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Consider it a challenge not to text about your next posts!!...

Probably texting is most used so this is to encourage trying to talk about it audibly to yourself or audio recording yourself on your own!

If you have something to say, feel free to send it privately. but this actually just the practice of saying it... sending is not required!
Act 'as if' people were listening to see and you had the stage... it's quite important for life and the time you may need to do this...
Can you do it ? :)

You may have lost an ability to talk about *a serious topic* or something from the heart (not just hi and bye stuff in real life remember!)

Seriously don't even send it privately... just see if you can make yourself seriously talk about a theme and record it after you find a flow about it / make notes or whatever... Theme ideas in the picture below)

BEST is something from you.

The aim of this is not to record you necessarily but from the people I've talked to I / we realised how practice really helps and time actually flies (which is a good sign) and then it becomes much more empowering or expressive or freeing to chat in future and practice yourself and then after record something like a conversation.

One day you might be no longer as shy, unpractised and appreciate this medium for borderline 'political' / close-to-heart stuff.

Again this task is first and foremost to pretend or act like you have something important to say and practice it all the way up until pretending to send it.

Not looking for perfection or excuses - I know you're not an actor or going to sound like reading Wikipedia (that's not what I'm looking for)

- I'm looking for the *YOU* even if I don't get to hear it,

I leave the last steps to you but I encourage you to say something like you mean it... not to spell it (or write it first but do improvise also!)

VIDEO STORAGE: I think I'm against big resolution copies of video online - so per video more videos...

(things like peertube or have a lot of big versions of files for arguably little use or could be put somewhere for download more than streaming)

So multiple video's for the same video I think overall is perhaps too much of a luxury / sucking big energy and processing power 9even for 1 video)... Could really be reserved for when it's really needed, The added videos (per video) are like a multiplier or compound equation in terms of cost / damage / energy during running time and download / upload / backup etc:

- bandwidth ( ↑UP and ↓DOWN streams for higher resolution... a lot of gb/s )

- storage cost per video (5 video for each video a pyramid of for example 2hrs = 2gb (1080p) + 1.5gb (720p) + 700mb (360p) and then smaller formats (which is ok to get people access at mobile speeds)

-CPU processing power / data centres encoding multiple video files per video (5 format let's say per video)

- massive backups, snapshots, daily routines that could be halved perhaps in terms of time / energy / hardware usage.

- and more considerations

Overall I'd like the medium formats and then 1 place to get big or to ask for it... rather than stream / allow people to not care (the hosts also have responsibility as well as users)

So designing (or not even creating the bigger files) is a type of responsible management. Let user back it up and have just 360p and 720p of files.

Something better than what you see pictured. (over-giving choice / not being used while eating resources just for being there *every* second of the day!!!)

Costs a lot of planet time / heat / storage for each video, and with various quality and reasons for video I think 360p / 720p is MAX and more needs justification or to hunt for it elsewhere (like asking the sources for a link).

The less all-you-can-eat system the more reality (unless you think all-you-can-eat is possible in world or worth the exchange... for a bunch of videos)

Eating the planet while someone forgets to reduce the quality and burn life is also part of this as it's often played at speed people's line's can't even handle (and then imagine sharing a household streaming everything)...


- Towards low footprint
A lot of room for improvement by cutting video and therefore reducing planetary footprint / damage from the cake=like setups we have now.

- Fast ways more than quality

- Giving choice to remember as best ways.

-Remembering user settings - I prefer 360p for example but video's often default to 720p :/ even in PeerTube... the default could be lower or learned per user.


Meme called: I think a found a bug in Mastodon..."

Meme is for the music mainly (it's also almost loopable too if you save it)

There was a short version but longer for music is better and surprise at the end!

"Has anyone else got this bug?" :)

As The World Turns
As The World Keeps Turning...
I don't know why...

As The World Turns @sammi

NL Events

Free Software Europe Events

12 September 2022

FSFE Hamburg local group meeting in Hamburg, Germany

(in person)
17 September 2022

FSFE booth and Upcycling Android session at NLLGG in Utrecht, Netherlands

(in person)
21 September 2022

FSFE Netherlands get-together

Top Companies that track you pictured...

Tutanota Email does not track you. (Safer / Encrypted Mailbox)

Follow privacy news on their Mastodon account: @Tutanota 📩

Stigmergy is included as one of the topics in this event audio:

Brussels Meetup OFFDEM
5th March 2022 (In person)
Audio Chat introduces it.

+ Info & Updates here:

+ Note / Forum here:

More audio topics are here...

similar to

This is an in-person meetup 2022!

Stigmergy is useless if people are in short loops of food-only type actions and conversations...

"... mechanism of indirect coordination, through the environment, between agents or actions. The principle is that the trace left in the environment by an individual action stimulates the performance of a succeeding action by the same or different agent. "

Kind of like following or snowballing something.

But fails when it's mice going for the cheese.

This one I caught myself.
Difference with humans is that we can catch each other! Mice don't tend to do that.

Stigmergy is useless if people are in short loops of food-only / money-is-ok type actions and conversations... and don't get further past that and just into more traps (there are many).

'Money is ok' mentality need fixing... How to say it better...? 

Money is not a problem (???)
Money is just a tool (???)

Money as a man-made creation and set of rules is a big problem.
It's perhaps the #1 reason to problems as an integrated mentality developed over the years so when you use it you're already losing. This is a blind spot for people.

The top phrases are repeated as if they are not made by banks (even though some of these people hate banks)
Is it not a man-made design that helps force you in only using money? Not because it's the best tools for you but for them silly!

How can mice not see something that can cheat you (like an object that leaks) or continually go around the carnival thinking the games are not rigged.

Embedded unfairness. Plain and simple. Many can't do the maths to see it's debt creation by design. It's not just what the numbers say on the face of a printed paper. That is for you to pretend while in the background it's being drained siphoned and banks regularly taking public money because they suddenly don't have any (2008 etc).

It's a mistake in people's mind.
I'd like to adjust it but I guess it's hard for people to imagine why 'money' (or cheating people) is the best way for empires and how it centralises and changes in value using sub-tools and tweaks.
You have your stack and you don't see the changes or care over time... and of course it's tied well to food so we're grateful right... don't bite the banks hand... but eventually one has to really see that as the problem as there is not much healthy growth in people or world using money itself.

Please check yourself. Remember the worst things blend in various parts so if you want to see it as only a tool you can - but you have to give Banks and Government a bit more credit over the years! The art of money and manipulation, how they give loans to certain people, filter things... is everything but apolitical. How they make money themselves at the cost of others (called debt) can even be seen a minor point considering how much power and control it forced (along with the other tools like law and legal things that make you also use it). Put all you hard work and labour into one thing, very convenient. No probs.

This is really a decision-making tool for who lives and who dies (plus the debt added on top chaining people into the same scheme / cheating program adding %'s forever). You tell you kids "you have to sell yourself" in a lot of ways and it's not like all the jobs are well balance in pay (governments, banks and companies decide who get most, and well banking pays very well lol).

If people deliberately make something it's political and pre-decisions are made.
You don't get money fresh and think "ah yeah nothing happened before I got this money" or that it's your money.

Money is almost all deliberately designed politics (embedded decision making and many traps inbuilt) so rather than 'just a tool' or sort of optional thing it's actively taking from you and your efforts in life.

Money is so much more than just a rock or shell people exchange.

At the same time as anything good it's creating more problems all around the world and by the people it's created by (banks and government teamed together).

You trust them?
You support them?
Do you have a choice?

So it's not gret being check-mated and forced to also support their habits of feeding off people and mismanaging money and all their responsibilities they shirk and profit from.

How could you not see this happening before, already and now?

This particular person is also in the free-trade or freedom movement so contrasts how even those kinds of people to any degree or stereo-type almost don't mind money's chains or multiple layers chaining us and defer it to simplify it in some other way as if it's not THE problem.
Bad people (uncaring people) bad money and it wasn't designed overnight... a lot of time by empires and the whole history of people and fuckups deliberately.

Just some candy never mind let's take it. We have to anyway.

I will revise this but please someone help me (as well as the others) to articulate it better.

How can I say better how the two phrases at the top are far from correct?

An antidote to this disease is what we need as it's like the root epidemic to many things it connects and roots itself in) even in the freedom, free-software movement, or any movement / political reform...

The Queen is dead - bit of reality (if you want it)... 

Parody video of Queen with a bit of reality in text for what is a mean business of running things badly (the art of exploiting people / way of cheating them from their time and energy and giving them much less back).

Governing a country and leading the empire by crushing it's own people (and others) just crushes everyone under it's accumulated weight. Enjoy the video - the likes of her will die but we have to makes sure people copy and paste the uncaring £nglish ways a lot less.

If you want to be a proper criminal then make sure you're following legal fronts like this racket for the deaths and killings in the background and backend while trying to make you feel guilty for the careless lack of feelings in everything and actively emptying it justified by your survival.

Fun but deadly serious (as you can tell by look on queen's face.)...

Just a shitty main island that tried to rule the world, many islands and lands and somehow did more than 50% of the world and perhaps still has it's hooks in places.... that's propa tyranny.

Laugh. Cry. P£ople must di£?

Chess comments about Male / Female players.

Blown up more than it should but
- yes academically there are differences between men/women in studies / games / sports
- physically also differences (not just muscles in biology but other things)
- training is important too to complement natural talent and expand upon it to achieve higher levels

Text inside picture says... 

" Graduated in 2010, and for the past few years I've been teaching.
I was among the last batch of humans who will remember what the world was like before the internet.

Before cellphones, social media, and constant connectivity the complete reformatting of the human mind.

The average human's identity is now just as rooted in digital personas as it is in physical world.
In a realm where there is no action, only words, your words become your actions.

More and more the physical world seems to shrink, becoming beholden to things that do not exist. The future becomes enslaved to an eternally expanding record or anything and everything, the past now meaningfully indistinguishable from the present.

Every day I speak with kids who are incapable of conceptualizing a world without this. It colors their expectations for themselves and society, robs them of true interpersonal moments, limits their ability to think and feel.

Nothing really ends of disappears from them, and so value is impossible. Some things are preferable over others in the moment, but art, entertainment, culture, information itself is as disposable as oxygen. "

It is all just stimulation. "Content."
I love these kids. I can see their humanity in there, unsatisfied and starved for something they don't even know how to name. The ability to shut it all down, I think. They want to go back, too.


VERY GOOD LINES I'D QUOTE IN THERE, QUITE MOST- though the last line people have consciously exchanged sometimes and to be honest it was very boring or not as educational (as well as the crap)...

We perhaps have to really PICK and choose everything though some things like the picture says is by creation or default not able to not do things as it was created that way (newer tech can't undo as easy so forced into using the rest of the bad things too and this is violence to an extent- under "structural violence" by cornering people technologically for control and manipulation means, for profit and prostituting them silently or against their will holding an ultimatum or binary "use or don't use" as it's means of coercion). And that's if you aware.

Words can be like throwing spears or target practice
What fun! :)

Even some sparring in a competitive boxing match can be good. In and out, not always too long. Take what you can.

Getting people's reasoning is obviously excellent source of... education.. reality... entertainment perhaps but overall healthy refinement and training thoughts
( if that's your direction or what you aim for... )

Towards healthier people and healthier mindset by training it.

Notice the pictures
- 1st targets the reasoning
- 2nd targets person

and more explained version below:

- 1st targets the reasoning
,,,or your own thought / feelings / your heart etc


- 2nd targets person
,,,or seeks perhaps to put too much weight on the words and attribute / link them too heavily to a person or group of individuals

Money laundering 101-
How to legalise criminal operations? Launder your money and pay tax!

- Video clip says it all in Breaking Bad [TV Series]

A great scene and conversation
...not far from real life!

"so you want me to buy this place so I can pay taxes??... I'm a criminal yo"

"yeah and if you wanna to stay a criminal, and not become say a convict, then maybe you can grow up and listen to your lawyer"

More info... Saul Goodman teaches Jesse Pinkman how to launder his money with a nail salon. From Season 9, Episode 3 'Kafkaesque'.

Kafka = Czech novelist who wrote in German about a nightmarish world of isolated and troubled individuals (1883-1924)

Cigarettes = Tax to Govt's (Money for War...) 

Cigarettes create A LOT OF MONEY (usually about 15-20% is taxed on them and goes to government per pack!).

A lot of money is generated and gets spent on military sector & equipment as a result...

There is correlation from when cigarettes were not popular or even accepted that a campaign to "support the troops" used cigarettes to represent 'freedom' or even women liberation (see posters on my war posters collection page:

Those tanks and jets, jet fuel and metal flying overhead are not cheap to build or buy and then maintain! A bad circle if you ask me. Got a cigarette mate?

My Tank Man tribute (pictured)-
"No Tanks" in form of Cigarettes

You pay taxes on everything you buy, so what's special about cigarettes?
Heavy Tax (called 'Duty') % is taken from cigarettes and similar products of toxic pleasure (like Alcohol, Petrol etc) and it directly goes to funding war equipment and personnel (if your country also spends about 50% of tax on military!).

- Was massively pushed as product to support war initially and directly EARLY 1900'S,
- Women's liberation / Suffragettes / Feminist hijacking propaganda ("do your bit" / "support the men" / "for the cause" type emotional stuff)
- Fashion sponsorship
- Movies
- Formula 1 motorsports BIG money and tech (eventually minimised but was big money advertising with MALBORO on side of F1 cars going round and round!)
- Higher taxes on these drug type things (= higher duty)
- Same setup in each country / it's a template for war funds

Very lucrative and self-perpetuating as problem habits = more money.
This income is system supported.

Again the World War posters encouraging people to start smoking and support war, if interested see and other posters show mentality which is still around today



So for the symbolism this is mainly written and to show the tax part AND also individuals can stand to the problematic circles

Modern versions including holding up police vans in street, cycling in the middle of street pretending not to hear sirens or busy main in a critical mass protest.

The physical presence vs. mental perseverance - it does matter.

Some comments I got from another page:
- One of the most iconic image of the century! That man standing in front of a Military Tank! What bravery, what defiance! Truly inspirational

- He was stopping the tanks leaving the square. Ironic much?

- You know what? This shows more the restraint of the army than the heroism of the individual.

- His name was Wang Weilin (王维林). Never forget it

- Historical momentous scene of 20th century that inspired millions to resist


Add Mastodon logo to your website as contact method!

E-Mails are getting blocked or have lack of management (some don't even check it at all !).

Add logo to menu / sidebar / floating social site list, whatever!..

If you believe in Mastodon - add it!

My Mastodon pictures and variations can be found here:

Why is SELF-HOSTING EMAIL AND SPAM such a problem?


How about setting up white-list almost exclusively instead of spam protection and clever filtering?

(so no need for spam protection if only expecting what you add as 'ok' on incoming whitelist...)

- just people you know are added manually to list as you start emailing them and adding-as-you-go
- and never expecting email from anywhere else

+ even a temporary 'Allow All' switch if really needed and for subscribing / registering to places online...

and then switch back to 'Block All but Whitelist' (or equivalent option) when done

What do you think ?

(especially as a 2nd more-private account could be easier rather than filtering etc!)

(Picture is a virtual thing I made - different slightly to text topic but I dream of Mail + Mastodon MERGING!...)

"there’s a simple pleasure in focusing on something tedious."

This magically captures a kind of efficiency and wonder in the world I have. It's the spending of time well without too much scale or amplification or leverage.
The wonder of focussing on small almost boring things which at the end are great / timeless / modest / repeatable re-creation / sustainable.

If you like strange and unusual descriptions of common things, explained in extreme depth, the Tedium newsletter is a great place to look for those, because it’s what we specialize in. Rather than focusing on viral things, we instead write about things that would never go viral on their own, that need context and storytelling around them to highlight their importance.

UPDATED: See Mastodon account (below) to get regular range of interesting subjects tio choose from by following Ernie:

TL;DR version - People like to believe life is possible only in it's short and simple version... No life is not!
It's a chain of lots of things, so better get learning it all (in small AND ALSO bigger chunks)
(... with people's emotions and connected things!....)

Longer version - People prefer short writing but overlook it's
a) not the whole story
b) not a skill everyone has

(give this author a break and I don't mind you skip reading the rest!)




And even if you have the skill of summarising (which I don't think everyone has) telling people in short can feel rude, out of context, or abrupt, misleading, disrespecting more things in that actual process

Usually the main thing is realising who you audience is and what it's for but almost ONLY of it's under tight control conditions but otherwise the whole of the Fediverse means it's also more upto those readers who enter the realm of blogging to see / speak with some people to see if they are a 'good egg' and go from there rather than expect something PERFECTLY short or emotionally clear as crystal !

We're humans remember (unless you're culturally machine-like like Germans or parts of STEM mentality that actually cut out human parts <--- partial joke about Germans but many culture or engineering processes or languages don't care about nature or people)

TL;DR short descriptions I think are very often possible and worthy to try and add but is a mini-art in itself risking it with the assuming skill of writer and if writer can categorise it well (this post could fit a few things)

Writing I guess should always be explored or not taken at face value for those that would like to write and explore things themselves) so 'writing' in itself doesn't match TL;DR which is 'shorter writing' (it's almost opposite to writing unless it's a status update or functional "I'm out to the shops - be back in 20mins"

Short descriptions need thinking what light to write it in...

This brings us to the next main point that LIFE is a communal / shared thing - it's not just my view (even my view is made from yours and 1000's of others, and if suffering etc is also constant naturally and less-naturally as humans then it's collective view and concept not just me detached from environment or me detached from you even! <---in a roundabout way )

Usually facts or mechanical ways are preferred in TL;DR versions but this doesn't suit a lot of life!

So if it's a life thing (full of chains / domino effects) or emotional things.. then what do short descriptions expect? To reduce the emotions or write generically for everything 'emotional feelings about xyz' ? (ok that actually seems to work but then you would still have to read more !

So TL;DR for many parts of human life becomes just another title for what the post title or intro would be anyway... probably

I like that the short version 'forces' me to right key parts but still it's like saying this post is about "hitting bat with ball" but needs lots of description and additional video to explain that process or which bat and which ball, the side-effects (spin / trajectory etc) and for humans that's emotions and internal stuff, not technology external stuff.

I wish Mastodon had a 'Show more' option (like the CW / Content Warning does) but so far no luck on that... even though it would be exactly same as CW just without the status of CW... showing a show more button... technology also encourages good practice sometimes even if box below the button could lead to more details.

Emotions are not short, and therefore forcing TL;DR modes is like cramming human thought through thin mechanical tubes, instead of more appropriate therapy like sessions where you get to the bottom and answer why a human gave such output at the beginning or expression (by going through the HUMAN layers and also helping people see what they mean too)

TL;DR for it's inappropriate usage (more-human things) is simply cutting out this process or expecting people to do all the humanity work (which itself is listening and responding - or harmonising). Machines are the one's with 'perfect' protocols so as humans one must assume more time and less skill in various ways.


Did write it fast (today was a monster day of writing about TL;DR / short version - just the other posts out even if it's just for the pictures lol you TL;DRer!

- TL;DR or tl;dr - "too long; didn't read"...

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.