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As it turns out, there is such a thing as a hot dog that's too big.

Or... wait. Is the bun just too small...?

I find it hilarious that the best science on why narwhal tusks exist is "dunno, probably because the ladies think it's sexy?"

“My gender has people asking a lot of questions already answered by the name of my union.”

Nobody cares when it's not in the way of their cars, but will raise a shitstorm if it is. -_-

What is interesting is so many young white men believe they are entitled to respect by birthright, and when it doesn't go as expected, they act as if society has rejected them, and completely lose their shit. They think have a right to violent behavior, because the world is so "unfair" Meanwhile, this is only a tiny taste of what minorities deal with every day.
In conclusion, dude you literally got away with murder, SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP.

*cue cringey Joker meme*

I will never understand how conga-line style dancing was ever popular.

Just a reminder, if you smoke regularly... The end of your life will you be slowly suffocating for several years as you hallucinate from lack of oxygen grasping for breath. I've witnessed it and it is a horrible way to die. Keep your lungs clean folks, trust me.

Lmao. Really enjoying watching the GOP eat itself for its failure to give fascism the boot 8 years ago.

Lindsay Graham will go down in history as being totally right about one specific thing.

Steve Herman  
Media reports say Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is initiating the process to call a snap vote to oust Speaker Mike Johnson after he pushed through le...

This is systemic rentier capitalism at its worst, and it's holding our entire country and civilization back.

Imagine how much more innovation we could have if the funds that are otherwise tied up in the stock market to make rich men richer actually went to startups and people with new ideas about how to make the world better?

How much advancement are we, as a species, losing every generation to brilliance stifled by poverty while ignorance continues to profit from bullshit?

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The more I learn about the stock market, the more I wonder how we allowed any of this to become legal in the first place.

Modern kings don't need knights or castles to keep the serfs in line. They just need SPACs and conspirators willing to lend real money against their imaginary holdings.

And us serfs just let them keep on doing it, while we trudge along providing actual goods and services for our income like chumps.

In case anyone needed more proof that the stock market is about emotion, not business.

BREAKING: Truth Social, Trump's social media platform, will become a publicly traded company after its merger with blank check company Digital Worl...

With all this Redis news lately, a glaring gap in my knowledge has revealed itself once more.

Can someone explain to me what the point is of NoSQL systems?

Like, I get why SQL databases are valuable (I use them all the time). But if you're just storing your data in memory, then what's wrong with regular old data structures?

Maybe I'm just spoiled with .NET's LINQ.

Dems are usually terrible at messaging

But this: this is a home run.


It's incredible how much more thoughtful and eloquent these 15-year-olds are than our grown-ass elected representatives.

"Thousands Of Young People Told Us Why The Kids Online Safety Act Will Be Harmful To Minors"

As someone who quit a Third Circuit clerkship, I will tell you that federal judicial clerks do not quit their jobs lightly, because the professional consequences are scary and real. That's less true now than it was when I quit back in the early 2000s. But quitting clerks are a sign of either an abusive judge or a dysfunctional chambers, or both. This is a(nother) red flag about Cannon's temperament & judgment.

Cannon Fodder: Law Clerks Quit On Judge Aileen Cannon

I feel like the funny thing for me with the Tiktok ban is that a lot of Americans, on either side of the debate, don't seem to realize that Tiktok feels to Americans like every single social media platform feels to people outside the US. You're telling me the app is located outside your country and your government's control, and you don't know how its data gets handled in that country? That's every app, to me.

A SWAT team got a warrant to raid a house. They checked Google maps, got the address and went there to carry out the raid.

They did not check that the address or the appearance of the building matched the warrant before breaking down the door, throwing flashbang grenades into the house, and eventually holding the family that lived there, including children, at gunpoint.

Of course, the warrant was actually for the neighboring house.

In most of the world, this would be considered a gross violation of the of the family that was raided, but in the 5th Circuit of the United States, the officers faced zero accountability and the family was told to suck it up and deal with it.

End today.

New election, new migrant caravan of invaders, right?

Republican administrations just pay lip service to how awful and scary "big tech" is.

Democratic administrations actually do something about it.

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