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Hoje o #blog Askesis, que reúne material sobre #filosofia e #cienciashumanas, obteve um registro ISSN. É um momento de grande alegria 🤩🍺🍾🍷
Présentation (Odile Jacob)
« On ne descend pas deux fois dans le même fleuve », disait #Héraclite le ténébreux. Car tout s’écoule en un flux permanent : l’eau, les vivants, le temps… C’est le début du cheminement philosophique auquel nous convie Anne Fagot-Largeault. Le #devenir paraît impensable dès l’origine de la philosophie. Ce qui devient ne cesse de changer : comment connaître ce qui n’est ni stable ni régulier ? Comment constituer une science du vivant si tout est en mouvement, les individus comme les espèces ? »
Sous la plume d’Anne Fagot-Largeault, des thèmes classiques – l’être et le devenir, le temps, le vivant, l’évolution, l’individu – sont revisités avec une maîtrise qui les rend simples. Elle organise un dialogue passionnant avec et entre les auteurs, anciens et modernes, scientifiques et philosophes, condense en quelques citations lumineusement expliquées des argumentations complexes.
L’analyse englobe les sciences, jusqu’à l’astrophysique contemporaine : l’Univers aussi est en devenir. En fin de parcours, bien sûr, c’est de l’homme qu’il est question. Par la science et par l’action, il change la marche des processus naturels, et la question du devenir prend une tournure éthique.
Rien de mieux, pour réveiller le goût de la philosophie, que cette pensée de plain-pied avec la vie, qui est au cœur de ce livre.
- Anne Fagot-Largeault, Ontologie du devenir - L'évolution, l'univers et le temps (2021)
# Technique, Technics, Technik, substantifs :
les mots à travers les dictionnaires du xixe siècle
#Technique, #technics, technik, Nouns:
Words through 19th-century Dictionaries
Marcos Camolezi
This paper is aimed at a contribution to the intellectual historiography of the concept of technique. My results are founded on an extensive analysis of entries dedicated to the noun technique and its cognates in French, English and German dictionaries published in the 19th century. The core hypothesis consists in the idea that the association between the Greek word technè and technique (as well as “technics”, and “#technology” in its 20th-century meaning) has not been continuously transmitted over time: rather, such an association is an invention made in a relatively recent past. By taking into account that a tacit rule normalized the use of adjectives (technique, technical, technisch) and rejected the use of nouns (technique, technics, Technik) in the twilight of the 18th century, I shall argue that the lexicographical recognition of those nouns is linked to a growing historiographical and philosophical interest in them.
# Canguilhem et « la technique »
La crise de la raison et la critique de la thèse réduisant « la technique » à l’application de « la science »
Timothée Deldicque
# Figures du Fou, du Moyen-Âge aux Romantiques, Musée du Louvre
Cette exposition ambitieuse et stimulante entend aborder la figure typiquement médiévale du fou à travers ses représentations. Elle rassemblera au sein d’un parcours chronologique et thématique plus de 300 œuvres : sculptures, objets d'art (ivoires, coffrets, petits bronzes), médailles, enluminures, dessins, gravures, peintures sur panneau, tapisseries.
# Manifesto Arquivista, por Yuk Hui
# Yuk Hui: "Recursividade e Contingência" - "Introdução:: Um Devir Psicodélico"
Livre tradução feita do inglês, sem revisões, do capítulo introdutório do último livro de #YUKHUI. Publicação da tradução autorizada pelo autor.
Coordenação: Joaquim Braga e Bernhard Sylla
Como os representados nos capítulos deste volume, foram vários os teóricos que, no século vinte, contribuíram para a edificação das temáticas, das abordagens e dos conceitos da filosofia da tecnologia enquanto novo campo disciplinar filosófico. O projeto e o programa mantêm-se abertos. Desde logo porque ainda escasseia um amplo escrutínio das relações tecnológicas que permeiam a cultura, as instituições sociais e o conhecimento. O foco reflexivo tem privilegiado o espectro dos efeitos tecnológicos – como os que ao impacto ambiental dizem respeito – e, emoldurado por princípios éticos consequencialistas, intenta lançar luz sobre a premente necessidade de moralizar o uso, assim como o âmbito do uso, que fazemos dos artefactos. A própria ética tem, sobremaneira, acusado a pressão dessa necessidade. Hodiernamente, as novas ramificações axiológicas disciplinares – como as da bioética, nanoética, ética da informação, ética digital – têm fomentado uma verdadeira especialização dos objetos do pensamento ético, com repercussões evidentes na esfera política. Para a atividade reflexiva, porém, os efeitos tecnológicos sugerem mais do que revelam. O impulso axiológico especulativo não nos deve levar à redução integral da filosofia da tecnologia a um dos segmentos da filosofia moral. Pelo contrário, a formação de uma consciência de mediação tecnológica exige um estudo abrangente das condições, possibilidades e limites do poder de inscrição da tecnologia na vida social dos indivíduos, bem como na imagem que da realidade e de si fazem.
#filosofia #filosofiadatecnologia #tecnologia
# Do artifacts have morality? Bruno Latour and ethics of technology
Rahman Sharifzadeh
In this paper, discussing Bruno Latour’s concept of technological mediation, we will claim that according to three kinds of technological mediations there would be three kinds of relations between morality and technology; Technology is part of our ethical actions, we delegate some of our ethical actions to technology, and technology can create, or change, our ethically important intentions. We will then discuss moral responsibility. Separating responsibility from accountability, we will show that networked actions neither nullify human’s moral responsibility nor grant moral responsibility to technology, yet meaningfully, we can talk about ‘technology punishment’.
# Morality and Technology - The End of the Means
Bruno Latour,
IT IS readily admitted that although human beings pose themselves moral
problems concerning technologies (Should or should we not introduce in
Europe genetically modified organisms? Must we dispose of the waste
from the nuclear industry in deep or surface silos?) the objects in them-
selves do not have a moral dimension. Such is the current view of a large
number of sociologists (Collins and Kusch, 1998). Technologies belong to
the realm of means and morality to the realm of ends, even though, as
Jacques Ellul declared a long time ago, some technologies end up invading
the whole horizon of ends by setting up their own laws, by becoming ‘auto-
nomous’ and no longer merely automatic. Even in this extreme case, it is
maintained, there is no other resource for human beings than to disengage
from this domination by technologies, a domination that is all the more
perverse for not imposing the law of a master but that of an emancipated
slave who does not have the least idea about the moral goals proper to
humankind. We know about the advantage that Heideggerians have drawn
from the idea of a technology that could not be tamed since it was itself
pure mastery without a master (Zimmerman, 1990). To become moral and
human once again, it seems we must always tear ourselves away from instru-
mentality, reaffirm the sovereignty of ends, rediscover Being; in short, we
must bind back the hound of technology to its cage.
# Thinking through Technology - The path between Engineering and Philosophy
Carl Mitcham 1994's book
#philosophy #technology #filosofia #tecnologia #filosofiadatecnologia
Archives Georges Lemaître, le Père, pas un prêtre commun, mas aussi le père du Big Bang
# Moral, ética e Engenharia
# Kant e o princípio da acção moral
Júlio Sameiro
Interesses: História da #Filosofia, História das #CiênciasHumanas, História da #Psicologia, Michel #Foucault. Também por #arte, #natureza e #fotografia.
Posto: o que vejo diante dos olhos, nessa curta vida. Compartilho links e coisas que me interessam, interajo, guardo informações, cito trechos, conjecturo, separo coisas para ler...