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SecondJon boosted
SecondJon boosted

@JonKatzShow: "'All of these hundred dollar bills appear counterfeit'

'Count em again, they're all there'

'But they seem to be fake.'

'You recounted them though, yes?'


#2020election #recount #litigation #votefraud #votebymail #AuditTheVote #OverturnTheMedia #KrakenOnSteroids

(H/T @Roncoleman RT )

SecondJon boosted

Rand Paul · @Randpaul
1 hour ago ·

Interesting . . . Trump margin of “defeat” in 4 states occurred in 4 data dumps between 1:34-6:31 AM. Statistical anomaly? Fraud? Look at the evidence and decide for yourself.(That is, if Big Tech allows u to read this)

Anomalies in Vote Counts;

When Mayor Michael goes against his own orders, Denver residents need to stop taking orders from Mayor Hancock.

" May the odds be ever in your favor,” governor Polis stated, alluding to the fictional Hunger Game series, in which the government manipulates the public to live in fear and cowardice. continues to push the fear and cowardice narrative, apparently thinking that The Hunger Games is a handbook for authoritarian leaders.

Rep.-Elect Lauren Holds 'Turkey Funeral' With 30 Guests On Thanksgiving

“In , Thanksgiving is limited to 10 people, but funerals are limited to 30," Rep.-elect Lauren Boebert said.

Just got a push message to my phone from the state government. Effective immediately, the State of is being renamed the State of Fear.

SecondJon boosted
SecondJon boosted

The Trump years would've been a lot less nerve-wracking and damaging if we'd never given the state so much power in the first place.

SecondJon boosted
SecondJon boosted

A reminder to democrats, who managed to recently elect our very first segregationist president in living history. Here is a quote from your glorious leader when talking about obama...

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man." - Joe Biden, Jan 31 2007

SecondJon boosted

I’ve decided that since Joe Biden can be president-elect, I too shall identify as president-elect #Biden

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With a contrast (again) between Biden and Trump after 4 years, Trump may run again to fill his second term and reverse Biden's reversal of Trump's reversal of Obama-Biden policies.

SecondJon boosted

The sworn affidavits of voter fraud just keep coming in!

Sean Davis: In a new sworn affidavit, a whistleblower with the Clark County Elections Department in Nevada claims Nevada poll workers fabricated proof of residence data for illegal voters. So far, Nevada Attorney General @AaronDFordNV has taken no action to investigate credible fraud claims. #Crowder #AttorneyGeneral #Election #Nevada #poll #WhistleBlower

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SecondJon boosted

To me, being a [not so] new is like being in love, minus the sexual attraction and the intellectual companionship. It's a comparable feeling of devotion towards that new person, and of ecstatic bliss when thinking about them or seeing them laugh.

The media forecast rain and snow for this hour today. While it's completely dry, I think we can all agree that since the media projected it, it must just be a dry rain and anyone saying otherwise is trying to steal the weather.

SecondJon boosted
And then, once the media declared Orange Man Bad was dead, the Evil COVID Spell was broken and the Good Witch Markets made everyone who mattered even richer ever aftet.

So predictable. BOOOR-ing.

"late-stage trial data shows Covid vaccine is more than 90% effective in preventing infection"
SecondJon boosted

So the democrats managed to elect the first president in my life time who fought to keep schools segregated. The saddest part of that is they arent even ashamed of themselves right now.

SecondJon boosted

I have heard democrats talk about election fraud being a rampant problems for decades and spent most of trumps presidency trying to prove it to be true. After spending four years insisting the election system is rigged now all of a sudden the system is infallible?

Don't get me wrongs i dont think its rigged, i wont dismiss it, but i want to see evidence and i have yet to see any.

I am just more concerned with the hypocrisy of a party that spent 4 years trying to go to court to get Trump kicked out for election fraud with no evidence is now all of a sudden completely offended when trump does the same and has been at it for only a day?

Also lets not forget Al Gore spent 35 days after the election was called claiming fraud before finally conceding


SecondJon boosted

"According to our Constitution and our form of government that the media does not decide who the winner is. It’s done through the state legislatures at the final tally and certified count ... And not through some exit polling or results that aren't officially certified.” #News #Constitution

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