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It is both sad and pathetic how many crypto advocates are desperate to declare and prove that FTX is somehow unusual and not merely the most ambitious con of the entire scamtastic crypto sector.

Sure, you've probably made some purchase decisions you regret, but have you ever just set fire to 44 billion dollars? No? Why would anyone?

Ah right. Well, when you purchase a company - for 'da lulz' or some other reason, you pick up a whole bunch of things as part of the package deal. Let's take a quick gander at what Elon paid money for - and then take a look at how he's systematically destroying each one.

The Intellectu

Wordle 524 2/6*


I kind of felt railroaded.

Thank you everyone for the outpouring at bringing attention to my blog post about mastodon. Thanks to everyone up voting the thread is one of the most up voted threads on r/mastodon every, and all in only an hour!

At this rate im glad people are becoming aware of the issue.

Does your ISP offer IPv6?

boost for visibility, thanks

To help some of the newcomers make connections: name 5-7 things that interest as tags so they are searchable. Then boost this post or repeat its instructions so others know to do the same. Add to the post.

Birdapp sources: I’m about to be off for six weeks, but before that, I’d be interested in writing more on Musk’s content moderation claims, particularly around his claim that he’ll be “deboosting” and “demonitizing” accounts engaged in hate & extremism. This is obviously not true for obvious reasons, but if anyone has some actual or technical knowledge that might help me put a better story together & feels like talking to a reporter, anonymity is offered. Signal me: 469-387-1810.

Mike Pence is considering running for president, and considering that Donald Trump is the great litmus test for the GOP, it's hard to tell who he's supposed to appeal to. We're talking about a man who enabled Trump for 4 years, 'betrayed' him by not (unconstitutionally) flipping the election, but did it quietly when being loud was what anti-Trumpers called for. Who, exactly, is Mike Pence's base drawing from? Other than 'Mother', of course.

Twitter’s Theoretical “Pivot to Video”
There is no more cursed phrase in Web dev than 'pivot to video' and so OF COURSE this is where Elon and his dipshitosphere of incompetent yes men are thinking of pushing Twitter.

Don't get me wrong. It is the absolute height of macabre hilarity watching Elon squirm like an epileptic, drunken orangutan in quicksand as he tries to find some sort of viable busi

The amazing thing about Twitter's situation is that a whole bunch of Elon Musk fanboys don't think Twitter needs advertisers, don't think Twitter needs engineers, don't think Twitter needs moderaters, don't think Twitter needs infrastructure stability, don't think Twitter needs to abide by various international laws, don't think Twitter needs institutional knowledge.

They think the will of Elon's personality will be enough. It's very sad.

Remember folks, just liking a post doesn’t help out with getting the message out. You need to “boost” the post as well. Make sure you “Favourite” and “Boost” a post you like. It will help all of us get re-connected here on Mastodon.

Today is #TransDayofRemembrance when we honor and remember trans lives taken by violence. How horrifying that a deadly attack upon the LGBTQ+ community in Colorado Springs should occur right before this solemn day.
Hate isn’t born in us. It is taught. It must end.
This starts with our political leaders, who must cease their cynical attacks against our community before another attack occurs.
Call out the hate. Remind them of its consequences. Hold them to account.

Just wanted to give a hearty thanks to all for the reblogs/retoots early on here. I know folks are arriving and looking for familiar accounts and they seem to be finding my very dumb posts, so I appreciate y'all! #StarTrek #twitterMigration

Wordle 520 4/6*


I will give big points to the first news organization, big or small, that:
* Sets up an instance for its newsroom,
* Sets up an instance for the community it serves,
* Enables rel=me for staff,
* Creates a boost-on-Mastodon sharing function,
* Enhances that function so headlines/images (with alt-text) appear in the toot,
* Covers the Fediverse as more than a geeky curiosity or alt-Twitter,
* Listens to and joins in the conversation here.

Am I wrong to be faintly depressed by the BBC's current "Most Read" top 5?

This holiday season Twitter fires 4K workers, Amazon fires 10K workers, & Facebook fires 11K workers—all while US Billionaire pandemic wealth increased an absurd $1.7T.😳

A reminder that billionaires don’t create jobs—they exploit workers. Tax billionaires. Unionize workers.

My first promotoot - not for me, but for the eximious and wondrous #JonathanMeades who should, I think, be cherished as one of our finest, funniest and acutest writers, both in the factual and fictional spheres. His Empty Wigs is crowdfunding at Unbound.
Subscribe - and In his (ironic) words invite your friends, family and servants to do so too.

#Unbound #EmptyWigs

Here's the Mastodon 4 changelog for those who are curious about the new features here:

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.