for independence.”
If successful, China’s influence campaign will not only worsen the conditions for the Uyghurs of Xinjiang; it will also produce two diametrically opposed views of the situation there, divided largely along geopolitical lines. As it stands, there is the possibility that other Muslim countries will follow the Pakistani and Palestinian line, diluting international condemnation and allowing Chinese wrongdoings in Xinjiang to continue. ]
"澳洲智库“澳洲战略政策研究所”(ASPI )5月12日公布的最新报告发现,中国新疆地区2017至2019年的生育率下滑幅度,是人类近代史之最,超越叙利亚内战、卢旺达与柬埔寨种族灭绝期间的生育率降幅。
这个研究所利用中国政府的公开数据,统计出 2011年至2019 年国家出生率数据,再分析 2016 年中国政府开始在当地大规模镇压前、后,新疆自治区内各民族和空间区域的趋势。
研究发现,自 2017 年 4 月起,中国共产党在新疆实施一系列强硬生育控制手段后,新疆出生率急剧下跌,在 2017年至2019 年间,出生率减少接近一半,约 48.74%。
调查人员进一步分析发现,生育率急跌的地区主要是以维族及少数民族为主的社区。在2017年至18 年间,当地各县的出生率平均下跌 43.7%;不过,在少数民族超过九成的城镇,出生率平均下跌 56.5%。
澳洲战略政策研究所研究员、报告执笔人之一拉瑟(Nathan Ruser)说,自联合国71年前开始蒐集全球生育数据以来,这种生育率极端下滑的情况可说是前所未见。"
外媒紛紛跟上美聯的報導, 衛報這篇所附先前相關報導, 較為詳盡:
"The figures show unprecedented declines which were more extreme than any global region at any time in the 71 years of UN fertility data collection, including during genocides in Rwanda and Cambodia, according to the authors of the report by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (Aspi)."
"The sharp drop in birth-rates in Xinjiang (a region with a population of nearly 25 million) is proportionally the most extreme over a two-year period globally since 1950. Despite notable contextual differences, this decline in birth-rate is more than double the rate of decline in Cambodia at the height of the Khmer Rouge genocide (1975-79)."
"ASPI also unearthed government notices showing that Xinjiang officials are being given quotas to lower birthrates, with punishments meted out to those who failed to meet family planning targets. A target set in one heavily Uyghur county is lower than the birthrate of South Korea, the lowest in the world."
"The report also found that about half of Xinjiang’s 106 county-level administrative units have not published birthrate figures for 2019, though they should have been published last year."
"Gilgit-Baltistan, a geopolitical loophole that borders Xinjiang and is a part of the longstanding Kashmir dispute, is the gateway to the $62 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), Beijing’s biggest overseas investment and an important part of its headline Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Pakistan, which loudly proclaims CPEC to be its economic lifeline, has increasingly acquiesced to Chinese demands since the initiation of the project, which couples financial misappropriation with human rights abuses. This now includes clamping down on the Uyghurs. In recent years Pakistan’s contribution in that regard has evolved from counterterrorism measures taken against Uyghur-origin militants affiliated with South Asian jihadist outfits to lifting individuals at the behest of Chinese government."
"... the religious aspect of the ancient Silk Road is largely neglected in the modern planning of the BRI, and it does not leave much space for cultural interactions. State-owned enterprises participating in the BRI have been criticized for the absence of mutual exchanges with and understandings of local communities, and the local populations often find it difficult to understand the intention of the BRI."
"Over the years, through military actions in its bordering areas with Afghanistan, the Pakistani Army has pushed the TTP elements out of the country and into Afghanistan. The TTP has been using Afghan soil for operations and support. Despite Pakistan’s protests, the Afghan Taliban have not taken action against their Pakistani brethren, despite a growing number of attacks in Pakistan. The TTP has been infiltrating through the porous borders between the two countries, driving Pakistan to begin fencing its border with Afghanistan."
[The Oxus Society, a Washington-based think tank, counted about 160 incidents of civil unrest in Central Asia between 2018 and mid-2021 where China was the key issue.
Beijing recognizes the rising threat to its workers in developing countries but doesn’t want to send in its army as it professes noninterference abroad, said Alessandro Arduino, author of “China’s Private Army: Protecting the New Silk Road.” Instead, China is deploying technology such as facial recognition and hiring more private Chinese security contractors, he said.]
[ Xinjiang Hoshine Silicon Industry mines and processes quartz in the north part of Shanshan Stone Industrial Park, located near the city of Turpan in Xinjiang, China, according to new research. Several miles away, the southern section of the park (shown here) holds two facilities that have been identified as detention centers for the “re-education” of Uyghur people by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), which has researched alleged abuses against minorities in Xinjiang. ]
不讓維吾爾人過齋戒月卻強迫維吾爾人過端午, 太噁心了~
"To begin, David Tobin has already demonstrated that the CCP relegates Uyghur festivals to private life while pushing Chinese holidays into the public, which perpetuates ethnic hierarchies. Specifically, Duan Wu celebrations – especially making and consuming zongzi during Ramadan – shines light on the destructive depths of the CCP’s assimilation project: It requires Turkic Muslims to – quite literally – imbibe Han Chinese culture. "
"日本時事通信社報導,有關新疆棉議題,日本迅銷公司(Fast Retailing)旗下品牌優衣庫(UNIQLO)銷美的部分襯衫,5月已遭美國禁止進口;包括日本體育用品製造商美津濃(Mizuno)決定停用新疆棉等,日本企業被迫對此議題做出回應。"
「消息人士告訴路透社,法國檢方的調查對象包括日本快時尚品牌優衣庫的法國公司(Uniqlo France)、擁有知名品牌颯拉(Zara)的Inditex集團、法國SMCP公司,以及美國運動鞋品牌SKECHERS。這項說法證實了法國媒體網站Mediapart的報導。」
"《衛報》報導,共產主義受難者紀念基金會的德國社會人類學專家曾茲(Adrian Zenz)掌握到一份中共官方的新疆會議記錄,內容包括習近平在2014年4月的三場演說,議題涵蓋安全、人口控制及懲罰維吾爾族等,部分內容被當局列為最高機密。
衛報這篇明確將維吾爾議題矛頭指向政策提出者的維尼與政策執行者的兵團, 有別於之前的含糊其辭或避重就輕的報導方向:
[ In one of Xi’s speeches, he argues that “population proportion and population security are important foundations for long-term peace and stability”. This statement was later quoted verbatim by a senior Xinjiang official in July 2020, who then argued that southern Xinjiang’s Han population share was “too low”. ]
[ Other classified documents lament “severe imbalances in the distribution of the ethnic population” and a “severely mono-ethnic” population structure (an over-concentration of Uyghurs) in southern Xinjiang. They mandate that by 2022, 300,000 settlers (mostly Han from eastern China) are to be moved to regions in southern Xinjiang administered by the Xinjiang Construction and Production Corps, also known as “bingtuan”, a paramilitary entity, with the explicitly stated aim of increasing Han population shares in the region. ]
有趣的是這份報導所引用的報告是來自華盛頓特區, 而目前尚未見到特區政壇對此報告的反應, 莫非繼金融時報後, 又一英媒被當成放話管道了嗎?
"The documents are likely among a cache reported on by the New York Times in 2019, Mr. Zenz said. The New York Times published the text of roughly a dozen pages, but did not fully reproduce any one document. Mr. Zenz said that while the New York Times report showed Mr. Xi’s direct involvement in planning the party’s campaign in Xinjiang, the complete collection of documents paints a fuller picture."
"The source of the leak couldn’t be determined. A spokeswoman for the New York Times confirmed that the documents released by the Uyghur Tribunal were reported on by the newspaper in 2019, adding that the newspaper didn’t leak them to the tribunal."
現在才開始有些熱度, 看來中國戰狼有下大力氣在控制媒體曝光這塊:
"Mr. Nice said that the panel had repeatedly written to the Chinese government and invited it to take part in the hearings. He said the inquiry recognized different political cultures between China and Western democracies, focusing only on the “clearest breaches of international standards and law to which [China] is fully committed, acting with caution and care to reach its decisions.”
Genocide, as defined by the United Nations’ Genocide Convention, encompasses “the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group.” Using the term to describe China’s policies in Xinjiang, home to roughly 14 million Turkic-speaking Uyghurs and other predominantly Muslim minorities, has been a flashpoint in legal and public debate."
[ 街道說著不同的語言。據穆罕默德說,喀什至少有 150 座清真寺。然而,附近許多清真寺的門都用掛鎖鎖著,宣禮塔已經彎下腰。清真寺不再使用。
[ The researchers stress in the report’s conclusion that transnational repression is but a part of the wider patterns of “global authoritarianism” in which “autocratic regimes like China actively cooperate with one another and repurpose institutions to protect themselves from accountability for human rights abuses.” This, in part, explains the paradoxical support of Muslim-majority authoritarian states for the repression of Muslims in China. Economics also forms an important tether. Of the top 10 countries where China used transnational repression against the Uyghurs, the report notes that China is the largest creditor in four (Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Cambodia and Myanmar). The Belt and Road Initiative, in both its political and economic aspects, undergirds China’s increasing reach. ]
然後當時統治者納迪爾汗(Nadir Khan)的大將宣布賦予農村酋長擁有更大的自治權。在我看來,軍閥佔了上風是阿富汗的轉折點。
"Beijing has a long history of working with both the Taliban and the present Afghan government, but it will be difficult for China to work with both when they are essentially at war with each other. Beijing frequently talks about what I consider to be a false binary between economic and political engagement, and the illusion of this binary will be more difficult for the PRC to maintain if it robustly engages in Afghanistan going forward. Especially if continued conflict poses security risks for China’s interests in the country, the PRC will find it difficult to remain neutral in that conflict."
"《The Intercept_》報導,比利時學者莫羅(Yves Moreau)近年來關注這些論文隱藏的危險,尤其在新疆,有大量維吾爾族人被關押在集中營,當局還蒐集居民的DNA樣本,莫羅憂心,科技將被用於推動威權主義,世界上已經有部分國家利用最新的技術來獲得政治上的利益。
"報導指出,比利時魯汶天主教大學工程學教授莫羅(Yves Moreau)是撤回爭議研究的最大推手。他表示,自己已聯繫5家學術期刊,撤回中國這類論文,到目前為止已有4篇被撤回,「這只是冰山一角」。
Good job!~
喔喔喔! 沒想到穆斯林NBA球員比那些基督徒球星乃至所有其他穆斯林政權要有種!
"坎特(Enes Kanter)今天發表簡短推文:「改變即將到來,沒人能夠阻擋。沒有任何人!」推文並附上標籤「自由西藏」、「自由維吾爾」、「自由香港」、「與台灣站在一起」。"
“We will always defend our hard-earned freedom and democracy, and the support from you and our friends around the world gives us strength,”
"漢人有什麼臉去做維吾爾人的同胞?這麼多年來,大多數漢人對同胞種族清洗的慘痛遭遇不聞不問,這時候為了自己的自由,開始喊「同胞」了。就像另一位維吾爾博主Nyrola質問的那樣,「解封後漢人可以 move on,但過去五年集中營和冤獄裏的維吾爾人呢?誰給他們解封?」是啊,當國內的防疫政策有所鬆動,當漢人走出封控的圍欄時,是否還會記得在集中營裏的維吾爾「同胞」?"
"今天在中國,必須要承認,中國這個政權、這個國家、這個所謂的中華民族的概念都是建立在對包括維吾爾人在內的少數族群的壓迫基礎上的。如果漢人抗議者今天認為人人都應該享有平等和自由,那麼就應該喊出Free Uyghur的口號。如果僅僅止步於反封控或者僅僅止步於爭取漢人自己的自由,那這樣的自由,仍然是對少數族群的壓迫。在這樣的情況下,我認為沒有所謂的不同意見,無法求同存異,因為這些訴求並不是平等的「不同」,而是壓迫與被壓迫的關係。
"連署信引用「人權觀察」(Human Rights Watch)今年9月的調查報告,顯示自2016年起,中共當局就開始在西藏進行大規模DNA採集,「占西藏總人口的1/3,其中也包括孩童。以犯罪調查為藉口,DNA蒐集沒有經過本人同意,也跟當事人是否有犯罪行為沒有關聯」。"
"With Tuesday’s action, the State Department appears to be taking initial steps in the same direction with regards to Tibet, another vast western region of China. The Tibetan plateau, however, has limited international economic or trade ties compared with Xinjiang."
"Today these boarding schools house roughly one million children between ages 4 and 18, approximately 80 percent of that population. At least 100,000 of those children — and I believe there are many more — are only 4 or 5 years old, like my nieces were.
"After listening to the girls’ stories, I asked my brother what would happen if he just refused to send them. He teared up. Disobeying the new policy would mean having his name blacklisted from government benefits. Others who have protested the new schools have suffered terrible consequences, he said.
[ The official silence surrounding Rahile’s case is in line with broader efforts by the Chinese government to tamp down criticism of its campaign in the Xinjiang region. Beijing opposed the release of the United Nations report last year. Its mission to the U.N. had also called on member nations not to attend an event Tuesday on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly—hosted by the Atlantic Council’s Strategic Litigation Project, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International—that focused on how to respond to the 2022 report and “examine options for pursuing justice for the Uyghur people.”]
"Prosecutors in Istanbul identified seven people believed to be gathering information on notable individuals from the Uyghur community and some associations tied to them in Turkey, Anadolu said, without providing further details."
“民主黨籍聯邦參議員默克利(Jeff Merkley)和聯邦眾議員麥高文(Jim McGovern)今天致函希爾頓全球控股(Hilton Worldwide)總裁兼執行長納塞塔(Christopher Nassetta),針對希爾頓要在新疆和田一處清真寺舊址建造希爾頓歡朋酒店(Hampton by Hilton)的報導表達憂心。原本的清真寺已於2018年被拆毀。
"儘管美國政府已經加強要求企業要對供應鏈進行審查,來阻止美國公司間接協助中國鎮壓人民,但科技產品的全球化銷售網絡也讓第三方和子公司的許多出口調查評估變得複雜。例如,北京中科富星信息技術有限公司(Zhongke Fuxing Information Technology Co. Ltd)參與數個新疆維吾爾自治區的數位監控計畫,並把產品配備在當地看守所,而中科富星信息和微軟、IBM、英特爾、惠普、甲骨文、思科和戴爾是商業合作夥伴。"
研究中共政黨外交的美國威克森林大學(Wake Forest University)政治學者貝納達拉(Lina Benabdallah)表示,開發中國家新一代的政黨領袖把中共視為典範。
"「人權觀察」引用公共文件、衛星影像以及目擊者證詞指出,在官方要求宗教建築必須突出中國風格的「宗教中國化」指示下,當局已關閉或改建寧夏北部地區及甘肅省的數百座清真寺。這些地區是大批回族穆斯林的家園。官方宣稱,這是「整併」過程的一部分。二○一八年四月,中共一份黨內文件首次提到「清真寺整併」。文件後來被洩露給美國媒體,是被稱為「新疆文件」(Xinjiang Papers)的一部分。"
" Former detainees of Xinjiang internment camps are also sometimes funneled to factories around the region in the name of poverty alleviation, according to rights groups and Chinese government documents. Western researchers have pointed at references to paramilitary management of workers and political indoctrination at factories that appear on government websites and in Chinese state media reports as further indicators that the poverty-alleviation programs may be involuntary. "
維吾爾人受迫害時中國漢人不說話甚至支持; 食髓知味的CCP就順利將這套推廣到中國全境了(笑 :
"Police have targeted protest participants by using some of the surveillance techniques honed in Xinjiang to target Uyghurs. In chat rooms used to organize demonstrations, protesters have reported police scanning the smartphones of pedestrians for overseas apps such as Twitter and Telegram, a common experience on the streets of Urumqi."
@Perfume 甘蔗没有两头甜,所以不会有让所有社会阶层民族阶级满意的政权,所以共匪就要压制一切反对它们的声音。当然,习主席抓过的甘蔗一定是两头甜的。毕竟习主席是当今社会的搅屎棍,而且一会儿用这头儿,一会儿用那头,共匪喽啰们都要尝都得喊甜……
@Perfume 【美国独立革命以前,当最高当局送“印花税条例”到议会,衮衮诸公成立表决大队,护航通过之时,34岁的Patrick Henry坚决反对,护航派议员群起而攻之,说你简直造反了、造反了!Patrick Henry忍无可忍,回答到:“如果这也算造反,那就大反特反吧!”(If this be treason, make the most of it.)
说这话十年后,Patrick Henry又以“不自由,毋宁死”(**give me liberty or give me death.)一句名言,给了爱好自由者无限的鼓舞。在他“不自由,毋宁死”后一年四个月,独立宣言通过了。】(https://www.newsmth.net/bbsanc.php?path=%2Fgroups%2Funiv.faq%2FPKU%2Fuu%2F33333%2Faaa%2F2%2FM.894112053.A )
@nil 中國一胎化政策期間十年(19 80-1990)間生育率也只掉了25%, 但ASPI的報告數據則是在一年內(2017-2018)就從1.3掉到不足0.8, 時間跨度與下降幅度都遠超過一胎化政策時期, 一胎化的殺傷威力根本無法與新疆所謂的再教育政策相提並論.
@Perfume 真的……還有漢人在那說什麼「一眼假,哪有那麼容易一夜之間變出這些工具」,誰跟你一夜之間,這些東西在新疆已經用了多少年了。
#維吾爾 #再教育營 #新疆 #法新社 #AFP