Don't read. 

@freemo It is based on facts that aren’t readily available in the west because of the massive propaganda campaign. Surely your realize this? Anyway enough said, I won’t respond anymore to this thread. Thanks for understanding. Cheers.

Don't read. 

@freemo you just called me an idiot - how is that respectful? It doesn’t bother me, I’ve been called worse, but just making a point.

Anybody you disagree with is a troll… gotcha!

@tonic So you’re gobsmacked and can’t refute any of the facts. I’m serious when it comes to geopolitics and do have much experience in that realm. You’re very ignorant of the facts. Wether this is intentional or not, shrug. :blobangry:

Hopefully you’re as outraged with the wanton killing of Palestinians by Israeli police and settlers! It’s an apartheid state!

Actually no - but you don’t seem to have knowledge that the Ukrainians themselves shelled civilians in the Donbass right up to the SMO and still are. That is a war crime. Been happening since 2016! Where were you then?

I for one don’t acknowledge anything you say as knowledgeable regarding Russia. It’s clear to me that you hate Russians. You’re brainwashed.

I’ll listen to the experts on this and that isn’t the NYT which is a mouthpiece for US Intelligence and the State Department.
People like former UN Weapon’s Inspector Scott Ritter and retired US Army Colonel McGregor, or the former head of the CIAs Russia Desk all disagree with your claims. Also the writings of Eva Barrett the Canadian journalist who has exposed many of the western media propaganda lies about Ukraine, lies that good people like you, seem to believe.

The Donbass was about to be invaded by the Ukrainian Army, it just happened that Putin found out and launched the SMO before it could happen. He’s defending Russian speaking people from Ukrainian Nationalist genocide FFS!!

Are you also aware that you’re supporting extreme fascism? The nationalists are Nazis! Well documented and an inconvenient truth.
History, is important in this context and one shouldn’t argue Geopolitics unless one knows it well!

Supposedly helps managing memory consumption.
Scaling Mastodon with systemd template units - eigenmagic

How to use systemd unit templates to scale Mastodon sidekiq processes.


You don’t honestly believe this!? They’re doing nothing of the sort!


It’s far from complete. Couldn’t locate qoto, either. It’s in France, right? Helluva lot in Europe eh!? Guess it’s a WiP …

I know, most westerners are doing the same for the Russians. The government and media are primarily to blame - anybody that our governments consider as competition must be demonized and made into a foe. The media is happy to go along with it too. Most people here are blind to it and believe the media. Unfortunately!

Oh you believe that NATO does only surgical strikes, yeah right. Don’t forget they bombed the Chinese embassy, by accident, supposedly.

War is War. Ukraine shelled civilians in the Donbass and the LPR since 2014, and didn’t implement either 1 or 2 of the Minsk Peace Accords. Are you aware of this? If not then you aren’t in any moral position to judge the Russians or the Donbass militias who are defending themselves.

Oh for gawds sake what have you got against the Russians? You really have no clue what’s going on do you?
As for your response, what exactly are these baseless claims in terms of the article? Be specific!

It absolutely is the same. Not a military man are you? Critical infrastructure is dual-use and is always a military target, regardless of country.

Ouch, this is not good optics for anyone!

Twitter is now having trouble paying some employees on time Ars Technica

The instance gets financial help from CIRA. I cringe when they call in Mastodon Canada—it’s simply an instance set up in Canada. I’m almost sure there are others.

Mastodon Canada announces an important partnership with CIRA

marathon boosted

⚡️ (🇷🇺🇺🇦⚔️ Front Page Summary for the Morning of 26 Nov 2022; pub. 10:47⚡️

Russian barrel and rocket artillery continues to be active in the Kherson direction. Arrivals in the regional centre. Strikes on AFU positions in , , , , and . That is, practically along the entire line of contact. For their part, the AFU shelled Novaya Kakhovka. They also launched missile attacks on and . The latter two named localities are now deep in the rear. (Figure 1)

On the front, everything is traditional. Russian troops do not abandon attempts to break through to , attacking near . Street fighting continues in . The AFU is not going to give up its stronghold on the dominant heights above . Russian troops resumed assault actions near . Their artillery was working tightly on the stronghold. (Fig. 2)

On the southern outskirts of , the Wagner PMCs attacked from the direction of . Not to be confused with the locality of the same name near ! There is also fierce fighting on the southeastern outskirts of the city. Near , the Wagner PMC again storms and . (Fig. 3)

On the direction, Russian troops attempted a counterattack near and near . Their artillery hit AFU positions in and . (Fig. 4) /@wargonzo/#smo/
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