Testing the quote feature.
@ppmanik I haven't read it yet but I hope RISC-V wins of everyone else.
@SecondJon I haven't looked at the numbers, statistics can prove anything.
But it wouldn't surprise me, women, statistically, have higher levels of conscientiousness and neuroticism which could reflect in more materialistic, emotional and protective political opinions.
@design_RG You can run an instance on your computer and use it just for yourself.
A lot of people are doing that kind of bridging, it's very useful to the community.
Most bots of large news papers use this system or something similar.
That's the classic one.
@johnlitt is this real?
(Non-scientific) article about indigenous rangers tackling extinction of species and loss of biodiversity in outback Australia.
"A key reason for a scientist to work with Aboriginal people in Australia is to try to see the country through their eyes — makes you a better ecologist as well as a richer person."
Great to see what they are doing.
@shibaprasad Yes, this is it. Yes, it works with RStudio.
@velartrill pardon the length of my autism
i understand if you don't read it
@velartrill Yet another hypothesis is the social grooming one. You see, in primate societies grooming is very important. It alleviates stress and strengthens bonds.
There have been analogues traced with human societies in which gossip takes the role of grooming.
But you have to gossip about something and with the quick information flow of social media that something comes and goes way too fast. Sometimes leaving people without something to gossip about.
With post-modernism you can make something up to gossip about.
The grooming hypothesis also helps explain the formation of mobs but it doesn't say anything about why the left and queer movements specifically got caught on it.
@velartrill This "social media model" could be the fact that on the internet everyone has a voice, but not everyone has something to say. So we have people screaming in the void. In the case of the queer community they were screaming about a valid cause, but by virtue of being ignorant and uninteresting they were ignored.
In other times this would never happen, they would never get so much voice on large news papers and magazines. You could always blame the "evil capitalist editors of news papers" for perpetuating your oppressed state.
Now this argument is not so easily made. This leaves people in conflict, "is it my fault that I'm oppressed?".
Post-modernism offers a solution to that conflict, any "narrative" is equally valid, so normies didn't need to break their heads trying to explain that conflict. The fact that is so easy to form mobs online is the cherry on the top of the cake.
@velartrill I've given it some thought. And by that I mean that pondered about the subject while eating. This is not my area of expertise.
I was not able to find a reasonable explanation but all my approaches were based on imagining post-modernism as an active entity. I was trying to figure out how it could have distorted the mind of people.
It has just recently (today) occurred to me that maybe a better approach would be to look for a hole where post-modernism could fall, by mere accident, and then grow it's root. This hole could be the "social media model".
You seem more versed on the subject than me. Can you think of any other subjective-idealism/social-movement pair in history in which the "ideology fitting a pre-existing hole" pattern appeared and had similar consequences? From there maybe we can find a better explanation.
@shibaprasad I see. Is this your first programming language?
I already know how to program I'm focusing more on probability books atm.
I'm gonna give you a free jetpack. Rstudio looks cool but it's mostly unnecessary bloat. Lookup rmarkdown for writing notebooks/reproducible papers. It supports latex too.
@velartrill This is a reply to the entire comment chain. Not only this one.
Yes, I'm dumb.
@velartrill This one is not even that interesting either. I will just pretend I was doing it out of principles now then.
The Compass and Straight Edge Giga Chad Thunder-Cock of the network.
All your arguments will be refuted solely with a straight edge and a compass and up to 10 hand made copies will be distributed in the street in a location of my choosing. Since nothing magnificent comes without work the burden of obtaining one of them is on you.
Applied mathematics has no real world applications.