# Morality and Technology - The End of the Means
Bruno Latour,
IT IS readily admitted that although human beings pose themselves moral
problems concerning technologies (Should or should we not introduce in
Europe genetically modified organisms? Must we dispose of the waste
from the nuclear industry in deep or surface silos?) the objects in them-
selves do not have a moral dimension. Such is the current view of a large
number of sociologists (Collins and Kusch, 1998). Technologies belong to
the realm of means and morality to the realm of ends, even though, as
Jacques Ellul declared a long time ago, some technologies end up invading
the whole horizon of ends by setting up their own laws, by becoming ‘auto-
nomous’ and no longer merely automatic. Even in this extreme case, it is
maintained, there is no other resource for human beings than to disengage
from this domination by technologies, a domination that is all the more
perverse for not imposing the law of a master but that of an emancipated
slave who does not have the least idea about the moral goals proper to
humankind. We know about the advantage that Heideggerians have drawn
from the idea of a technology that could not be tamed since it was itself
pure mastery without a master (Zimmerman, 1990). To become moral and
human once again, it seems we must always tear ourselves away from instru-
mentality, reaffirm the sovereignty of ends, rediscover Being; in short, we
must bind back the hound of technology to its cage.
# Thinking through Technology - The path between Engineering and Philosophy
Carl Mitcham 1994's book
#philosophy #technology #filosofia #tecnologia #filosofiadatecnologia
Archives Georges Lemaître, le Père, pas un prêtre commun, mas aussi le père du Big Bang
@jnbrgr sehr schon!
Esse tipo de avaliação baseado em backlinks (citações) é simplesmente burro. Repete as avaliações dos blogs iniciadas no início dos anos 2000. Quais eram os melhores blogs? Os de frivolidades e assuntos populares.
Na pesquisa, como sempre, artigos que se preocupam em resolver problemas, ao invés de gerar impacto, continuarão "mal avaliados".
@botPIGciencia https://mastodon.world/@botPIGciencia/113375218923422577
# Moral, ética e Engenharia
# Kant e o princípio da acção moral
Júlio Sameiro
# Meta AI no WhatsApp vai usar seus dados para treinar robôs?
Resposta: sim, só que não escancaradamente agora.
"A Meta tem um histórico de exploração dos metadados. Ela sempre diz que os dados são protegidos e que a criptografia ponta a ponta está mantida. Mas ela faz criptografia para o conteúdo da conversa, e não para os metadados. E aí ela explora economicamente esses metadados"
“The problem is no longer getting people to express themselves, but providing little gaps of solitude and silence in which they might eventually find something to say... What a relief to have nothing to say, the right to say nothing, because only then is there a chance of framing...the thing that might be worth saying.”
Gilles Deleuze
#GillesDeleuze #philosophy #silence #creativity #introspection #solitude #expression #art #mindfulness #thought #quotes #citacoes
Tristão da Cunha: um lugar para morar
@Bruiserzinha E esconder as nach dem sturm
@Bruiserzinha chorar até der morgen danach
Interesses: História da #Filosofia, História das #CiênciasHumanas, História da #Psicologia, Michel #Foucault. Também por #arte, #natureza e #fotografia.
Posto: o que vejo diante dos olhos, nessa curta vida. Compartilho links e coisas que me interessam, interajo, guardo informações, cito trechos, conjecturo, separo coisas para ler...