@undefined @mason Thank you for the suggestion.
**Talking For 18 Minutes About Beautiful Old Books**
#Video length: eighteen minutes.
**The Guardian view on the invention of prehistory: telling the story before records began**
"_The study of Göbekli Tepe, the entombed wonder of the ancient world, shows how things can be as important as words_"
#Ancient #Prehistory #Türkiye #Turkey #Archaeology #Arcaheodons #TheGuardian #Opinion #Editorial
**Beauty in Books**
#Video length: fifty six minutes and thirty eight seconds.
@NYSloth Thank you for the suggestions.
@catselbow Excellent advice.
@freemo Can the training overcome claustrophobia?
@freemo I don't know if you have seen this before:
Not something you will ever catch me doing.
**Why the Japanese Yen Is So Volatile**
"_...The trouble began when the yen's value started rising after the Bank of Japan hiked interest rates for a second time this year. Now, as the dust settles, investors and Japanese business owners alike are questioning the yen’s role in the global economy._"
#Video length: ten minutes and twenty two seconds.
**Follow Friday Suggestions**
Do you have any suggestions for Mastodon accounts related to either humanities or sciences that I can follow?
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
@ClaraListensprechen4 Thank you for following.
**Temperature-related mortality burden and projected change in 1368 European regions: a modelling study**
"_By 2100, based on our modelling, heat-related deaths in Europe could increase to more than 234 455 deaths annually in the worst scenario, compared with around 43 729 deaths for the current scenario (1991–2020), potentially shifting the mortality peak from cold to warm seasons in certain regions._"
#TheLancet #OpenAccess #OA #Article #Research #Science #PublicHealth #Health #Climate #ClimateChange #Environment #Europe #Academia #Academic #Academics @science @climatechange
nice to see some early #BookHistory here:
early C16 French #printer Sebastian Gryphius produced 1000+ titles. The 148 in @libraryCongress collection "form a representative snapshot of his total output which focused on textbooks and humanist works"
**Podcast with Rachel Kousser, author of “Alexander at the End of the World: The Forgotten Final Years of Alexander the Great”**
"_But what drove Alexander to keep marching? What was the kind of empire Alexander wanted to build? And why did he eventually turn back at the Indus River, his soldiers begging for him to return home?_"
#Audio #Podcast #History #Histodon #Histodons #AlexanderTheGreat #Empire #Imperialism #Read #Reading #Nonfiction #Book #Books #Bookstodon @bookstodon @histodon @histodons
@claralistensprechen3rd What part if any do you think that Nixon's 'southern strategy' played?
@boud Thank you for commenting. It would be interesting to see if there is any discernable improvement that you notice.
Will Amazon Fire Its Army of Developers Soon? This needs serious discussion.
Was rain a secret ingredient for life on Earth? Here’s my story about a remarkable discovery that happened almost by accident. Gift link: https://nyti.ms/3MjL3Gs
**Emotionalized Social Media Environments: How Alternative News Media and Populist Actors Drive Angry Reactions**
"_Our key findings show that posts from alternative and hyperpartisan media, as well as those from populist politicians and parties, tend to elicit elevated levels of angry reactions. These posts often use anti-elitist and exclusionary language. This finding has significant implications, as the anger generated by such accounts can propagate incivility and polarization and facilitate the spread of ideologically driven misinformation._"
Humprecht, E. et al. (2024) ‘Emotionalized Social Media Environments: How Alternative News Media and Populist Actors Drive Angry Reactions’, Political Communication, 41(4), pp. 559–587. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/10584609.2024.2350416.
#OpenAccess #OA #Research #Article #DOI #SocialMedia #Media #Emotions #Populists #Politics #PoliticalScience #Misinformation #Academia #Academic #Academics @politicalscience
Not a bot, just a rather corpulent male fifty years of age; a very, very slow ignoramus who reads occasionally.
Toots are #humanities, #science, #nonfiction, #book, #map, #chart and #graph related. Some toots containing #videos may also find their way into the timeline.
Toots or follows or boosts or mentions ≠ endorsements of any particular notion or notions.
Expect numerous typing errors and copious amounts of nonsensical commentary from my personal formulations.