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Global Business Model = Death + design logic of the internet... 

"...this global project of industrialized persuasion is now the dominant business model and design logic of the internet.

To date, the problems of “distraction” have been minimized as minor annoyances. Yet the competition for attention and the “persuasion” of users ultimately amounts to a project of the manipulation of the will.

We currently lack a language for talking about, and thereby recognizing, the full depth of these problems.

At individual levels, these problems threaten
to frustrate one’s authorship of one’s own life.

At collective levels,
they threaten to frustrate the authorship of the story of a people and obscure the common interests and goals that bind them together, whether that group is a family, a community, a country, or all of humankind.

In a sense, these societal systems have been short-circuited. In doing so, the operation of the will – which is the basis of the authority of politics – has also been short-circuited and undermined."

Stand Out of Our Light - and in the


List of Bad stuff... all Institutionalized...? 

* Institutionalized EXCLUSION
* Institutionalized RACISM
* Institutionalized WHITE SUPREMACY
* Institutionalized BANKING FRAUD
* Institutionalized MONEY LAUNDERING
* Institutionalized SEX TRAFFICKING
* Institutionalized DRUG TRAFFICKING
* Institutionalized INSIDER TRADING
* Institutionalized POPULATION CONTROL
* Institutionalized FEARMONGERING
Wow some really very focused points there from @JustBlameWayne listed in the bio!

its goals are not our goals,... it’s a machine designed to harvest our attention... 

Stand Out of Our Light -
and in the

"We still say “the sun rises,” even though we know it is we who turn into the sun.

...we still haven’t gotten around to calling it what it is.

We persist in describing these systems as “information” or “communication” technologies, despite the fact that they are, by
and large, designed neither to inform us nor help us communicate – at least in any way that’s recognizably human.

We beat our breasts about “fake news” and other varieties of onerous content because it’s easier than taking aim at the fundamental problems with the medium itself..."

"...that its goals are not our goals, that it’s a machine designed to harvest our attention wantonly and in wholesale."

As if I needed another hobby and it's clearly my ADHD talking here, but I want a review site for classic movies and videogames from the 80s and 90s that never existed. Reviews for Guncharov and Vermis, and other cult classics like that. With lists of the cast and stories about the production, and reviewers making defenses against reviews and critics that never existed either.

Opening forever more browser tabs than Closing.... 🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲 ❌ 

What kind of curse is this... ❓ ❓ 💫 :magic_wand:

It's almost like an old ---
closing 1 window opens more windows ! 🔲 ❌ 🔲🔲🔲🔲

💫 :magic_wand_left: ❓ ❓

🔲⬛❌ (should I press close or just leave it open ahhh?!) :windows: in :windows:

Opening more tabs forever than Closing.... 🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲 ❌

Sharpnose sharks caught near Rio de Janeiro were found to have significant levels of cocaine in their bodies.

Abilene Paradox - Decision-making gone wrong... OFTEN 

Mostly from ineffective communication and assuming what other wants. Happens when one or many people might be pandering to please you and without asking directly or by asking questions that might infer an answer (or be a bigger question that the other person might think) means you quickly reach the stage where you are wondering why you made those decisions at the end if neither of you wanted them....

You have to backtrack to find out where / who assumed or thought what about assuming what place you went to in conversation "because I thought that's what you wanted".

Does that make sense / have you had that before...

It's like asking if someone wants to go for a walk with you and the person is asking to serve you more than themself and you answer positively because you want to serve them more than yourself in saying "not really" so you both might go on a walk just because you wanted to please the other or for some reason it wasn't a clear "no it wouldn't be my first idea to do that..."

what is or isn't

#Anthropocene + #Ecocide (the killing of ecosystems) + "culture in the direction of competitive aggressiveness rather than social cooperation."... #Quote 

"Rosemary Radford Ruether (1936- ) wrote her wonderful ‘New Woman New Earth’ in 1975...

"Ruling class males preserve and extend a hunter and warrior mystique of maleness into the civilized era, when it should have become obsolete, biasing all the development of culture in the direction of competitive aggressiveness rather than social cooperation. It is perhaps not too much to say that the Achilles’ heal of human civilization, which today has reached global genocidal and ecocidal proportions, resides in this false development of maleness through repression of the female."

(Rosemary Radford Ruether 1975).

There is a politics, especially a sexual politics, to ecocide as well its cultural and emotional dimensions."

Source from

+ Other Vocab his uses :

Paying for money (loans) over and over doesn't make sense... Working to pay for everything as rent increases is bad... 

You have to pay money or interest to get a loan and then you trade your time working for someone else's company to pay the loan off to the bank.. how many people are we working for here as things just get more expensive ? !

(Above might be a narrow view but the majority of loan transactions seem to be mostly this)

And the banks meanwhile seem to have a business using everyone else's hard-earned money by keeping it and re-loan it again to others more than they actually have.

And they get paid for that as a service, to themselves? !

is bad
gives us debt
is increased in total
keep pushing rent / house prices up
allow banks to sell us debt
( 🔁 repeat negative loops? 🔁 )

What ...

One-way posts... opening more boxes constantly in a loop 📥 and not doing much interaction with the material or people... 

Really have to find one or two to dance with really...

Sitting on the sidelines (one-way posts) doesn't help... we just keep opening more boxes 📥 and not doing much interaction with the material. There is no real people in the middle to learn from / really share and see what we can actually "do". ✔️ Nike just do it !

Switching off notifications soon and call that DONE as experiment between experiments.

Notifications on shows how really switched people off are to finding something to do... Basically people in a kind of media loop / observer / victim state mode... 🔁 

And also shows how I also have less to do but follow you on notifications, but I accept we have to do it together or nothing happens so at least my intention is there (while closing other tabs and reading, listening to audio etc).

Maybe this is what you do?

Really have to find one or two to dance with really...

Sitting on the sidelines (one-way posts) doesn't help... we just keep opening more boxes 📥 and not doing much interaction with the material - no people in the middle to learn from / really share.

Switching off notifications soon and call that done as experiment between experiments.

#Fediverse as training data... [ #AI ] 

" as training data... [ ]

"And as far as I can tell, nothing in their supplemental privacy policy for Threads would prevent them from using fediverse posts as training data for LLaMA."

- L. Rhodes /

Source: Commodifying the fediverse

Values List for Decision-making... 

Decision-making around social media. Naming those values will help you be consistent in applying them. / @smallcircles

♠ Data
Online data collection is too intrusive and presumptive, lending itself to abuse and creating an atmosphere of exploitation and constraint.

I’m concerned about the footprint of tech, and feel that the best path toward sustainability (both environmental and technological) is to prefer less resource-hungry technologies when and where possible.

Darius Kazemi’s Run Your Own Social radicalized me to see social media as best organized around manageable communities of mutual trust.

Disinformation may be unsolvable, but it’s amplified when the sources of our information diet are opaque.

♠ The
I’m happy to see the Web 2.0 trend toward siloed corporate platforms reversing a bit; maintaining those gains requires thoughtfulness and vigilance.

“Computers can never be held accountable; therefore, a computer must never make a management decision.”

It’s debatable whether Mastodon—or, for that matter, the fediverse as a whole—really fits all of those values. But spelling them out equips me to make more conscientious decisions about how I use social media.

It should also serve you as a basis for assessing everything that follows, as well as a reminder to distinguish between what it would be nice to have in a perfect world, and what can be obtained without breaking the balances that preserve our values.

"Technology means constant social revolution."

- Marshall McLuhan
The Mechanical Bride /

Fediverse as a Link Farm 🔗🔗🔗🔗 for Corporations 💲_💲 📱 

🔗 YouTube Adverts :youtube:
🔗 Google :google: Partners
🔗 theguardian.kom/ etc

is being too slack

👤 AND their 👥
are the weakness or weak link themselves (some willingly / some not advising / not encouraging users to use etc) :mastodance: :mastodon_oops: :mastodance: :mastodon_oops: :mastodance: :mastodon_oops: :mastodance: :mastodon_oops:

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.