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An #Introduction
I am a PhD student at City, University of London, researching #neuro #symbolic ML models and their capabilities in non-classical #reasoning.

I don't post too often but will repost articles and toots/tweets I find interesting.

#neurosymbolic #neuralsymbolic #logic #ltn

I am a #Lecturer (Assistant Prof) in #ML at the University of #Edinburgh.

I research how #deep #probabilistic #models can be #reliable and can do #complex #reasoning with #guarantees in the real world and with #constraints.

Will toot about #automating #tractable #neuro #symbolic #AI and its #hype, #CS and #probabilistic #programming but also anything from #music to #politics and #fightsforrights.

My apologies in advance!


Happy #FluorescentFriday folks! Because everything seems a little dark on the otherside, we are sharing some color-tastic eye-popping pics to kick off the week-end.... #cilia #flagella #MicroscopeMagic #TubulinCode

Figured I'd do another #introduction since I changed servers and lost all my posts :(

I'm a #neuroscientist with an interest in #striatum, #movementDisorders and #substanceUse. #electropgysiologist currently teaching #neuroscience and #biology to undergrads and #psychology to grad students.

Hobbies include #gaming (digital like #leagueOfLegends and #DarkSouls ) but also tabletop rpgs and #boardgames

Hi all! Looking to find more #neuro folks to share interesting discoveries and recent pubs.

From last night. NGC 1499 in narrowband using a RedCat51 and QHY268m.2 styles of SHO processing (2nd if using the ForaxX_SHO #astronomy #astrophotography

Hello everyone!

I'm a recent arrival, still figuring things out, but seems delightful so far!

About me:
* Electrical engineer (chiphead) by training.
* Software architect/dev-herder (of late) by vocation.
* Computational quantum chemist by avocation.
* Tool-builder by compulsion.

Designed chips, joined/lead a few startups, VC wannabe for awhile. Then the wavefunction collapsed.

ADHD sufferer/beneficiary.
Burner (the Man).
Kitten foster Dad.

I learn differently than others.

Twitter users are all like “I don’t know if I can trust a bunch of career sysadmins and network engineers to run their own Mastodon instances” — meanwhile Elon is just running around the Twitter data center going “what’s this button do?”

Hoping to find other people passionate about #wildlife, #photography and #conservation. Please give me a follow if you'd like to connect! #introduction

What's it with people reporting every single one they dont like.. :amaze:

Please, stop with that.

This is not #Twitter. Please use features like mute or block if you don't like people but stop reporting otherwise I'll start banning people who keep reporting for nothing :blobhammer:

I'm trying to keep things running with so many new people and it's such a waste of time to hear whatever you don't like

Otherwise go waste Elon's time, not mine

Just a couple of hashtags to attract like minded people to hang out on :
Folks, if you work with above topics ( and science in general), I'd love to follow you!

Come for the #neuroscience, stay for glimpses of the most fabulous #escapePod assistant editorial #spacecats.

#Trogdor does not believe my lap is an appropriate place to provide feedback on student literature reviews.

#introduction Heya! I'm a post doc fellow at Cornell in NYC studying how those creating ~“AI”~ think about the downstream harms their systems make possible, and the wider cultural, political, and economic logics which shape these thoughts. Ex NASA, Microsoft Research, and Intel. I was born in rural Oregon, grew up in Berlin and Singapore.

Follow me for AI ethics hot takes, academia nonsense, anti-surveillance and student labor activism.

#AIEthics #AI #surveillance #artist #labor

An #introduction for #followbackfriday

Hi👋 I’m Carrick. I’m the VP #innovation at Two Six Tech, PhD in Information Sciences, enjoy all things #technology #opensource #automation #rapidprotyping #mobilecommunications #adtech

An #entrepreneur and #foodie at heart- opening a #brewery #restaurant in FXBG, VA. I finished my #sommelier certification recently for kicks.

I own a boutique #fitness studio ( and am a certified #rowing instructor. Loving #masrodon so far.

I suppose with the ongoing, I should get around pinning an .

I'm Eric Korpela, an astrophysicist by training. My expertise is in interstellar matter (), UV instrumentation, radio instrumentation, and . I used to direct a small volunteer computing project called SETI@home (). I'm semi-retired, and theoretically working 17 hours a week. In practice that turns into almost as many hours as I was working before I retired.

My posts here will often be unrelated to my work. I find it hard to be chatty about things that have exhausted me during the day. My short term life goal is to learn all that is knowable.

My non-work interests are and .

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