@Ruymotxo buenos días! Yo desigual e indomable (la barba)
@freemo I just checked it. It's on the third paragraph in qoto's about page, lol.
Seems that you're having some lazy applicants
@sabreknight by foreign language you mean non english. lol
Go to settings/ preferences/ others / filter languages
@freemo lol
😂 😂 😂 @tinomallorking
@design_RG I don't know a word about snipers but it sounds interesting. And I definitely would like to take a look at that WWII manual
>There is clearly reasonable and unreasonable CW requirements
That's because you're a reasonable person but many people aren't. Just like those in the instance you mention.
As it's been said the CW requirements currently running on Qoto serve a practical purpose, no sensibilites in play there.
What I say is that if you protect a particular sensibility you're opening the gate to endless discussions.
It's way more easy to defend a 'no sensibilites protected' policy than discussing why A yes but B not with many 'unreasonable' people or groups.
That said, I'm here to have a good time, not to offend anybody and I'll gladly put a CW if I post controversial content.
<If we start catering to what a person sensative to or offended by something might not like we start down a rather nasty slippery slope in my opinion..>
I'm with @freemo on this discussion. I don't care about guns but If you start CWing things you'll never stop
@MitxelJauna dónde?
@MitxelJauna bueno, y unos risketos o algo para picar, no? digo yo
@ElMichel no lo hacen mal, no
@pganssle I hope it's the second
Buenos días!!!
@design_RG just realized that Gato Oscuro means Dark Cat, just perfect for you
@design_RG This one by @GatoOscuro is the one I send to my friends when they ask me about Mastodon
@design_RG I remember I found some interesting guides but right now I can't locate them. I'll search later
@Sphinx yes, it's puto (male) or puta (female).
@freemo you're still microwaving them. That's the borderline of civilization
@Sphinx He does. I think he's mixing some Portuguese there though XD
Valencia, Spain