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Them: ::smoking a cigarette at a bar::

Me: I thought you quit smoking?

Them: Yea, I did, I only smoke when I drink now.

Me: But you are always drinking.

Them: Yea, I'll work on that problem next.

Why would the shape help you float? Shape has no effect on buoyancy, only density.

Capy Bot :capyzen:  
#capybara Capybara Fact: Capybaras have a large, barrel-shaped body, which helps them to float in water.


I think the problem is more fundemental than that. I have noticed for many decades (perhaps before I was born) there are two major classes of people with a pretty hard divide. One group of people dont see "reply guy" as bad, in fact, they want to encourage it, they feel open discussion and debate and expression of opinions are a good thing. These people also dont generally feel conversations and threads are "owned" by their poster, but is rather an invite to a public forum about some utterance. These people tend to be the "reply guy" but also are overjoyed when they see others being the "reply guy" on their own posts. They generally see anti-"reply guy" people as the socially corrupt.

Similarly you have tne anti-"reply guy" people, these people tend to be super censored and generally are offended by other peoples opinions and more importantly feel they have some ownership or domain about the discussion that arises over their utterances and threads. These people have a "you are in my house" attitude int he threads and generally feel they can make any arbitrary social expectations as such. Typically they have extremely strict idea of what is acceptable or not in their comments... any disagreement, negativity, facts they dont deem as facts, etc is an offense. Even just making it about you in some way can be an offense. These sort of people see the reply guys as just plain trolls and are generally very concenred with ettiquette and formalism and closed rather than open forums.

Woot, extended 2 more job offers today, one Jr. and one Sr. I suspect there are at least 3 more people in the pipeline I will be hiring. All from this one post.

That leaves at least 10 out of 15 positions open for anyone still looking for a job!

We also just donated another $5K to our open-source fund. This will go to paying open-source contributors on our projects bounties for completing certain tasks. Very excited by that as well. We are even using it on interviews for code projects so in a sense we are paying people to take interviews with us even if they dont get the job through those bounties. I am getting some interesting reactions with that one.


πŸŽ“ Doc Freemo :jpf: πŸ‡³πŸ‡±  
Please reboost! Trying something new, everyone is guaranteed an interview! Open interviews! For a limited time no one will be skipped (except for c...

I bought a B-12 liquid vitamin supplement and in the ingredients it lists:

* Triple-distilled biophotonic structured water
* Ormus Supercharged Minerals

I really dont care if this thing has B-12 in it or not, fuck you with this psudoscience labeling I will never buy this product again!

Just a reminder, when a cop points a gun at you and you react as if your life is in danger, you get shot and the cop walks free.

When you point a gun at a cop, if the cop reacts as if his life is in danger, you get shot and the cop walks free.

Sovreign Citizen: A person who had their license suspended and adopted a philosophy that would allow him or her to morally justify driving anyway by putting the guilt on the state rather than their own personal actions.

I always fin it funny how nearly 100% of sovereign citizens are found to have once had a license and they were all about following the system right up until it got suspended.

(testing if we can tag him directly)

We are having a technical issue with your user name for some reason, we are investigating. I just had to tag you to test something, please ignore it the problem is likely entirely on my end.


(testing if we can tag him directly)

We are having a technical issue with your user name for some reason, we are investigating. I just had to tag you to test something, please ignore it the problem is likely entirely on my end.


(testing if we can tag him directly)

We are having a technical issue with your user name for some reason, we are investigating. I just had to tag you to test something, please ignore it the problem is likely entirely on my end.


(testing if we can tag him directly)

We are having a technical issue with your user name for some reason, we are investigating. I just had to tag you to test something, please ignore it the problem is likely entirely on my end.


(testing if we can tag him directly)

We are having a technical issue with your user name for some reason, we are investigating. I just had to tag you to test something, please ignore it the problem is likely entirely on my end.


Health checks and internal networks are now in place. It went smoothly!

This should ensure that if our system crashes **for any reason** it will automatically restore itself. Should give us better uptime in the future.


QOTO Announcements & Polls  
We are going to try to add some healthchecks to our containers to help protect them in case they become unresponsive. No one on #QOTO should notice...

We are going to try to add some healthchecks to our containers to help protect them in case they become unresponsive. No one on should notice any real downtime unless i break something. If I do downtime should be mere seconds as I bring it back up.

Just letting people know in case anything goes wrong, shouldnt be noticed if things go right..


Our server has one of thr highest long term (comes back within 3 months) of any server. Last i checked we had nearly 40% retention.

A little diagram ive been tinkering with to show the relationship between the different types of Real Numbers.

Everything at is now fixed and the all queues are response again. Sorry for todays slowness, but we found the last of the problems from the migration and now fixed that as well.


QOTO Announcements & Polls  
after another short down time everything is fixed! #QOTO had to recreate an index that got lost in the migration which was slowing down the DB and ...
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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.