@TheStrugglingScientists Me trying to read published data...
12 days left to apply to CACHE challenge #3. Applying should not take more than an hour.
Use your computational method to select/design 100 ligands for SARS-CoV-2 NSP3. We will buy them, test them experimentally and publicly release the data.
Many ligands are in the PDB for this challenge open to ligand-based and receptor-based methods.
@cowfortunes Everything was so beautiful back when you could say that if it explodes it's chemistry...
Ragioniere, concordo con lei: bere acqua è altamente genotossico, molto meglio gustarsi un buon bicchiere di chianti!
Cara #La7 se carichi su youtube le tue trasmissioni, abbi la gentilezza di caricare l'intera trasmissione assieme dall'inizio alla fine; non divisa in 20 parti con un intervento per video.
È impossibile seguire una dannata discussione così dovendo aprire 20 video diversi prima di azzeccare l'ordine corretto!
@pagu Fortunatamente non ho finestre che danno sulla strada
I wish to use a database to store my experimental results, since I plan to obtain A LOT of data points and the good old csv table doesn't appear as a good solution anymore.
How would I go about making the structure of the database? Do you have any advise for this kind of things?
I will often have to change procedures according to the results I get, thus I would need to be able to understand what was the procedure used for each results and easily see which ones are the most recent and up to date.
Stavolta crepo, mi salta il cuore in gola ad ogni singhiozzo. La prossima è:
Gustavino Bevilacqua che vi descrive con tanto di link a wikipedia come non trova le viti giuste in ferramenta per inchiodare il cristo ammodino.
@Scalva 10/10 anche se non propriamente una bestemmia, l'immagine idilliaca dell'attrezzista Ligure che impreca in direzione della cassettiera permette di descrivere tutto l'odio immaginabile verso una figura mitica talmente reale da poter essere vista, toccata ed inchiodata.
@Scalva 8/10 ma solo perché i chihuahua fanno schifo.
@Scalva 7/10, bella l'immagine della madonna con gambe affusolate che saltella spasmodicamente.
@silentjuno@nobigtech.es Quien hice el estudio está escrito ahí, es gente bastante autoritaria y creible.
Dudo que hicieron aquel informe solo para falsificar los dados de Galicia.
Seguramente las estadisticas no son representativas de todos los singulos casos.
En tu caso, seguramente tuviste un problema grande esperando así mucho.
Normalmente por el salario se sole útilizar el valor mediano, y no el valor medio porqué tiene poco sentido.
Esto no significa que sea bueno decir cualquier cosa sin efectivamente comprobar los factos.
@silentjuno@nobigtech.es https://fadsp.es/informe-servsanitarios-ccaa-2022/
No, la sanidad Galega está en la media de las comunidades españolas, la catalana es entre las peores de España.
La sanidad española en general es buena.
@markwyner How would you demonstrate this? Is there any way to follow the trajectory of Argon? Is it really that mobile that it could be found in another continent within one year? I would expect the mobility of single Argon atoms to be quite low.
It's a nice image, but I wouldn't be so sure that it's actually realistic.
@twisteddoodles Waiting for the reviewer to discover he's on the naughty list.
@silentjuno@nobigtech.es Está simplemente no es la verdad.
La sanidad en Galicia es bastante buena y tiene muchos especialistas que no se encuentran en otros sitios.
De facto Galicia tiene la mayor esperanza de vida de toda España.
Siempre se habla muy mal de las cosas y se crítica mucho, pero hay que ser objetivos.
Italian, MSc in chemistry specialized in cheminformatics and QSAR.
I'm interested in cooking and building stuff.
I love traveling, I lived in India, China, Slovenia, Poland and Spain.
Currently working in Spain in the field of genomics; and doing a PhD in Drug Development using Quantum Mechanics and Artificial Intelligence.
Don't take what I say as an insult, I have no bad intentions and I'm open to talk about it.
Don't star my toots, I find that often useless: if you liked it send a reply.
Consider boosting the toots, it's the only real way in which stuff is propagated through mastodon.