Foucault’s Hegel Thesis: The “Tragic Destiny” of Life and the “Being-There” of Consciousness

Roberts-Garratt, O. (2024). Foucault’s Hegel Thesis: The “Tragic Destiny” of Life and the “Being-There” of Consciousness. Foucault Studies, (36), 443–469.

In this paper, I offer an intellectual-historical reading of ’s unpublished master’s thesis. In contrast with other recent scholarship on the pre-1961 period of Foucault’s career, the purpose of this paper is to grapple with the philosophical content of this thesis on its own terms, distinguishing it as far as possible from his mature work. This allows forgotten concepts to re-emerge in the course of reading the text and for a novel engagement with such neglected facets of Foucault’s oeuvre. Indeed, the key concept which I argue emerges from Foucault’s early thesis is that of as the être-la of thought. By closely following Foucault’s Husserlian reading of , and his response to ’s paradoxes of phenomenology, it is possible to see how briefly lands upon a novel kind of scepticism about the reality of history and minds. In the same way, I will also show why Foucault was unable to fully develop or commit to these sceptical positions during this part of his career. The article concludes by briefly suggesting contrasts between my reading of this early text and the way Foucault’s oeuvre is more generally understood.


# Foucault Before the Collège de France

Theory, culture, society, Volume 40 Issue 1-2, January-March 2023

Now in open access

@PhilosophicalPsychology @philosophy

Message or noise?

Michel Foucault (1966)

“Message or Noise?” is Michel ’s response to a “Colloquium on the Nature of Medical Thought,” convened in the pages of French medical journal Le Concours Médical by the psychiatrist Cyrille Koupernik. The debate begins in Volume 88, Issue 42 of the journal (15 October, 1966), featuring contributions from Cochin Hospital’s Chair of Clinical Medicine Henri Péquignot, physician and director of Concours Médical Jean Robert Gosset, gastroenterologist Jean-Jacques Bernier, and medical journalist Raymond Lepoutre. Foucault’s article appeared in the following week’s edition, Volume 88, Issue 43 (22 October, 1966), alongside a response by historian and philosopher of science François , titled “Le Tour de Babel” (“The Tower of Babel”). The essay was republished in , Dits et Écrits, Vol. 1 eds. , and (Paris: Éditions Gallimard, 2001) 585-588.

Alexandre Koyré and the Collège de France

Stuart Elden ( @stuartelden )

History of European Ideas, 1–14, 2024

This article discusses an important moment in the career of Alexandre , and the history of philosophy in France. It looks at the 1951 election of a successor to at the Collège de France, for which Koyré was one of the possible candidates, alongside and . Koyré came close, but Gueroult was elected to the chair. In time, Gueroult was succeeded first by and then, in 1970, by Michel . Using archival documents to discuss the process in detail, this article shows the weakness of Koyré’s proposers, and the strength of Gouhier’s application. Finally, drawing on Koyré’s outline of his proposed teaching programme, it discusses how success might have shaped his future career, using this as an indication of his position within and beyond a French tradition in the philosophy and history of the sciences.

"Le médecin est la seule puissance morale de ce siècle"


# Foucault and Dumézil on Antiquity

By Stuart Elden ( @stuartelden )

The biographical links between Michel and the comparative mythologist and philologist Georges have received more attention than their intellectual connections. This article contributes by surveying Foucault’s engagements, from a 1957 radio lecture to his late lectures at the Collège de France. Particular focus is on lectures on and in 1970, some references between 1970 and 1981, and the use of Dumézil’s work in each of Foucault’s two final courses at the Collège de France. In each, Foucault takes up Dumézil’s analyses of in developing his own projects concerning history and .


Futurethoughts: Critical Histories of Philosophy

Edited by Peter Osborne

Contributors: Isabelle Alfandary, Éric Alliez, Anna Argirò, Howard Caygill, Michel , Daniel Gottlieb, Louis Hartnoll. Orazio Irrera, Eric Prenowitz, Morteza Samanpour, Stella Sandford, Naomi Waltham-Smith, Simon Wortham

-Kantian European philosophy has always involved a process of reflection upon and contestation of its own problematic status as an independent discipline. The constant setting and the overstepping of boundaries – conceptual and institutional – are the hallmark of its development. The writings in this volume – organized according to the institutional genres of the presentations within CRMEP from which they derive – revisit some of these encounters of ­osophy with , , and ­analysis, respectively, in both the French and German traditions. Increasingly, thinkers such as Foucault and – the bookends of this collection – appear as singular figures only within the broader, densely imbricated contexts from which they depart. Still figures of the future, constituting our philosophical present with new pasts.

This is available as a free

Genèses des temps modernes. Rome, les Réformes et le Nouveau Monde (Alphonse Dupront)

Textes réunis et présentés par Dominique Julia et Philippe Boutry, Paris, Gallimard-Le Seuil (coll. « Hautes Etudes »), 2001

Mise en ligne des cours de Michel Foucault

À l’occasion du quarantième anniversaire de la disparition de Michel , le 25 juin 1984, le Collège de France met en ligne à disposition du public les enregistrements de certains de ses cours au Collège de France, effectués par les auditeurs et confiés au service des archives de l’établissement.

Um critério bom para avaliar se um autor é bom é o modo como ele critica outros autores.

Por ex., e sua crítica a : o cara simplesmente não leu o autor que critica.

Daria para falar sobre tantos outros. Mas há aqueles que não lêem sequer os autores que elogiam também (vide o caso do )

É muito louco que, quando vamos buscar literatura sobre o último , há abundância de certas coisas e falta de outras. Abundam leituras dos cursos dele no Collège de France. E abunda a falta de leitura dos livros que ele publicou em vida, como O uso dos prazeres e O cuidado de si.

Nos anos 1970 estávamos em plena era da revolução sexual, e nessa época começou a publicar 3 estudos sobre a história da sexualidade. O lema, nessa época, era o da liberação sexual, do prazer liberado de qualquer grilhão, do sexo sem culpa.

E Foucault, já no vol. I da Historia da sexualidade, tentava dizer "cuidado aí, não é bem assim": no chão desse protagonismo e bom-mocismo contra a repressão do sexo, será que não passam mecanismos de poder que as pessoas simplesmente desconsideram, mas que igualmente as governam? Ao focar a crítica no caráter simplesmente repressivo sobre o sexo, não estaríamos fechando os olhos para mecanismos ainda mais insidiosos, que fazem o sexo falar ao invés de calar, se proliferar em inúmeras formas ao invés de parar, e ser em todas essas formas inteiramente regulado, tanto nos aspectos individuais quanto coletivos?

É certo que mecanismos de repressão existem e precisam ser localizados e combatidos. Mas Foucault deu vários passos a mais e ensinou que é importante desconfiar de qualquer bom-mocismo que transforma alguém em automático protagonista da História, arrastando consigo as consciências ignorantes. Esses apenas reiteram mecanismos que caberia a eles mesmos criticar.

Os monstros humanos em e existências transgêneros

Regiane Lorenzetti Collares, Giovana Carmo Temple

Written and Said  
"DELEDALLE (Gérard), Histoire de la philosophie américaine. De la guerre de Sécession à la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Préfaces de Jean Wahl, professe...
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