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Wikipedia is down so it's officially time to start the end-of-the-world looting and pillaging.

Too many people are asking "can I?" instead of the more pertinent question "should I?".

Andrea Matwyshyn  
"Some of the so-called “obituary pirates” are turning to AI to create death announcements padded with key words for Google searches, spreading alar...

Just read a bit from someone who talked about how cosmopolitanism and diversity are essential and then shortly after used the term "woke regulation" pejoratively. That's some serious cognitive dissonance.

Okay, this is getting ridiculous. Pick a fucking lane.

Steve Herman  
A federal appeals court has stopped a state law allowing Texas police to arrest people suspected of illegally crossing the border from Mexico — hou...

BREAKING: A white male ex-sheriff’s deputy in Mississippi sentenced to 20 years in prison for torturing two young Black men in Jan 2023. Torture included shooting one of the young men in the mouth and sexually assaulting both with sex toys. LIGHT SENTENCE

I will never understand how so many people can call themselves "", claiming they believe in freedom for all, and in the same breath claim that a person's rights ought to depend on which side of the magical-line-in-the-sand-drawn-by-dead-men they were born.

I love that Jon Hamm has pulled off a seamless transition into a Shatner-esque period of self-parody.

He deserves it after being so serious and dark for all those years.

When was the last time you took a photo on film?

So, Unity says their current pricing plan will end soon, forcing me to pay more to do less.

However, their own software says my current subscription is valid until 2119...


Made a biome map rain x heat to make sure the spread looks good.

I don't always agree with the opinions espoused in articles on, but I like reading them because the points tend to be articulated well enough that I can understand where they're coming from either way.

That said, though, I do not understand why they allow their comment sections to be hives of such scum and villainy.

A 1956 Indiana School photo showing a kid being taught gun safety.


Wow. This jackass is mad that more people aren't calling for the *victims of genocide* to lay down their arms.

What does he think "ceasefire" means?

The correct order to write your disk I/O functions is:

Just realised that the purely economic case for UBI is basically identical to the case for VCs, just on a different scale: when people can absorb risks, innovation happens

Donald Trump on immigrants: "“I don’t know if you call them ‘people,’ in some cases,” he said. “They’re not people, in my opinion.” He later referred to them as “animals.”

He also threatens a "bloodbath" if he is not elected.

You can support Trump, or you can be a decent human being. You cannot do both.

The fact there’s a stairway to heaven and highway to hell tells you about anticipated crowd size.

I’m honestly not of fan of when well-intentioned #immigration pieces emphasize migration “crises” being caused by things like western imperialism, globalization, etc., as if to imply that absent those factors, immigration restrictions would somehow be justified.

We should never lose sight of the fact that people have a right to peacefully move and freely associate each other, including across national borders. You don’t have the authority to violate those rights.

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