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🔴 🎥 **Germanic Loanwords in Finnic Languages (with Dr. Johan Schalin)**

"_Dr. Johan Schalin presents on the fascinating history of the long interaction between Germanic (primarily Scandinavian) languages and Finnic languages, and the many different periods in which Germanic loanwords entered and became a part of Finnic._"

length: one hour and thirty four minutes.



🔴 **Conceptual contamination: Investigating the impact of misinformation on conceptual change and inoculation strategies**

"_In the present investigation, we found that text order was an important consideration for how learners build their understanding of the to-be-learned content. While all conditions learned a significant amount, those who saw the misinformation text first, followed by the expository explanation, performed the worst on the posttest measure of learning._"

Danielson, R. W., Heddy, B. C., Ramazan, O., Jin, G., Gill, K. S., & Berry, D. N. (2024). Conceptual contamination: Investigating the impact of misinformation on conceptual change and inoculation strategies. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 1–26.

@claralistensprechen3rd I have not heard of Evan Mecham before how was he related to the Confederacy?

🔴 **What's the farthest place the Vikings reached?**

"_Lesser-known is the Vikings' southward expansion, around the northern coast of Francia (now France), the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal) and, finally, along the north coast of Africa in the early 11th century. However, because of the challenging arid conditions and lack of waterways, they never attempted to cross the Sahara and expand further into Africa._"


@histodon @histodons @archaeodons

🔴 🇩🇰 **Denmark student unearths ‘spectacular’ Viking Age silver treasure**

"_Gustav Bruunsgaard, 22, from Aarhus University found seven silver bracelets while walking with a metal detector in a field near Elsted, where previous excavations had found traces of Viking Age settlements._

_The treasure, weighing over half a kilogram, has been dated to the 9th century and may have represented “significant value” during the early Viking Age between 793AD to 1066AD in Scandinavia, experts said._"



🔴 🇺🇸 🗳️ **History professor examines Nelson Rockefeller’s career as a lens for Republican Party’s rightward shift**

_“When Ronald Reagan left office, people like Newt Gingrich were more antagonistic and had a more ideological approach to conservatism. They kept pushing the party further and further to the right. What we see now in the Republican party is part of this long tradition during the 20th century,” Barrett said. “It will continue down this path as long as enough voters find this version of conservatism attractive.”_


@histodon @histodons

@bibliolater @bookstondon Good question. Writing an auto-bio isn't inherently pretentious, but posterity will be the judge of whether it's worth reading. What is pretentious, I think, is hiring a ghost-writer to actually write it, and then putting your name on it as author. The proper thing to do if you're an interesting person but can't write well is to hire someone and pay them well to write it for you and let them be named as author. #latetotheparty

🔴 ⚡ 🎥 **AI power demand could stifle industry's growth**

"_AI’s energy use is set to rocket. That could not only constrain the industry’s growth, but also threaten green energy targets. Renewable sources of energy may not be able to cope with the load and reliability of supply needed, so data centre developers are considering options such as onsite power generation and nuclear energy._"

length: two minutes and fifty eight seconds.



🔴 **Students Need Tech-Free Classrooms**

"_STEM students, in particular, need this lesson. Modern science tends to reduce all human thought to method by modeling it on mathematics. The man to devise this practice was René Descartes, and he invented it while shut up alone in a cabin in winter, stranded without his equipment. He also famously withdrew into himself, in monkish meditation. Are his youngest intellectual heirs in the STEM disciplines ever encouraged to do the same?_"



🔴 ☀️ **The age of the Sun depends on when you look at it**

"_It has established that the age of the Sun, as determined by helioseismology, varies significantly according to the level of activity of the solar cycle. To give an order of magnitude, the Sun is around 4.6 billion years old, and variations of up to 300 million years have been observed between solar minima._"



🔴 **The Religious Composition of the World’s Migrants**

"_Today, more than 280 million people, or 3.6% of the world’s population, are international migrants – meaning they live outside their country of birth._

_Christians made up an estimated 47% of all people living outside their country of birth as of 2020, the latest year for which global figures are available, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of United Nations data and 270 censuses and surveys._"



🔴 📖 **Books that pay off**

"_The power of money is lost on no one but still a universal source of frustration, folly, and confusion — at kitchen tables, in boardrooms, among voters and the leaders who want their votes. To help make sense of dollars and cents, we asked three Harvard economists to recommend some favorite books on the subject._"


@bookstodon @economics

🔴 **Questioning The Next Twitter Migration Wave**

When do you think the next major Twitter migration wave to Mastodon will occur? What do you think will precipitate it?

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