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I had an idea for a new hash tag that would go beautifully with the QOTO mentality of bringing people with opposing views together. We can call it or for short.

It will be a day where you show the things you appreciate about the other side of the spectrum.

For example if your liberal then you post something you respect about conservatives, if your conservative you post something you respect about liberals.

Each person who wants to participate should try to post one or more a day and when you see someone post something complimenting a group you are in try to respond with a similar back at them!

I'd love to hear everyones thoughts, if you all like it I can try to kick it off.

I have been a member here now for a whole day, first impressions..... I like it. I am a member of other forums and I have to say, I don't remember the response I have had in here on any other forum in such a short time, thank you all for the warm welcome.
I am still in learning mode but I am learning fast. I am looking forword becoming a fully fledged TOOTer.

I haven't done my so far so let's fix that.

You can call me Criw, I'm a second year software engineering student. I'm way more interested in low-level programming such as writing drivers than in webapps & similar stuff. I'm just starting to learn about that tho. And I like to contribute to opensource projects to learn and practice, in case you want contributors for something <3

Besides programming, I like to spend my time finding new music, and I'm recently learning to cook, so if you have any easy recipe you wanna share do it ;)

And IDK what else to tell ya'll, so if you have any question go on <3

I use wxmaxima as a mathematica alternative. I don't consider it to be as polished as mathematica but in general it's pretty amazing.

The syntax of sympy puts me off (too much like programming) and I find sage to be a bit too huge and clunky.

What computer algebra systems does everybody else use?


All so correct and thanks for sharing. Only a point, "circles" and stuff are similar to the "group" function people are developing right now.

@absolutus @QuentinMann

Ok, that's my new compost bin.

The 220 l barrel is resting on those small 4 wheels, so that turning it just takes a few seconds, and inside there are 2 half pvc tubes to help mixing.

It is my first compost tumbler, so we'll see how it goes. My main concern is that it reaches the critical mass needed to trigger the composting process, and that is doesn't take long (I need quick compost).

Meanwhile it looks good, and using it is really so easy that even my 9 yo brother can do it!

(Pink lighter on the side for scale reference, I'm sure @PonderingCreek will appreciate)

@Edge First of all, welcome to the #Fediverse !

Just to give some idea…

👎 Would prefer proper full encryption and admins not being able to read everything. Big Brother right there.

If it is only to prevent admins from not being able to read everything, then hosting your own instance is your best solution. Regardless, if your post is public then the whole fediverse can still read your post.

To truly prevent anyone from reading your private posts, DMs, etc. you not only have to host your own instance, but you also have to ask your contacts to use your own instance, and of course you become the big brother who can read their accounts.

There were attempts last year of introducing post/comment encryption in Mastodon, I don't know what happened to it. The solution of others is to post an encrypted post -- manually.

Or, you can use #Hubzilla's per post/comment encryption feature, which of course meant you have to use a Hubzilla instance. ;)

Why post/comments are not encrypted in the database for most, if not all, fediverse software/platform? The developers themselves can answer that.

👎 Federated timeline is missing a pause feature (unless I'm missing it) because it's hard to keep up with. A user refresh would be more useful.

#Pleroma #GNUsocial #Diaspora Hubzilla, #Friendica and #Socialhome have this feature. I highly suggest opening a ticket in Mastodon's project page for this suggestion. Badly needed.

Or maybe there is already one but no one's interested to program it. If you can, code it and submit a PR. :)

👎 Proper full integration between the instances would be far better - if that meant using a distributed database like a block-chain - that would be far better.

No. The federation or fediverse is not Mastodon-exclusive. There are different software / platforms available. This is also not feasible. Blockchain is good and all but not for federation purposes. One success of the fediverse is its easy entry level. We have more than 1,000 instances using different software today, if the fediverse was blockchain-based, we'll only have maybe 10 only and far fewer platforms too. No innovation. No choice. I run my own single-user instance and so many others, I won't be able to with a blockchain-based software.

Also, the fediverse has been around years before blockchain came, and even during the first 2-3 years of it (blockchain), people were against it. The fediverse is already in place by the time Mastodon launched publicly (last year). If I'm not mistaken, the fediverse is 12-15 years old already today.

Is it possible? Yes. There is a software running on top of an existing blockchain (ETH) that is federated via #ActivityPub but it's yet to gain attention beyond those who actually bother to know these things. ;) I can't even recall it without checking my list and I haven't even tried it yet because I'm not willing to spend just to get an account. (You can check my previous posts, I shared information about them.)

And blockchain will actually become a barrier to adoption if you think about it.

👎 Also being able to categorise toots and having different 'circles' (to use a Google term) would be useful. So for example, my C64 toots could be shared with people that have that interest, otherwise you end up muting people that may occasionally say something you're interested in.

Diaspora, Hubzilla, Friendica have "circles" feature. I think also Socialhome (I haven't explored this platform much yet).

Hubzilla and Friendica have Categories feature.

With that said. It doesn't mean Mastodon is lacking or another software or platform is better than the rest. This is the beauty of #FLOSS / #FOSS and the fediverse itself, you have plenty of choices. If you need a particular feature that is not in another, there are public instances available that you can move without losing access to the larger fediverse.

Check out and Wikipedia:Fediverse.

@Alan Avram Shteynberg ☑️

My main interest at the moment is getting a grip on this forum.

I'm writing a novel about a girl who feels like an NPC in her own life. She joins a D&D group for escapism, but instead finds love and friendship among nerds.

You can read it for free on Wattpad, and you don't even need an account to read in-browser.

I would love it if you would check it out!

#writing #fantasy #freefiction

Hey, happy independence day Uruguay!

Uruguay is regarded as one of the most liberal nations in the world, and one of the most socially advanced, outstanding regionally,and ranking highly on global measures of personal rights, tolerance, and inclusion issues.

Further read:

I got from 1060 to 1110 subscribers on in two weeks.
I just love making people have a good time. The likes and messages are amazing.

Hey guys! People call me Ero. I'm from Turkey and I'm an astronautical engineer for 6 months. I like watching series. I like to listen vaporwave synthwave musics. Nowadays I'm trying to learn how to produce music on FL Studio.
That's me🖐️

New to this Toot thing. I'm a Bald African Unicorn. I dip my bread in tea. I sleep talk. The internet is my home and I'm perpetually under house arrest. I'm a Convivial human and a Sentient being. I once dated Jessica Alba but she probably doesn't recall. Oh I also love the rain.

Dang @freemo your instance seems to be getting a very diverse stampede of new users

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.