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Freddy was 1 year old, we think. He was horribly shy, a "fraidy" cat. But when he was hunting, playing, he was a "Freddy Kouger," fierce and frightening. His given name was "Ralph" but my wife didn't think "Ralph" worked for him. So "Freddy Kat" became his name.

He was SO SHY he'd lightly tap us on the side as if seeking attention, but when we turned to look he ran away as if scared. Over the years he's become quite the cuddle bum. We are so happy we helped him overcome his fears over the years. We will miss him as we do his best bud Frisco... in the picture, Frisco (-2020) on the left, Freddy on the right.


Biology is just so freakin' weird. Speaking of which, I hear Freddy barfing. Poor old cat. :(


@higharchmage @freemo @mikmaqpeek

The worst part of the colonoscopy for me, after multiple sessions: drinking the orange flavored dirty bath water before the surgery.

I hope everything came out ok in the end.

Er... phrasing... I need to come up with better phrasing...


Guilty as charged. I actually ask @mikmaqpeek before we go out, "Well, do I pass as human?"



Does anyone at all think for one instant *IF* it were possible to just "hologram" the ISS we wouldn't see golden arches across the sky anywhere we looked? I mean... has anyone believing this given it any thought at all? Hell! War-time use would have come first, of course.

Anything not explicitly forbidden by the laws of physics is compulsory. It *WOULD* have been done *IF* it can be done.



Yeah, it kinda pisses me off I'm not getting free 5G over the deal of getting vaxxed.



Right up there with location transmitters in the Covid vaccine. All I can think of is, "If only physics actually allowed it."



Oh! Thank you for following me! I recommend tracking ! And in exchange, here's a picture of Tilly, the spoiled rotten brat dawg that makes me get out of bed so she can snuggle in next to my wife and be between us. She's ALWAYS ordering me around! The dog. And perhaps my wife @mikmaqpeek ;-)

#Minecraft, #SpigotMC drivel 

And I do so love sftp. I love not having to care about passwords and still having security. I love having my server locked down where "no key, no entry."

, ,

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#Minecraft, #SpigotMC drivel 


1) I missed putting the hash-tags where they'll actually get used.

2) I need to take a look at MC 1.19.3 while I'm waiting on the compile.

3) I should likely see what plugins may be out-of-date while I'm at it.

I'd really *REALLY* prefer to not have to do this, just be a player and enjoy. Unfortunately, my wife has panic and anxiety disorder, and dealing with people sometimes is just too much for her. And also... to some extent managing my own server is self-defense against admin abuse from other servers. It's one reason I very briefly considered starting my own Mastodon instance, but the requirement of a fixed IP made that an "aw hell no."

I'm glad I have a home here. I really don't want to have to do more than what I'm already not doing well enough.


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#Minecraft, #SpigotMC drivel 

Shutting down our small server, making a backup, upgrading SpigotMC, making certain the backup actually *WORKS* on my machine at home.

It's a tiny server among friends, but as I have the "admin guy" title, it's still something I have to take seriously. I can do no other.


You can *SEE* the damned thing. I *have*. I took my young nieces and nephews out to see it pass overhead since I knew it would do that while they were here. I told them, "For longer than you've been alive people have been on that "star" passing overhead."

"Just a clever hologram, or an airplane by the conspiracy to convince you." God man... it's just more than I can handle on a GOOD day.

And here we have this chucklehead, "Oh, I'm both-sides'ing the arguement by ignoring facts not relative to my narrative. Let me complain about!"

@freemo I've mentioned to Red's Rhetoric and Sci Man Dan... I can't watch their stuff as much as I approve of it. I get way too wound up screaming at the video, "Would these people JUST F***'IN' LOOK UP!?!?"

Romaq boosted


I understand why your getting cranky, and so far youve been walking the line so as not to be outright hateful or rude, so id say your good, even if it may be slightly counter productive here.

In reality he is doing the same, being emotional and engaging the nonsense and just pretending all the facts were never utttered...

Just another day ont he internet.

@saiv46 @dalias


Which seriously falls into the category of "grinds my gears."

@saiv46 @dalias


I really *REALLY* get cranky when someone refusing relevant facts and logic on an issue scream, "YOU'RE LYING!"

It's like dealing with a flat-earther. No amount of pointing out relevant facts matters. They know what they know.

@saiv46 @dalias


You most certainly are saying facts and logic are irrelevant by how you are clearly ignoring them in this discussion. You call that lying? Wow! You say "still being counter-productive when it comes to facts" when you are so clearly ignoring the facts being presented? Again, how fash of you.

@freemo @dalias


" Do I need to continue the list of instances that are being blocked by default? And you know why it is being like that?"

That's your question, right? And can you guess why I asked "you mean like how you are framing qoto to be put on that list?"

That's my answer to that question as it relates directly to your question. There is no shift in focus. Why are you attempting to put qoto on that nice little list you made?

@PawelK @dalias @freemo

Romaq boosted


No his posts are biased towards the **facts**.. my writeup included links and screenshots of proof, dallas talked out of his ass with no evidence of any kind... very different things.

Lets not forget, i have proven quite clearly dallas's stance is a direct result of being manipulated by a Nazi who wanted that very outcome... him, and by extension you, are unknowingly subscribing to the agenda of a Nazi... that says a lot.

@Romaq @dalias

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Romaq's choices:

Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.