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โ€œWokeโ€ was coined by Black people as shorthand for people aware of structural racism.

Thatโ€™s literally all it means.

@gpowerf I strongly disagree with this. The biggest problem with current models is people's propensity to anthropomorphize them and see reason and logic where there is none. "Humanizing" them would just exacerbate that problem further.

@nntaleb No, the problem with ChatGPT is that people keep anthropomorphizing it because it can string a few words together.

It can't bullshit because it can't reason.

@eamonn_kerins My guess would be that the two-week-long nights would make battery weights infeasible for long-term stays on solar. Nuclear would be more reliable, and may ultimately provide a better bang-for-the-buck when it comes to how much mass we have to drag out of our gravity well...

Sure is nice of Walmart to discount this 3-year-old last generation game 75% from its original price of... $100?

I thought this kind of deceptive shit was illegal.

So, without spoiling anything, I must say that The Last Of Us is an incredible bit of television. It respects the hell out of the source material while building on it to somehow elevate it even further.

All the main plot points seem to match the game, but we get to see much more of parts that were just brief flashbacks in the game, or hinted at with notes.

Bill's episode, in particular, is a marvelous example of improving on the source material (and the casting!!).

I wouldn't have thought an older indie rock group like Yo La Tengo would be the icebreakers here but here we are.

Every single performer needs to do this. Turn your show into a drag show, midway.

Not just in Tennessee, throughout the South and anywhere that drag is in danger.

Shoutout to solidarity like THIS. THIS is being an ally.

#LGBTQ #trans #transgender #usnews

Literally every single pack of TP at the grocery store is labelled as "mega" rolls.

1) That's not what "mega" means
2) If they're all mega, are any of them mega?
3) Why the hell doesn't anyone sell TP that fits a standard holder size anymore?

On 16th March, 1968 Warrant Officer Hugh Thompson Jnr was flying helicopter reconnaissance for an attack on an alleged North Vietnamese-controlled village at My Lai.

As the ground attack developed below, Thompson realised he was in fact witnessing something something else:

A massacre.

He decided to act. /1 ๐Ÿงต #history #histodons

So if I block someone (or a whole domain) on , that doesn't prevent them from replying to me? It also doesn't prevent their replies from being shown to other people who follow me?

And yet people obsess over whether Quote Toots are the dangerous feature?

Seems problematic.

@NatlSecCnslrs As many times as I've heard that song, I never actually watched the video until tonight...

The disparity has broken me a little.

Dear Companies:

I don't want your app.
I don't want notifications turned on.
I don't want to join your discord.
I don't want your email newsletter.
I don't want to receive your text message alerts.
And for the love of all that's holy, I don't want to watch your auto-play videos.


@NatlSecCnslrs Oh thank god. I thought I was one of those people who needed the instructions and I was only finding that out in my mid thirties.

Holy crap, it's down to like 50 degrees here. Is this the scary winter storm everyone was talking about?

@w7voa Let me guess. It was one of the same ones that claimed January 6th was just a bunch of tourists?

@adamgurri @Jonathanglick @TedUnderwood @brendannyhan As a software engineer who has fully incorporated AI into my workflow, I can speak to that:

Maybe it will change in the future, but for now, the AI's inability to reason holds it back. It's great at certain smaller self-contained tasks (especially visual scaffolding and formulaic code) that are typically the domain of low-level coders, but the high-level architecture of major programs, connecting the pieces, and overall flow (things like UX), are still very much in the realm of humans.

I do ultimately think AI will automate away some programming jobs, similar to how WordPress shifted some jobs from developers to marketers, but like most machines in an expressive medium, it's much better at quantity than quality.

That said, however, the AI has a far different function that people may not expect: It's great at teaching and reinforcing patterns to human programmers. That could be huge down the line. But right now, the patterns it teaches are... let's say, not always the greatest (because of what it was trained on). So you still need someone experienced to parse out the good from the bad. For inexperienced programmers, AI could just as easily reinforce bad habits as good.

Possible spoilers for the first 20 minutes of HBO's The Last of Us 

Finally watching The Last Of Us and I love the nods to scenes in the game, but I HATE the horror movie cliches they've injected.

No, little girls don't walk towards dying people brutally covered in, and leaving a trail of, blood. They run away screaming, c'mon!

@jeffjarvis You might as well just sit on a crushed aluminum can all day.

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