The new science of death: ‘There’s something happening in the brain that makes no sense’
"Perhaps the story to be written about near-death experiences is not that they prove consciousness is radically different from what we thought it was. Instead, it is that the process of dying is far stranger than scientists ever suspected."
#LongReads #Death #Consciousness #Biology #Neuroscience #Science #STEM @science @neuroscience @biology
Unassuming physicist Professor Peter Higgs ahead of his time
"His concept sparked a 48-year hunt which culminated in July 2012 when a team from the European nuclear research facility at Cern in Geneva announced the detection of a particle that fitted the description of the elusive Higgs."
The French aristocrat who understood evolution 100 years before Darwin – and even worried about climate change
"Georges-Louis Leclerc proposed species change and extinction back in the 1740s, a new book reveals"
#News #CharlesDarwin #Evolution #Biology #France 🇫🇷 #Science #STEM #History #Climate #ClimateChange @science @biology @evolution
#Image attribution: Rijksmuseum, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons. Page URL:,_RP-P-OB-48.865.jpg
"Through the burning of fossil fuels, animal agriculture and deforestation, the world’s CO2 levels are now more than 50% higher than they were before the era of mass industrialization. Methane, which comes from sources including oil and gas drilling and livestock, has surged even more dramatically in recent years, Noaa said, and now has atmospheric concentrations 160% larger than in pre-industrial times." #News #FossilFuels #Climate #ClimateChange #Science #STEM @climatechange @science
#Image attribution: Demokraatti, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. Page URL:
"Portland Community College physics professor Toby Dittrich plans to perform a modern version of the Eddington experiment during the eclipse.
The original experiment was first done during the 1919 total solar eclipse by a team of scientists off the coast of Africa that tested Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity." #Video #Science #STEM #Physics #Astronomy #SolarEclipse #Sun #Eclipse #Experiment #Portland #Academia #Academic #Academics @science @physics @astronomy
"Our overarching finding is that except for very high northern latitudes, ESMs project ongoing and future extreme temperature acceleration beyond background warming levels during the hottest months."
Huntingford, C., Cox, P.M., Ritchie, P.D.L. et al. Acceleration of daily land temperature extremes and correlations with surface energy fluxes. npj Clim Atmos Sci 7, 84 (2024). #OpenAccess #OA #Research #Article #DOI #Climate #Environment #Science #Academia #Academic #Academics @climatechange @science
"It’s no surprise that fertility is dropping in many countries, which demographers attribute to factors such as higher education levels among people who give birth, rising incomes, and expanded access to contraceptives. The United States is at 1.6 instead of the requisite 2.1, for example, and China and Taiwan are hovering at about 1.2 and one, respectively." #Research #DOI #Demography #Health #News #Science #STEM #Global #Population #Academia #Academic #Academics @science
#Image attribution: Christinelmiller, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons. Page URL:
"Life, as we know it, has been evolving for billions of years. It has evolved to process information and materials by zillions of nano-scale molecular “machines” all working in parallel, competing as well as backing each other up, maintaining themselves and the ecosystem supporting them. The total complexity of this machinery, also called the biosphere, is mindboggling. In DNA, one bit of information takes less than 50 atoms. Given the atomic nature of physical matter, every part in life’s machinery is as miniature as possible in principle. Can AI achieve such a complexity, robustness, and adaptability by alternative means and without DNA?" #Maths #Math #Mathematics #Science #Medicine #Technology #STEM #AI #ArtificialIntelligence @science
"Today, by examining historical evidence found in Israel, Egypt and Jordan, then harnessing cutting-edge science, can historians finally manage to reveal the mysteries of Jesus's life?" #Video #Documentary #Jesus #Christ #JesusChrist #Religion #Christianity #History #Science @religion
#TIL that we need 'negative leap seconds'.
#Climate #ClimateChange #Research #News #Physics #Engineering #Geophysics #InformationTechnology #IT #STEM #Technology #Tech #Science
"For some people, their status was elevated still further by the widely publicized discovery in 2007 that some Neanderthals carried genes suggesting they had red hair and light skin. These ancient inhabitants of Europe and Asia became coded as white, and on social media some people began to claim Neanderthal ancestry as a mark of racial superiority." #DOI #Science #STEM #Anthropology #Neanderthals #Racism #Racist @science @anthropology
#Image attribution: Gary Todd, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons. Page URL:
"Examining current temperature increases, it seemed to this observer that scientists have been underestimating for some time how quickly the situation is deteriorating." #Climate #ClimateChnage #ClimateCrisis #Environment #Weather #Science #STEM #News @science @climatechange @climatecrisis
"In this paper we examine multiple discrete emotions people experience in reaction to climate change, and assess the strength of these emotions as predictors of support for different types of mitigation and adaptation policies."
Myers TA, Roser-Renouf C, Leiserowitz A, Maibach E (2024) Emotional signatures of climate policy support. PLOS Climate 3(3): e0000381. #OpenAccess #OA #Research #Article #PeerReview #DOI #Emotions #Climate #ClimateChange #Science #Politics #Policy #Academia #Academic #Academics @climatechange
"Astronomer Fred Hoyle supposedly coined the catchy term to ridicule the theory of the Universe’s origins — 75 years on, it’s time to set the record straight." #Nature #Essay #Science #STEM #Astronomy #Cosmology #Universe @science
"Here we combine genetic evidence and palaeoecological models to infer the geographic location that acted as the Hub for our species during the early phases of colonisation of Eurasia."
Vallini, L., Zampieri, C., Shoaee, M.J. et al. The Persian plateau served as hub for Homo sapiens after the main out of Africa dispersal. Nat Commun 15, 1882 (2024). #OpenAccess #OA #Article #Research #DOI #Science #Archaeology #Archaeodons #Biology #Anthropology #BiologicalAnthropology #Genetics #Population #EvolutionaryGenetics #Palaeoclimate #Ancient #DNA #PopulationGenetics #Eurasia #Academia #Academic #Academics @archaeodons @anthropology @biology @science
"Coffee drinkers have much lower risk of bowel cancer recurrence, study finds" #News #BowelCancer #Coffee #Cancer #Health #MedicalResearch #Medicine #Food #Science #Research @science
#Image attribution: MarkSweep, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. Page URL:
"A record 10,000 research papers were retracted in 2023. To find out what’s driving this trend, Ian Sample speaks to Ivan Oransky, whose organisation Retraction Watch has been monitoring the growing numbers of retractions for more than a decade," #Science #STEM #Research #PeerReview #Publishing #Academia #Academic #Academics #Audio #Podcast #Podcasts @science @podcasts
"Indeed, the rapid development of generative AI technologies may intensify technology’s influence on domains as varied as culture, business, politics, health and education. The risks posed are even more extreme—from increased market concentration to election fraud to even the demise of the human race." #Internet #Technology #Tech #STEM #Science #BigTech #Opinion @science
Not a bot, just a rather corpulent male fifty years of age; a very, very slow ignoramus who reads occasionally.
Toots are #humanities, #science, #nonfiction, #book, #map, #chart and #graph related. Some toots containing #videos may also find their way into the timeline.
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