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When a government attempts to discredit The Hague, it's a sign something has gone terribly wrong in that country. My latest:

#cartoon #comic #politics #war #humanrights #gaza

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It seems that the entire analysis is developed starting from a modular and mechanistic perspective which is very suitable for machines but very little for human life. In the article, life is conceived in the light of criteria such as competition, optimization and mere survival, neglecting what for humans is the basis of every action: intentionality (why? with whom? against whom?...). In terms of mere survival, a sophisticated neurological evolution is not even necessary: jellyfish have existed for thousands of years without any particular evolution of their nervous system. Last but not least, artificial neural networks and the entire paradigm of Artificial Intelligence were founded on the Kantian perspective of thought and life, a legitimate choice from a research point of view which however greatly restricts the possibilities of understanding the phenomenon of life, reducing thought and reason to the emerging product of logical operations (Boolean algebra) carried out through the mechanical dynamics of logic gates.

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#FOSDEM2024 started and the #GNUHealth stand is in place 😎 . Come and say hi, get cool tshirts and meet our friends from @opensuse, @weblate, @sjodogne and other sister communities ❤️
#SocialMedicine #GNU #OpenScience #bioinformatics #eHealth #FOSDEM #freedom

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Dear Friends of the future, ☸️

As we may know Nothing is certain. Not that nothing exists except as Everything …
Emptiness is Form and form is Emptiness as the say …
Have a grateful day everyone. Be kinder. Feed the trolls (and then deep fry them) … Oh I is being naughty again … 🤓🫶

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me: idk I can see a lot of sides to this

student: but is that being unbiased or is it just that you can’t make a decision

me: oh my god I have been roasted so hard

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In my persuasion class, my students had to sell something intrinsically worthless on eBay, relying only on their product descriptions & not being banned. They sold imaginary friends, an open bandaid, a bag of air, a haunted breath mint, etc. Class record was like $150

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Dear Friends of minors,

As we elders of the cyberverse know, :netkitty: kids will always rebel against the vested interests. :black_block_blob: Thank COD!

Here are a few things worth :ablobgrimace: righting 4:
- FREE time :ablobcool:
- FREE mind :byebrows:
- FREE software :blobcatsaitama:
- FROZEN Consumption free ze :ablobslurp:

Don't swap sides, and be merry. Good and

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It turns out that the appendix appears to have two related functions.

The first function is supporting the immune system. The appendix has a high concentration of immune tissue, so it's acting to help the immune system fight any bad things in the gut.

The second function that it serves is what we refer to as a safe reservoir for the beneficial gut bacteria that we have.

#health #appendix #biology #science

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Really great (absolutely terrifying) research by plasma physicist @carlysagan is being highlighted today on

Is there *anything* that tens of thousands of disposable satellites won't completely fuck up?

Satellite companies need to stop launching until they fund research on the upper atmosphere and magnetosphere(!) and show their plans are safe ( probably impossible since they aren't safe).

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Happy World Wetlands Day.

Habitat, flood and drought control, carbon sequestration. Wetlands do it all. Is your city not flooded after every rain or snow melt event? Thank your local wetland, and the people who have worked to preserve it.

#wetlands #WorldWetlandsDay #water

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the best bird I know is this crow who hangs out in crystal palace park and pretends to have a limp and a dodgy wing, then the second someone feels sorry for him and gives it food, he'll hop up and fly off with it. 10/10 grift, I always feed him and pretend to be outraged by his lies.

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I just tried some extremely simple video editing with Blender. I watched a tutorial and messed around (WOW there's a lot to learn) until my computer froze and crashed. Ha! I think it's time to go outside and look at stars for a bit rather than trying to edit a video telling other people to go out and look at the stars...

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This #BlackHistoryMonth, I’m thinking about my forebears whose celebrations of their own histories were less “official” and more fraught—like my mom, whose ragged hand-me-down books in segregated schools bore the slurs scrawled by students who got them when they were new. And /1

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I gave #linkedin an honest try, for a year or more, in terms of finding #work.

It's a cesspool of #toxicpositivity and fake job postings.

Now I'm asking, with all urgency -- to anyone who has anything #tech to offer, please consider a guy who has:

- 30 yrs of experience
- out of work for 20 months
- 3 kids, one of who is coming up on her first birthday
- a track record for secure systems
- a month left before being evicted

Dear Friends of Superbum,

Yesterday came across several of these Excelsum .

They are in at the , and will have white . I identified them as but never seeing them as young trees.

Lovely jubbly!

lobster boosted

@jacqueline is there nothing venture capital cannot sully and ruin

Dear , :ablobcouple:

As we know, need the . AI (Artificial Improvement) is one of them. :superOK:

Obviously not everyone is happy at the of telegram, radio, and humans. However the young are always with us ... :ablobdancer:

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