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People have to see that others GIVE them relativity - which also works that they almost TAKE IT AWAY if they don't give (in a ecological or human sense that giving can make the world go around but GIVING WITH CAPITALISM is contrary to real giving and actually makes things worse since Capitalism really is about taking more than giving although you don't see where and how - it's pure extraction and stealing of people time and energy through things like banks and debt or a million other ways


NOT GROWING... (as individual or humanity)

#War is good business [Destroy and Rebuild Everything] 

Each time people celebrate a factory or arms being bombed it's like going backwards in progress, in my mind.

Although trusting people is hard, just and is stupid / wasteful though I get the business model - yes very good and one day we are friends the next day you or something on someone as excuse / accusation and then we live off the in guilt that you claim yours and it back to us only to do the circle-jerk again and call it a business / way of living for those that do the same in less forms of the same...

is good business

⬇️ 🇺🇸 🛫 👤 💣 ⬇️
:Pipe_exb: :Pipe_exb: :Pipe_exb: :Pipe_right: :Pipe_exb:
⬇️ 🇺🇸💲🛢️ 🚚 ⬇️
🔥 🚬 🏭 🚛 🚗 ⛽

= is good business [Destroy and Rebuild Everything]

Frank Zappa is... ? #poll results... 

Frank Zappa is... ? results
+ I recommend the film (2020) 🎞️ via torrent

⬇️ Poll results of approx. 50 people total voting altogether... ⬇️

1st poll
►14% Genius (everything)
►79% Hit and miss (but genius in the hits for me)
►0% Hit and miss (but the bad is worse than the good)
►7% Who is Frank Zappa? / DON'T KNOW HIM

2nd poll
►0% Genius (everything)
►67% Hit and miss (but genius in the hits for me)
►0% Hit and miss (but the bad is worse than the good)
►33% Who is Frank Zappa? / DON'T KNOW HIM

"Capitalist-Christianity" = #Capitalism first then #Christianity maybe last 

"Christians seem to be waiting until their death to be rescued from their sins."
- @hazlin


It's enough to say that I'm not in for people just waiting to the end to be judged and rather be judged now on what their actions NOW (including what they don't do).

What people don't do is a big difference and often hidden kind of looking at things- what are people not doing (at all or a lot of)....

So while extreme panic is too much and unneeded, one can become ignorant in a half-doing sort of way, almost pretending to do but never finishing the job until the end (the dirty part to finally cleaning things).

One might be good but never doing these 'same things' is an avoidance I'm seeing and irresponsible way like waiting for God to do something about it instead of thinking "we are a part of God (or part of Cosmos or whatever we have a power given to determine and do) and it os simply up to us to create or heal things after thinking about the basics. (for example, should we sell / rent our body despite a system setup to get food that way and all the while cheapens all actions and meaning while doing so not to mention diluting the money by putting more debt into the total pool of money) ⬅️ and too many more things you just have to put above priority occasionally even above 100% a food supply because all else is being lost in the hands of Capitalists or non-players / non-doers).

There's something about doing nothing that seems to be of regular flavour of Christianity I have called.:

:parrot_8beat: :parrot_8beat: :parrot_8beat: :parrot_8beat: :parrot_8beat: :parrot_8beat: :parrot_8beat: :parrot_8beat: :parrot_8beat: :parrot_8beat: :parrot_8beat: :parrot_8beat:
➡️ "Capitalist-Christianity"... ⬅️
:parrot_8beat: :parrot_8beat: :parrot_8beat: :parrot_8beat: :parrot_8beat: :parrot_8beat: :parrot_8beat: :parrot_8beat: :parrot_8beat: :parrot_8beat: :parrot_8beat: :parrot_8beat:

where 💰( 🧀 etc) overrides priority even more than ✝️

Let that be a first for the term in until I hear otherwise!

= first then maybe last and not daily

Might re-do this post but seems about right.... thoughts welcome...

"Stopping Sin" or MAYBE "Curving / Curbing" Sin ?.. 

@adiz @gabriel
If one relates and associates the definition of sin (or most parts of daily sin) as various learning curves and behaviours that need doing better, then mostly sin is also something that can be curved and * almost stopped * ...


like my answer about "stopping" Capitalism it's not necessarily something to be stopped at all - more the focus is to ehad towards or more to become / be / do more often as the change AND encourage it.

If good people say nothing or do nothing - this is equally not good and is a kind of sin that puts others in a position that only they can since we are not helping them try find better ways (or believe in Capitalism for justice, for example, direct or indirectly consent / do nothing).

The way we use language for questions or language in general has it's many meanings so also flawed somewhat and to be accepted. How we phrase questions (or receive them) can be different but if we understand somewhat what we mean THEN we can curb it all towards something better (much like curbing from Sin to Good / Better occurrences).

So even my analysis here of "stopping" things might not being 100% as the right word to focus on or to say the intention to "stop" is too forceful AND WE NEED TO ALLOW FOR SIN as part of learning what sin is / it's inseparable) then sin or for example the act of stealing personally NEEDS TO BE HAPPEN in one's lifetime (say for all boys growing up as the more daring half of the human species) - we can't rob / stop them in the need to try various things and know the difference or remember what it feels like.

The experience of self-shame (after the adrenalin / "seeking action") and the reflection after is hat is needed to build character and healthy people.

It all accumulates to build character and learns to throw less stones or shout at someone (to know when it's needed to shout and when not! But not to say 'never shout' or let people walk over you all the time)

To allow things without punishment in healthy way can show understanding and see what happens... Punishment for sin can also be a sin on top of a sin (like a double sin sending someone to cold prison)
I think most would accept boys need to learn when growing up but really even older adults / old boys too with no healthy role models or real contact with men.

IF system and good people allow punishment and not understanding then what do we expect.

A healthier way than punishment is talking circles, talking to real people, other sinners even, resolving crimes (not just paying in time in jail), doing men's circles etc, explaining, saying sorry -

i.e. educate not execute
for first-time offenders or even 2nd / 3rd time offenders - because it's also society that is not doing or setting people in the right environment (Capitalism putting people in corners / ultimatums and then pointing the finger "aha you're the terrorist!... true we took all your land and don't want your culture around but it's you we are sure it's not us!".

Especially if not wilful or if offenders didn't damage much it's also the environment.

A men's circle is still better than being locked up and then released many years later with not much curbing about what happened and why. As the world gets worse too / is given less options to be different....

So... In summary:

Can't separate sin from other words like making mistakes, various experiences of learning, testing things, feeling one's limits etc... even lashing out due to oppressive system or human history / trauma we're going through... and yes even the really bad needs to be given chance and measured / assessment in healing and chances of understanding re-offending is not needed / there is another way.

Call it better teaching / better loving, circles of experiences... anything helps

Even if we have to make ourselves consistently on Fediverse via talks - all is needed for a better way.


Who is really up for that as practice ourself and then inviting others to show up for audio talk / limited small circle ?


And @theorytoe ...
Yes, sometimes if "something significant were to happen" or until crisis yes, sometimes need that for change or people don't change until that bumps them.
They find it hard to move out earlier or can't but need some help / encouragement etc / maybe they financially worry etc...

So people can leave it late and find themselves doing something stupid / regular sin instead of taking the hit needed to correct things or end up making a sign via a sin instead of asking for help earlier.

Sin is usually a result something else is not working, like expression not being accepted at work or the system is oppressing people's time / body etc...

So until all that we talk about and allow yes it's easy to accept sin comes from that...

I'm still trying to find people interested in doing the people work or just talking like this casually or in a circle / something focussed. Just investing in people because not doing "the people work" only gets us all going in circles as we need each other (no 2 ways around that unless you like Capitalism and even that the service is going downhill!)

So instead of letting people go disconnected and fuelling Capitalism, building / rebuilding ourselves as humanity itself is somewhat the super-hero circle we need.

All the history and changes are catching up so circles help balance that between us.
Are you in.... or....
@theorytoe /

Question goes for anyone also reading / watching...

Can Capitalism be stopped #Question #Answer 

@gabriel Based on the 1st answer with a bit more text added and a photo which shows how our friends increase our potential or how will works for us accumulatively ! ⬇️

(I'll delete the 1st reply soon, this is not that much different but needed to add that photo !) ⬇️


If I could frame Capitalism as I see / interpret it correctly in this context, then "Capitalism" IS "us"...

(in super-short reductive way)

...then basically these words in the question are a representation of various knowledge or behaviour of people (combinations of willingness to change or not also a big part) - which surely if they change or head towards different things then Capitalism would surely change also.

"Stopping" Capitalism is going too far for me to say here, but really a "reduced" Capitalism will be seen simply by the WILLingness or the "search for other things" by our own individual and collective behaviours will be 100% for me pulling the slider back from where we came from as Capitalism in which it also is in many senses of that word too, again largely the will (to accept accept the way it is and not try different, to continue cheat each other because trust it too much investment etc etc).

So almost the same way we came, by this reductive ways individually or even general unsaid movement / collective, then it will step down like gears to slow the 'vehicle' and more importantly give chance for transition (for example let's say if everyone really believed in me, that believing in even 1 person, even if 75% right or worth believing in - actually works and in history has done. Could be bad example but I also put you or anyone at the front as basically we are all mostly aligned and just following consistently and trusting / testing wisely is almost "the only thing stopping us")

(without making this about me, even some Mastodon admins could apply this)

So then that's my answer as a kind of proof, that almost as reflection of the question is itself, we are part of "it", Capitalism, the trust, the behaviours, the testing each other... so answer or depends on you / "us" ⬅️

Even the damage done or reliance on Capitalism I consider still playable IF people want / will for it even by small increments (consider will ➡️ action working like compound interest and opens up even more mine-sweeper :win3_minesweeper: points to explore or action).

And so the justice is just "us" here as the being of many things and many senses of that word as Capitalism to thrwart or not (like thwarting or regrowing our mentality)... by doing these things less AND / or just doing "these things" more (such as try showing love, working on trust, giving out more freely without worry etc etc - again as super-short words but really measurably giving).

Even without too much focus on Capitalism that would work with a bit of incremented will power / time thrown into it.

(below is a reflection of my answer above...)

Usually I write about the negatives in order to learn positively but in this answer it's clear we are capitalism or many thinkings about our world as what it taught us or took advantage of (compounded and can be un-compunded in time) so this answer is the neutral type of thinking and the reality could turn around as fast as 'the will' to change happens realtime....

Like, right now. Someone reads this and believes... gets in contact and boom a site goes up and we start making the compound interest of that belief takes it's own course like snowball. That simply process of the will and will to follow ourselves leads to better ways (because you and I have the skill) and thus chances snowball too (even if not always doubling).

Right now by my own account (literally Fediverse account if you look back) people are not wanting, are still waiting for less painful way, or too tech aligned (=BigTech aligned) etc etc

So apart from a few here (if I may include you) it isn't right yet or needs a better group or face for the project or whatever aesthetics (imagine great people are still scared of their own shadow let alone "Capitalism" and I have the first-time responses from great people to show not just distrust but really waste of time thinking paranoid thoughts or assuming I'm A.I because of the way I right - so yeah they are not mature or passionate enough and have such bad excuses)

And the number of people gathering around this daily is near-0 as 2 way conversation (which is why I favour the talking part first to build / sort ourselves by whoever shows up).

That "till the end" type stuff hmm maybe exists but usually Tech and playing with computers gets the best of people and distracts from ACTUALLY changing people physically ourselves (voice and existing video material, our writing etc).

There are some individuals for sure doing part of "it" / change... but it's just extra Tech and not people orientated or not @the people work" then it fails by it's own measure.

If the will is there, let's say to trust me to see for 1 year what saving the world means (also because I have the most time than any other Fediverse person I know of) and if we make space to grow or create (not just wait), then suddenly the percentage for saving the world goes up suddenly like a "Back To The Future" scene where not fighting the bully = death of people in photo (them fading from his life's timeline) and they don't fulfil potentials, but if they do deal with the bully while accepting they are all different / even having to learn 'strange' and make friends, then suddenly by doing / trusting / (dare I say enjoying) then the "potentiometer" suddenly says it's by it's massively possible.

I might redraft this but happy you will get most of that Gabe.
(Sorry for delay. Have been having those super-hero scenes of life-changing thoughts these past few days...)

@gabriel About the

If I could frame Capitalism as I see / interpret it correctly in this contact, then "Capitalism" IS "us" (in super-short reductive way) but basically it's a represent of various knowledge or behaviour of people (combinations including willingness to change or not) - which surely if they change or head towards different things then Capitalism would surely change (so stopping Capitalism is going too far for me to say, but really a "reduced" Capitalism or "search for other things" by our own individual and collective behaviours is 100% for me pulling the slider back from where we came, almost the same way we came and even by it's reductive ways stepping down like gears to slow the 'vehicle')

so then that's my answer almost as reflection that the question is itself is part of the answer or depends on "us" ⬅️ quite a lot (even the damage done or reliance on Capitalism I consider playable IF people wanted for it"

And so "us" here is the being of many things and many senses of that word to "thwart" Capitalism simply by doing it less or even just doing something else more without even too much focus on Capitalism (such as love, working on trust, giving etc again as super-short words).

And still in this neutral type of thinking the answer is for me clear - but could turn around as fast as 'the will' to change happens.... Right now by my own account (literally Fediverse account going back) people are not wanting, are still waiting for less painful way, or alignment etc etc isn't right and the number of people gathering around this is near-0 as 2 way "till the end" type being (though there are some individuals for sure doing it... and so if it's not just Tech (for example) and that will is their, say to trust me in favour of saving the world while having space to grow or create, then suddenly the percentage for saving the world goes up suddenly like a Back To The Future scene where not dealing with the bully = death / people in picture don't fulfil potential but if they do deal with the bully while accepting they are all different, then suddenly by doing / trusting / (dare I say enjoying) then the "potentiometer" suddenly says it's possible.

I might redraft this but happy you will get most of that Gabe.
(Sorry for delay. Have been having those super-hero scenes of life-changing thoughts these past few days...)

Maybe you're a kind of prostitute...? 

Selling your body or mind to people can be seen as a kind of prostitute (no matter how you justify it for food or shelter).

Maybe it's ok to say purely as a reflection of the bad work others have done to deliberately get us to this point - where is mostly prostitute and less actually caring workplace...?

Maybe what level of is better ? (similar to saying how really fulfilling and happy your are - or is it just something to get along in other ways?

or selling yourself 👙 to who lets life go to waste ( even without saying anything about the / ) and it doesn't care about rot... that's the thing.

You energy is in the wrong direction and no way to build a on top of that or even that " "... 👙

Working on the WWW together is one of the best answers to sell (to the wrong people) less often and build trust and something with love (what cares).

don't care. Don't ever forget that and think you can make better owners from them.

Buy into a System - Find out What you Don't Get! 

If you buy into a system (sell yourself or believe you need Big ) there is little getting out or achieving much - it's like signing you life away / selling your freedom and then making the rest "comfortable"...

...and I agree it might make sense short-term... until one day you realise even selling doesn't last you long as they want even more than the original price 📈🤑 while paying you less... 📉

Sucks that we need "them" so much.

They can do anything... because we need them in so many ways...

Frank Zappa is... ? 

Previous polls
►14%Genius (everything)
►79%Hit and miss (but genius in the hits for me)
►0%Hit and miss (but the bad is worse than the good)
►7%Who is Frank Zappa? / DON'T KNOW HIM

►0%Genius (everything)
►67%Hit and miss (but genius in the hits for me)
►0%Hit and miss (but the bad is worse than the good)
►33%Who is Frank Zappa? / DON'T KNOW HIM

Frank Zappa is... ?

for People

" Carlo was a young man who was exceptionally transparent. He really wanted to progress in loving his parents, God, his classmates, and those who loved him less. " ✝️ Age 15 ✝️

(through or not).

The healthy focus on each other should be the main thing always being transferred...

Schumacher College News 2024 - RIP ✝️ Stephan Harding ✝️ 

@nuria @DarkOptimism @VoxDei Thank you so much - It's exactly that spirit I would like to grow, even between us on Fediverse (and then beyond if we want) and build on passions and good things more than distrust and distance from strangers who can be converted into friends...
Friends and friendly people for the way... perhaps not perfectly said but seems not far off !

We can all carry a bit of everything inside... I'll for sure be happy to listen to anyone who cares...

Schumacher College News 2024 - RIP ✝️ Stephan Harding ✝️ 

@nuria @DarkOptimism @VoxDei Thank you so much - It's exactly that spirit I would like to grow, even between us on Fediverse (and then beyond if we want) and build on passions and good things more than distrust and distance from strangers who can be converted into friends...
Friends and friendly people for the way... perhaps not perfectly said but seems not far off !

We can all carry a bit of everything inside... I'll for sure be happy to listen to anyone who cares...

Nazi Party near Berlin? (in 2024 Germany ?) 

If a Nazi Party really has won over 30% of the votes in the state around Berlin and two south of it, according to post link below, then that is worrying and perhaps telling of others inversely looking at you or non-players - who are simply people that don't discuss to any heated or constructive level and play into whatever leaders decide unquestioned, keeping comfort.

Good people also leave things to shit - you have the first TLDR.

TLDR; Nazism is almost the inverse of what good people don't do at all.

🌿 :autumnleaf8: 🌱 Much like never doing the weeding and then crying your garden (or country) is overgrown full of idiots - it doesn't cut it to play life like that 🙈 . It might be not perfect in saying everyone but running the same simulation = good people leaving it to others and even they are funded by them from passively complying to Nazi-like people. So what do you expect? Someone to do the gardening for you?

Not to blame 'everyone' here but fuck do I want to and say 99% of everyone I've ever met.

Perhaps I should say "from my own experience of people''s 'engagement' personally IN THEIR OWN LIFE AND WORKPLACE or otherwise... they are simply playing along / never challenging even what they are allowed to in their own company code of conducts for how people speak to them... they take it - possibly forever...

DO I NEED EVIDENCE? It is evident in daily life around what we / you are actually doing AND REALLY NOT DOING (that's really my focus here).

So ask yourself what are you NOT DOING? (and watch the list increase for your own answers not just mine... ✔️ ) ... ↙️

People are largely non-players in a lot of things... here's a hashtag for it.

IS THAT A HUGE "GUESS?" let's say it's judged by observation AND daily design of life incrementally forced on us and yes and evolved over time - so you knew that much.... but still what did you do about it?

To build something else need likewise some increment and "will power".

So ONLY waiting until something is EMERGENCY OR BROKEN comes into my mind for how people do things... until it comes into your face would you care what's happening ?

This position is frankly stupid if you have seen anything in history before that is reoccurring with power and control. To assume the best in that is sadly mistaken and a excuse usually to take the easy way. Even knowing those uncaring in government are providing you life BADLY should be some fuel in your pants -

YES it's all bad and it's the daily driving to work or business of making money (for others mostly) and being taxed that helps fascism eventually or simply whichever government that really doesn't care and uses anyone they can pay and control to politically keep power and with police-type powers (officially or unofficially).

A job is about not caring for a lot and specifying / specializing people in the worst way usually so they stay in their lanes.

"It's just my job" a bailiff once said to me. Indeed. What other jobs are there when you cut bakc every other job - policing / heavy arms right?

If you're already ok and started a family based on that kind of government who will use ANYTHING from hospitals to child benefit to cheat and twist as much profit you and it's workers who are knowing about it all, treating them as disposable until the next lot come in fresh, then you can see it's not only the bad people fault...

Sure keep working but don't let that stop you working for the good sides also.

OTHERWISE THEY will keep barely keeping it's own workforce like zombies... I would say half-alive half-xombies ... only to go into battle every day.

How can people work without "looking up" and actually planning to do something about it?

Pensions? "Ah SORRY you need to be 96 before you get that while we use your money as like a loan meantime ...
(💸 🤑 cha-ching! 🤑 💸 )

So whichever government you're inside and importantly HAVE NO IDEA WHO IS DOING what -

take your Nazism and weed overgrowth and PERHAPS [INSERT YOUR INSULT HERE]

Politely you're probably paying for those you have no idea about Nazis and those in companies like yours which have a Führer (leader -someone who is ahead of others). So all is nearly-Nazi anyway with these government-to-company formations like children and subsidiary of a uncaring group.

NOT WAIT! by @holgerpatzelt


It might actually take Nazi's on your doorstep to feel what I mean. Even then maybe nobody) would do much...

So it would always end up that way if people do only knee-jerk 'saving' of things in next emergency presented to us almost like they were making it (like it was their job) rather than people doing daily talks even in their family to care what they thing and have open discussion on a caring but forceful level to at least do part of that.

You personally (and publicly) don't do much of anything more than follow... Am I wrong?

There are good but consider my guess is aligned with modern society's design of not caring for what people think anyway and leaders / Führer's who are anyway quite fascists - closely aligned and funded by the State (are the State or working for, even as a Kompany)...

? ?

Definition: " A political theory advocating an authoritarian hierarchical government "

❓ You like Authority right?
❓ You like Hierarchy right?
❓ You like Government right? (or believe you need them)

:partyparrot: Welcome to the Nazi Party -->🧟
Put your hands up IN THE AIR (both or just one of them 🧟✋ 👮 🙌 🧟 ✋ :lightning_bolt: 🔥

#Donations #Invidious [ filter for #YouTube ] 

Invidious filters out Adverts for each YouTube page...

Consider donating in order to help keep instances up and running.
+ @invidious

Schumacher College News 2024 - RIP ✝️ Stephan Harding ✝️ 

Schumacher College News Aug 2024 Stephan Harding RIP ✝️

The passing of Stephan Harding was important to all this:

" The College was co-founded in 1990 by Satish Kumar, John Lane, Stephan Harding and others.

They were inspired by E.F. Schumacher, the economist, environmentalist and author of Small Is Beautiful. "

Stephan Harding + Message




⭐ Núria Albet @nuria

⭐ Shaun Chamberlin @DarkOptimism
post (same thread)

@VoxDei Ben Taylor

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