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"Log spam" is a terrible logic bug that makes debugging much harder.

"Spam log" is a thing I'd totally eat, like right now, on a sandwich.

How the hell do you read books as an adult?

As a kid, I could be in the most contorted, upside-down position and still read for hours.

Now, if I try to read in bed for 20 minutes, my neck punishes me for the next day.

It's so infuriating when you tell someone exactly how to do something right, drawing from your twenty years of experience, and then they end up deciding to do it in a clearly inferior way instead.

I wonder how Americans would react if the EU tried to pass a law saying that Apple had to either reincorporate and move its HQ to an EU country or stop doing business there entirely.

House logic: TikTok violates free speech so we are going to violate TikTok's free speech by banning it.

Xenophobia overriding free speech is apparently bipartisan now.

Steve Herman  
On a vote of 352-65, the US House of Representatives approves a bill that could lead to a nationwide ban on TikTok unless ByteDance divests itself ...

I, for one, welcome the vegans into polite society (so long as they're willing to shut up about veganism once in a while).

Making vegetables taste good takes a lot more practice and skill than making meat taste good (grog apply fire!). And, inevitably, these culinary breakthroughs will be stolen by us meat-eaters to make meaty dishes better.

So, next time you see a vegan, thank them for subjecting themselves to awful food for the rest of their lives just so you can occasionally learn things like "portobello mushrooms taste great between ground-up cow flesh and lard-fried pig-belly".

Why do we still stick to the paradigm of sections being required components of organizations?

Back when newspapers were shared communal media that everyone read, it made sense to have comics and crosswords and opinion sections for those who were uninterested in the news.

But nowadays? How is it not just constantly detracting from their core business model? Why do we continue this nonsense?

It's easy to jump to conspiracy theories, but I think a lot of people don't understand the mental stress of being a litigant - especially the central witness. It looks like Barnett was subject to multiple days of deposition questioning, which is very stressful.

I think it is a disservice to mental health to assume Barnett's passing must be nefarious.

#law #LawFedi #legal #MentalHealth #Boeing #JohnBarnett @law

It's official. After 3 months of back and forth, a major medical provider has elected to drop me as a patient for not having a Google or Apple device.

It is unclear if this is legal, but it is very clearly discriminatory and unethical.

Any tech journalists or lawyers interested interested in this?

I would like to do anything I can to ensure this never happens to anyone else.

I don't understand how anyone could think "Octopussy" was a better movie than "A View To A Kill".

It's weird to me that Musk is CEO of like 5 companies and no one has drawn the conclusion that CEO is an incredibly easy job that shouldn't pay anywhere near as much as it does

As I said yesterday thereโ€™s no relationship between being able to raise money and running a startup. A checkout button startup being valued at $11B when Shop Pay, PayPal, Apple Pay, etc existed was always absurd.

However Breslow was able to raise money because he looked the part

Okay, that's suspicious as hell.

Steve Herman  
Boeing whistleblower found dead in a hotel room. Coroner says he died of a โ€œself-inflicted gunshot wound.โ€

Bought a new set of cookware, and I opted for this ceramic set because it said it was non-stick with "no cooking oil or butter required".

Only when I get home, open it, and read the directions do I find out that using butter or oil or high heat can apparently damage it ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ

Republicans furthering their nanny-state agenda in Florida:

"Florida Lawmakers Vote To Raise Stripping Age to 21"

All I really want in life is a machine covered in inscrutable buttons and switches where I'm the only one who knows what they all do.

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